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1、Lecture One,Review & Introduction,Grammatical Hierarchy An overall view of English Grammar,The Iron Lady, a biographical film based on the life of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, shows the personal and political life of Thatcher, and how she broke into the male-dominated political a

2、rena and became Britains first female prime minister.,Review Noun and Noun Phrases,名词的数,paper, meat, flock, computer, dream, government, wool, city, sugar, safety, simplicity,名词的数,可数与不可数,单数与复数,Translation,1. 酸奶里面乳酸含量比其他奶类要高。Yogurt contains a higher percentage of lactic acid than other milks.2. 她年轻时是

3、一个美人儿。She was a beauty in her youth.,抽象、总称与具体、特定,1. 改错: I pronounce this couple to be a husband and wife. You may kiss. 2. 翻译: 我们不是男女朋友关系。3. 改错: Located in Canada, the Columbia Ice Field covers area of 120 square A Bmiles and is 3.30 feet thick in some placesC D,We are not boyfriend and girlfriend.,

4、B 改为 “an area”,The language in The Story of the Stone is easily understood except some poetry.,Exercises,Did you hear _ just now? (a noise, noise) If you want to know the news in detail, you can buy _ to read. (a paper, paper) I need some _ to write on. (a paper, paper) There is _ in my soup! (hair,

5、 a hair) These boys need to have their _ cut. (hair, hairs) I dont like wearing _. (a long hair, long hair, long hairs) ,教堂的天花板 这本书的名字 凯罗尔的前夫的妹妹的室友 我接受了在旅途中遇到的那位老人的建议。the roof of the church the name of the song Carols ex-husbands sisters roommate I took the advice of an old man I met during a journe

6、y.,左二右六定律NP formation: Determiner + pre-modifier + noun + phrases / clauses,左二右六定律,左二,Determiner(限定词),Pre-modifier (前置修饰语),限定名词所指范围,对名词起泛指或特指、 定量或不定量等限定作用。,多为形容词,用来表示名词的性质或特征。,左二右六定律之右六,1. a girl with red hair the man in the dark glasses2. machinery capable of clearing rubbish off the main roads.a c

7、oncept inconceivable 100 years earlier.3. a simple device to test lung function.,形容词短语,介词短语,不定式短语,左二右六定律之右六,4. two of the problems mentioned above.He gestured towards the three cards lying on the table.5. Shortly after the shooting, the man who had done it was arrested.6. The news that Butto was ass

8、assinated shocked the whole Pakistan.,分词短语,定语从句,同位语从句,右六,介词短语,形容词短语,分词短语,不定式短语,定语从句,同位语从句,Sometimes things happen that are just out of your control.有时候事情的发生你无法控制。越狱,The foundation treatment covers the road within the quayside and the house-building area to be used.基础建设包括岸边的道路和房屋建筑面积的使用。 .以及被用作建筑房屋的区

9、域 有使用要求的房建区域,生活水平 living standard / standard of living长江南岸 the south side of the Changjiang river,冠词,基数词和序数词,指示限定词,物主限定词,数量限定词,个体限定词,名词属格。,Why did B have questions?,A: The president is too powerful. B: which president? A: No, I mean presidents in general.,A tiger is a dangerous animal. The tiger is

10、a dangerous animal. Tigers are dangerous animals.,Life is education in itself. The writer is writing a book about the life of blacks in America.,1. 糖对你的健康并没有好处。,Sugar isnt very good for you.,2. 你能把糖递给我吗?,Can you pass me the sugar?,老虎几乎要灭绝了。 老虎是比较危险的动物。 那些老虎正在笼中睡觉。,Tigers are becoming almost extinct.

11、 Tigers are dangerous animals. The tigers are sleeping in the cage.,Add a “the” if necessary,health is more important than money. Doctors are concerned with health of their patients.gold is a precious metal. gold in Marys ring is 24 karats.vegetables are good for you.vegetables we had for dinner las

12、t night were overcooked.,the,The,The,a nice long new black British plastic pen,Translation: 一支英国产的漂亮的长的黑色塑料新钢笔,a, British, nice, long, black, plastic, new,Practice,1. 两件又新又漂亮的丝绸晚礼服。,two beautiful new silk evening dress,2.那个饥饿、疲劳、困倦的卖火柴的小女孩;,that hungry, tired, sleepy little match girl,3. 一个旧的红砖砌的大餐厅

13、。,an large old brick dining hall,article,Words We Will Learn in This Term,Tense & aspect -simple tense,Tense & aspect -simple tense,H: There isnt any milk left in the fridge. W: Ill buy some after work.I am going to buy some after work.,1. 事件具有持续性(ongoing):_时态首先表示的就是一个事件或活动在某个特定的时间正在持续; 2. 事件具有暂时性(t

14、emporary):即表明事件的持续时间是有限的。如果是无限的,即表达一个长期的、恒久的含义,那么就该用一般现在时态了; 3. 事件未完成(incomplete):_既然强调动作的持续性,那么就表明这个动作还没结束。,Which tense is it?,进行,进行体,I have been coming to Beijing for fourteen years. I have been coming to Beijing fourteen times.,.but he concealed to Carrie the fact that he already got married.,Moo

15、d,Your math instructor would have been happy to give you a makeup examination had you gone and explained that your parents had been ill at the time.had been were,Words We Will Learn in This Term,Words We Will Learn in This Term,The Most Important Points in This Term,When I decided to quit my full-ti

16、me employment, it never occurred to me that I might become a part of a new international trend.,Summary,Non-finite verb,adverb, conjunction, preposition and interjection,Noun clauses, adjective clauses and adverbial clauses,Requirement,Participation No late work Notebooks,Grading,Participation: 20% For attendance, being on time, and participating in discussion and interacting positively with fellow classmates. Assignment: 20% Assignment might take forms of the following ways: Exercises from the end of each textbook chapter, word studies, short essays, etc. Final Exam: 60%,


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