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1、西安交通大学 18 年 9 月课程考试英语 4(新录) 作业考核试题 1、D 2、A 3、B 4、B 5、B 一、单选题共 25 题,50 分1、Havent seen you for ages!What are you busy doing now? AI hate the weather here BMy hair is getting a bit longer CYeah, thanks for coming DI am working part time in a bookshop, you know. 正确答案是:D2、Thanks for your help. AMy pleasu

2、re BNever mind CQuite right DDont thank me 正确答案是:A3、Marilyn, Im afraid I have to be leaving now. AThat sounds wonderful BOh,so early? CNot at a11. DGood luck! 正确答案是:B4、Paul, ?Oh, thats my father! And beside him, my mother.Awhat is the person over there Bwhos talking over there Cwhat are they doing D

3、which is that 正确答案是:B5、Hi, Tom, hows everything with you? , and how are you?ADont mention it BHmm, not too bad CThanks DPretty fast 正确答案是:B6、Thats a beautiful dress you have on!AOh, thanks. I got it yesterday BSorry, its too cheap CYou can have it DSee you later.正确答案是:A7、Why didnt you come to my bir

4、thday party yesterday?AExcuse me, my friend sent me a flower BFine, I never go to birthday parties CHaha, I dont like birthday parties DSorry, but my wife had a car accident 正确答案是:D8、Hi, welcome back! Had a nice trip?AOh, fantastic!Fresh air, and sunshine every day BCome on. Ive got lots of fun CBy

5、the way, I dont like Saturdays DWell, Ill look forward to your phone call. 正确答案是:A9、How are you, Bob? Ted.AHow are you? BIm fine. Thank you CHow do you do? DNice to meet you. 正确答案是:B10、Hello. Im Harry Potter. Hello, my name is Charles Green, but .Acall my Charles Bcall me at Charles Ccall me Charles

6、 Dcall Charles me 正确答案是:C11、It was getting _ , he had to stop to have a rest.Avery darker Bdark and dark Cdarker and darker Ddarkest and darkest 正确答案是:C12、The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _ the desert.Acovering Bcovered Ccover Dto cover 正确答案是:A13、_ is the population of Paris?AHow m

7、any BHow much CHow DWhat 正确答案是:D14、The film brought the hours back to me _ I was taken good care of in that remote village. Awhen Bwhere Cthat Duntil 正确答案是:A15、Would you like something _?Adrink Bto drink Cdrinking Dfor drinking 正确答案是:B16、This overcoat cost _. Whats more, they are _small for me.Avery

8、 much; very Btoo much; much too Cmuch too; too much Dvery much; too much 正确答案是:B17、As the busiest woman there, she made _her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town. Athis Bthat Cone Dit 正确答案是:D18、Its high time that he settled down in the country and_a new life.Astart Bstarted

9、Cstarting Dto start 正确答案是:B19、It is not until you have lost your health _ you know its value.Auntil Bwhen Cwhat Dthat 正确答案是:D20、 Did the medicine make you feel better? No. The more _, _I feel. Amedicine I take; and the worse Bmedicine I take; the worse CI take medicine; the worse DI take medicine; w

10、orse 正确答案是:B21、You _ buy some reference books when you go to the college.Acould Bwill have to Cmust to Dmight 正确答案是:B22、I wont make the _mistake next time.Alike Bsame Cnear Dsimilar 正确答案是:B23、-The baby is hungry. -But theres _milk in the bottle.Alittle Ba little Cfew Da few 正确答案是:A24、-_is your girl

11、friend like?-She is very kind and good-lookingAHow BWhat CWhich DWho 正确答案是:B25、-She has two best friends.-_of them is in the country.AAll BBoth CNo one DNeither 正确答案是:D二、完型填空共 1 题,20 分1 20 分Homesickness is very common among students away from home even those who had previously been away at overnight

12、 camp or traveled far away. There is a difference between being away from home for eight weeks and being gone for eight months. There is also a difference between home for a while (knowing you will be going back) and leaving(knowing you may never return). Feeling homesick does not make you less matu

13、re or mean you are not ready to be. If you feel homesick, talk to your friends at school about it. they are feeling the same way.family and friends back home, but make sure you new relationships at school. If your homesickness does notand does not seem to be getting better after a few months at scho

14、ol, speaking with an adviser might help. Also, remember that going home for the first visit may be difficultchanges in yourself or your family. Old conflicts do not just disappear once you go to college, and new ones may. Again, if things are too stressful for youhandle alone, talk to an adviser(1)、

15、Aabandoning Bleaving Cbeing away Dheading for(2)、Aforever Btemporarily Cfor a short time Dall the time(3)、Ayourself Blonely Cof your own Don your own(4)、AMost likely BIts impossible CIts lucky DMake sure(5)、AKeep in touch with BContact with CKeep contact in DCommunicate(6)、Ahave built Bdo Cformed Dd

16、evelop(7)、Ago with Bgo away Cgo over Dgo through(8)、Athanks to Bbecause of Cbecause Dresulting in(9)、Aappear Brise Craise Dgrow(10)、Atoo Bso Cto Dnot 正确答案是:BELMQXZag三、阅读理解共 3 题,30 分1、How men first learnt to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really known is that m



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