中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第六课时 八上 Units 1-3(精讲)试题1

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《中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第六课时 八上 Units 1-3(精讲)试题1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第六课时 八上 Units 1-3(精讲)试题1(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1第六课时第六课时 八年级八年级( (上上) ) UnitsUnits 1 13 3,中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求 词 汇 攻 关1.1.wonder(形容词)_wonderfulwonderful_ 2.2.decide(名词)_decisiondecision_ 3.3.active(名词)_activityactivity_ 4.4.build(名词)_buildingbuilding_ 5.5.full(反义词)饥饿的_hungryhungry_ (反义词)空的_emptyempty_ 6.6.die(现在分词)_dyingdying_ (名词)_deathdeath_ 7.7.w

2、in(名词)_winnerwinner_ 8.8.quiet(副词)_quietlyquietly_(反义词)_noisynoisy_pete(名词)竞赛;比赛_competiticompetiti onon_ (名词)竞争者;参赛者_competitorcompetitor_ 10.10.care(形容词)_carefulcareful_ (副词)_carefullycarefully_ (形容词的反义词)_carelesscareless_ 11.11.little(比较级)_lessless_ (比较级的反义词)_moremore_ (最高级)_leastleast_ (最高级的反义词)

3、_mostmost_ 12.12.say(名词)_sayingsaying_ (过去式)_saidsaid_ (第三人称单数)_sayssays_ 短 语 归 纳1.1.相当多;不少_quitequite_a a_fewfew_ 2.2.给的感觉,感受到_feelfeel_likelike_ 3.3.因为_becausebecause_ofof_ 4.4.几乎从不_hardlyhardly_everever_ 5.5.至少;不少于;起码_atat_leastleast_ 6.6.例如;像这样_suchsuch_asas_ 7.7.多于_moremore_thanthan_ 8.8.少于_les

4、sless_thanthan_9.9.关心,在意_carecare_aboutabout_ 10.10.只要;既然_asas_longlong_asas_ 11.11.与不同,与有差异bebe_differediffere ntnt_fromfrom_ 12.12.使显现;使表现出_bringbring_outout_ 13.13.和相同;与一致_thethe_samesame_ asas_ 14.14.确切地说;事实上,实际上_inin_factfact_2_ 15.15.与相像的、类似的_bebe_similarsimilar_ toto_ 16.16.小学_primaryprimary_

5、schoolschool_ 句 型 再 现1.1.你买了什么特别的东西吗? Did you buy _anythinganything_specialspecial_? 2.2.天气晴朗并且炎热,所以我们决定去宾馆 附近的沙滩。 It was sunny and hot,so we _decideddecided_toto_gogo_ to the beach near our hotel. 3.3.我和我姐姐尝试了滑翔伞运动。 My sister and I _triedtried_paraglidingparagliding_. 4.4.一天的差异是多么大呀! _WhatWhat_a a_

6、differencedifference_ a day makes! 5.5.“周末你通常做什么?”“我经常去看电 影。” _WhatWhat_dodo_youyou_usuallyusually_dodo_ on weekends? I often _gogo_toto_thethe_moviesmovies_. 6.6.关于我们看电视的问题的回答也很有趣。 _TheThe_answersanswers_toto_ourour_questionsquestions_ about watching television were also interesting.7.7.“你多久上一次钢琴课?

7、”“每周两次,星期三和星期五”。 _HowHow_oftenoften_ do you have piano lessons? _TwiceTwice_a a_weekweek_,on Wednesday and Friday. 8.8.你每天晚上通常睡几个小时? HowHow_manymany_hourshours_dodo_youyou_usuallyusually_slsl eepeep every night? 9.9.虽然许多学生喜欢看体育节目,但游戏类 节目却是最受欢迎的。 Although many students like to watch sports,game shows

8、 _areare_thethe_mostmost_popularpopular_. 10.10.我比我姐姐更外向。 Im _moremore_outgoingoutgoing_thanthan_ my sister. 11.11.塔拉和蒂娜一样努力学习。 Tara works _asas_hardhard_asas_ Tina. 12.12.好朋友逗我哈哈大笑。 A good friend _makesmakes_meme_laughlaugh_. 语法 结构1.1.一般过去时、一般现在时。 2.2.询问频率及回答。33.3.形容词、副词比较级的构成和基本用法。 话 题1.1.Holidays

9、 and vacations(假期) 2.2.Free time activities(闲暇活动),青海五年中考真题演练形容词的比较级、最高级( C C )1.1.(20162016西宁2626题)Many boy students think science is _ English.I agree.Im weak in English.Amuch difficult thanBso difficult asCless difficult thanDmore difficult than( A A )2.2.(20152015青海3333题)Have you heard the news o

10、f the traffic accident?Yes,many people have lost their lives and the situation is becoming _.Aworse and worse Bbetter and betterCmore and more3 3(20152015西宁8585题)私家车越多,交通越糟糕。The _moremore_ cars people have,the _worseworse_ traffic there will be.HowHow词组( C C )4.4.(20122012西宁2121题)_ do you have a cla

11、ss meeting?Once a week.AHow old BHow farCHow often DHow long复合不定代词( B B )5.5.(20132013青海2323题)Look!The light in the teachers office is on.There must be _ in it.Aeveryone BsomeoneCno one( C C )6.6.(20122012西宁2929题)There is _ in todays homework.Adifficult nothing Bdifficult anythingCnothing difficult

12、Danything difficult,青海中考重难点突破trytry的用法 【满分点拨】trytry to do sth.意为“尽力、设法做某事”,强调付出一定的努力。4try doing sth.意为“尝试做某事”,但不一定付出很大努力。 (1)try构成的其他搭配:try on试穿try ones best尽最大努力(2)try作名词,意为“尝试”,have a try试一试【考点抢测】1 1你想试试吗?Do you want to _havehave_ _a a_ _trytry_?2 2大明学习十分努力,并且他经常努力做出一些很难的问题。Daming works hard and h

13、e often _triestries_ _toto_ work out some difficult problems.3 3在买它之前,你应该试穿它。You should _trytry_ it _onon_ before you buy it.( B B )4.4.(20162016青海中考模拟)No one answers the front door.Lets try _ at the back door to see if he is at home.Aknock Bknocking Cto knockenoughenough的用法 【满分点拨】enough 作形容词时,置于名词前

14、、后均可。作副词时,置于所修饰的形容词、副词之后。【巧学妙记】enoughenough在句中的位置修饰名词很自由,可以前来也可后;若是修饰形或副,一定后置要记住。【温馨提示】enough to do sth.常与tooto或sothat进行句型转换。Tom isnt oldold enoughenough toto go to school.Tom is tootoo young toto go to school.Tom is soso young thatthat he cant go to school.【考点抢测】( B B )1.1.Im afraid I dont have _ time to help you today.Aa lot BenoughCplenty of Dlot of2 2没问题,只要我有足够的钱。You bet,as long as I have _enoughenough_ _moneymoney_.3 3他不够富有不能送他的4个孩子去上学。He wasnt rich _enoughenough_ _toto_ send his 4 children to go to school.54 4我也许努力得不够。I probably didnt try _hardhard_ _enoughenough_.辨析howhow oftenoften,



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