中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第一课时 七上 Units 1-4(精讲)试题1

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《中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第一课时 七上 Units 1-4(精讲)试题1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 第一课时 七上 Units 1-4(精讲)试题1(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1第一课时第一课时 七年级七年级( (上上) ) UnitsUnits 1 14 4,中考基础知识梳理编者按:此部分严格按照人教课本词汇表梳理单词、词性、汉语意思,旨在让学生加强对重点单词、短语的记忆。类别课标考点要求 词 汇 攻关1.1.please(形容词)高兴,满意_pleasedpleased_ _ (名词)_pleasurepleasure_ 2.2.meet(名词)_meetingmeeting_ 3.3.two(序数词)_secondsecond_ 两次_twicetwice_ 4.4.one(序数词)_firstfirst_ 一次_onceonce_ 5.5.friend(形容

2、词)_friendlyfriendly_ (形容词的反义词)_unfriendlyunfriendly_ (名词)友谊_friendshipfriendship_ 6.6.China(形容词)_ChineseChinese_ 7.7.who(所有格)_whosewhose_ 8.8.radio(复数)_radiosradios_9.9.this(对应词)_thatthat_ (复数)_thesethese_ (复数的对应词)_thosethose_ 10.10.they(宾格)_themthem_ (形容词性物主代词)_theirtheir_ (名词性物主代词)_theirstheirs_ (

3、反身代词)_themselvesthemselves_ 11.11.help(形容词)_helpfulhelpful_ 12.12.there(对应词)_herehere_ 13.13.my(复数)_ourour_ (名词性物主代词)_minemine_ (复数的名词性物主代词)_oursours_ 14.14.play(名词)播放机_playerplayer_ 短 语 归 纳1.1.用英语_inin_EnglishEnglish_ 2.2.电话号码_telephone/phonetelephone/phone_numbernumber_ 3.3.名字_first/givenfirst/giv

4、en_namename_ 4.4.姓_last/familylast/family_namename_ 5.5.中学;初中_middlemiddle_schoolschool_ 6.6.铅笔盒;文具盒_pencilpencil_boxbox_ 7.7.学生卡;身份证_IDID_cardcard_ 8.8.请求;恳求(给予)_askforaskfor_9.9.一套;一副;一组_a a_setset_ofof_ 10.10.在沙发上_onon_thethe_sofasofa_211.11.在椅子下_underunder_thethe_chairchair_ 12.12.在书包里_inin_thet

5、he_schoolbagschoolbag_ 13.13.快点儿_comecome_onon_ 14.14.录音机_tapetape_playerplayer_ 15.15.飞机模型_modelmodel_planeplane_ 句 型 再 现1.1.“这个用英语怎么说?”“橙子。” _WhatsWhats_thisthis_ in English? _ItsIts_anan_orangeorange_. 2.2.这是什么颜色? _WhatWhat_colorcolor_ is it? 3.3.“你叫什么名字?”“艾伦。” _WhatsWhats_youryour_namename_? _My

6、My_names/Imnames/Im_ Alan. 4.4.那是我的家人。那是我的父母。 _ThatsThats_ my family._ThoseThose_areare_ my parents. 5.5.这里有两张我的漂亮的全家福。 _HereHere_areare_ two nice photos of my family. 6.6.“打扰了,格雷丝。这是你的铅笔吗?” “是的,谢谢你。” _ExcuseExcuse_meme_,Grace._IsIs_thisthis_ your pencil?Yes,_thankthank_youyou_.7.7.“这些是你的书吗?”“不是,是她的

7、。 ” _AreAre_thesethese_ your books? No,_theythey_arentarent_._TheyreTheyre_hershers_ . 8.8.这本词典(是谁的)呢? _What/HowWhat/How_aboutabout_ this dictionary? 9.9.“安娜,谢谢你的帮助。”“不客气。” _ThankThank_youyou_forfor_youryour_helphelp_,Anna. Youre _welcomewelcome_. 10.10.找老师要它。 _AskAsk_ the teacher _forfor_ it. 11.11

8、.给我发电子邮件到 。 _EmailEmail_meme_atat_. 12.12.拨打电话6856034找我。 _CallCall_meme_atat_ 6856034. 语法 结构1.1.名词复数的构成及规律。 2.2.be动词的用法。 3.3.人称代词和物主代词的区别及用法特点。4.4.冠词的用法。3,青海五年中考真题演练人称代词和物主代词( C C )1.1.(20162016青海2323题)Where are the kids?Theyre playing soccer.You know,its _hobby.Ahis Bher Ctheir( C C )2.2.(20152015青

9、海3434题)Jane,is this your bike?No,you can ask Alice.It may be _.Ashe Bher Chers( C C )3.3.(20142014西宁3232题)To _ surprise,they have learned all the things very well by _.Awe;they Bus;themCour;themselves Dours;themselves( C C )4.4.(20132013青海2626题)What do you think of the house?It is much more beautifu

10、l than _.Awe Bus Cours( A A )5.5.(20122012青海2222题)Hi,Bob!Is this your book or Marys?Its _ book,not _.Amy;hers Bmine;herCmy;his Dme;his冠词( B B )6.6.(20162016西宁2121题)Teachers always tell us to try to be _ honest student today and _ useful man tomorrow.Aa;an Ban;a Can;an Da;a( B B )7.7.(20152015西宁2121题

11、)Life is _ journey and _ love can make it valuable.A/;/ Ba;/ Ca;a Dthe;the( B B )8.8.(20152015青海2121题)My little brother Bob hopes to travel to _ space in the future.Aa B/ Cthe( D D )9.9.(20142014西宁2121题)Tom promised to buy _MP4 _ his sister.Aa;for Bthe;asCan;with Dan;for( B B )10.10.(20142014青海2121题

12、)_ Browns were having dinner when the telephone rang.AA BThe C/连词( C C )11.11.(20152015青海2828题)Do more exercise,_ youll have a strong body.A/ Bor Cand4( D D )12.12.(20142014西宁3434题)How much will you be paid?I dont do it for money _ for experience.Aalthough BhoweverCbesides Dbut,青海中考重难点突破saysay,speak

13、speak,talktalk与tell“tell“说”不同 【满分点拨】say,speak,talk与tell“说”不同say强调说话的内容。speak强调说话的能力,作及物动词时,常跟某种语言作宾语。续表talk指连续不断地讲话,强调与某人交谈。talk to sb.“和某人谈话”;talk with sb.“和某人交谈”;talk about“讨论;谈论”。tell“告诉;讲述”,强调讲给别人听。tell sb.sth.“告诉某人某事”;tell sb.about sth.“告诉某人关于某事”;tell sb.(not) to do sth.“告诉某人(不要)做某事”。【考点抢测】( B

14、B )1.1.(20162016西宁中考模拟)Do you know why he didnt _ a word when he _ to?Because he was too nervous.Aspeak;speaks Bsay;was spokenCsay;spoke( C C )2.2.Dont forget to _ “Thanks” when you get help.Atell Btalk Csay( C C )3.3.The teacher hopes that he can _ the truth.Asay Bspeak Ctell( A A )4.4.Does your language t



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