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1、1建筑面积计算规范解决问题方法和途径客户服务培训手册教学讲义激励基本理论江山四季青商贸城策划招商及后期商业运营方案精益生产培训教材Professor Jianmin JiaProfessor Jianmin JiaService-Profit ChainService-Profit Chain 服务利润链服务利润链2建筑面积计算规范解决问题方法和途径客户服务培训手册教学讲义激励基本理论江山四季青商贸城策划招商及后期商业运营方案精益生产培训教材如何把一个企业做强?员工和顾客应该成为管理层考虑问题的核心所在。 In the new economics of service, frontline w

2、orkers and customers need to be the center of management concern. 既强调市场也强调运营的组织几乎是战无不胜的。 Organizations that achieve both market and operating focus are nearly unbeatable. Powerful service firms employ a quantifiable set of relationships that directly links profit and growth to not only customer sati

3、sfaction and loyalty, but to employee satisfaction, loyalty, productivity.Customer 2) Attitudes and behavior; 3) Accessibility 4) Reliability 5) Service recovery; 6) Serviscape; 7) Reputation 8) Consistency.Service Quality 服务质量17建筑面积计算规范解决问题方法和途径客户服务培训手册教学讲义激励基本理论江山四季青商贸城策划招商及后期商业运营方案精益生产培训教材Expecte

4、d Quality 期望质量Communication 沟通Sales 销售Perceptions 感知 Word of mouth 口碑Past experience 经验 Needs & wants 需求Customer Satisfaction 顾客满意Perceived quality of Competitors 感知的竞争者 的质量Perception 感知Result: What 结果:是什么Process: How 过程:如何实现Customer Satisfaction 顾客满意Total perceived Quality 全面感知的质量Experienced Qualit

5、y 体验的质量18建筑面积计算规范解决问题方法和途径客户服务培训手册教学讲义激励基本理论江山四季青商贸城策划招商及后期商业运营方案精益生产培训教材Satisfaction-Loyalty Relationship 满意忠诚关系automobilespersonal computershospitalsairlineslocal telephoneHow the Competitive Environment Affects the Satisfaction-Loyalty Relationship1 2 3 4 5completely dissatisfiedcompletely satisf

6、iedHighly Competitive Zone Commoditization or low differentiation Consumer indifference Many substitutes Low cost of switchingSatisfaction 满意Regulatedmonopoly orfew substitutes Dominantbrand equity High cost ofswitching Powerfulloyalty program ProprietarytechnologyNoncompetitive ZonelowhighLoyalty 忠

7、诚19建筑面积计算规范解决问题方法和途径客户服务培训手册教学讲义激励基本理论江山四季青商贸城策划招商及后期商业运营方案精益生产培训教材Customer Loyalty 顾客忠诚 Drives Profitability and Growth 驱动利润和增 长A 5% increase in customer loyalty can produce profit increases from 25% to 85%. 顾客忠诚度5%的增长可导致利润增长25%-85%20建筑面积计算规范解决问题方法和途径客户服务培训手册教学讲义激励基本理论江山四季青商贸城策划招商及后期商业运营方案精益生产培训教材C

8、ustomer Lifetime Value 顾客终身价 值21建筑面积计算规范解决问题方法和途径客户服务培训手册教学讲义激励基本理论江山四季青商贸城策划招商及后期商业运营方案精益生产培训教材IndustryProfit per Customer (in dollars) by Year of Relationship12345Credit Car Issuance and Servicing 信用汽车保险与服务 Industrial Laundry 工业洗衣 Industrial Distribution 工业分销 Auto Servicing 汽车服务(21)*14445254216699

9、35441921217049222144885525616888* Figures in parentheses denote lossesCustomer Profit Patterns over TimeCustomer Lifetime Value: Industries 顾客终身价值:行业22建筑面积计算规范解决问题方法和途径客户服务培训手册教学讲义激励基本理论江山四季青商贸城策划招商及后期商业运营方案精益生产培训教材Customer and Employee 顾客与员工 CRM 顾客关系管理 Customer Satisfaction Customer Retention Custo

10、mer Lifetime Value Key Customers ERM 员工关系管理 Employee Satisfaction Employee Retention Employee Lifetime Value Key EmployeesTreat customers like employees and employees like customersCRM (ERM) 是通过提供高的顾客(员工)价值和满意来建立并 维持有利可图的顾客(员工)关系的整个过程。23建筑面积计算规范解决问题方法和途径客户服务培训手册教学讲义激励基本理论江山四季青商贸城策划招商及后期商业运营方案精益生产培训教

11、材The Satisfaction “Mirror” “满意镜”More Familiarity with Customer Needs and Ways of Meeting Them 更熟悉顾客的需要及满足顾客的方式Greater Opportunity for Recovery from Errors 更多的补救失误的机会Higher Employee Satisfaction 更高的员工满意度Higher Productivity 更高的生产率Improved Quality of Service 更佳的服务质量More Repeat Purchases 更多的重复购买Stronger

12、 Tendency to Complain about Service Errors 更愿意抱怨服务失误Higher Customer Satisfaction 更高的服务满意度Lower Costs 更低的成本Better Results 更好的结果CustomerCustomer 顾客顾客EmployeeEmployee 员工员工24建筑面积计算规范解决问题方法和途径客户服务培训手册教学讲义激励基本理论江山四季青商贸城策划招商及后期商业运营方案精益生产培训教材Comparison to Performance MeasuresYearAvg. Growth in Revenue 营业额 增

13、长Avg. Growth in Profits 利润增长Avg. Growth in Market Value 市场价值增长 100 BestS&P 500100 BestS&P 500100 BestS&P 500 199814%8%116%6%31%35% 199914%4%55%9%30%28% 200024%12%66%21%96%21% 200125%13%228%9%121%5%Fortunes 100 Best Places to Work versus Companies in the Standard & Poors 500, 1998-2001 财富评选的100个最适合工作

14、的地方对比标准普尔的500个公司25建筑面积计算规范解决问题方法和途径客户服务培训手册教学讲义激励基本理论江山四季青商贸城策划招商及后期商业运营方案精益生产培训教材Employee Value Equation 员工价值等式Opportunity to solve problems for customers 为顾客解决问题的机会Opportunities for personal development 个人发展的机遇Degree to which work gets recognized 工作得到认可的程度The “fairness” of my Manager 上司的“公正性”Worki

15、ng with winners 与成功者一起工作Appropriate compensation 适当的补偿Job continuity 工作的连续性26建筑面积计算规范解决问题方法和途径客户服务培训手册教学讲义激励基本理论江山四季青商贸城策划招商及后期商业运营方案精益生产培训教材Cycle of Employee Capability仔细地选择员工和顾 客(包括自我选择) Careful Employee and Customer Selection (and self-Selection) 高质量培训 High-Quality Training精心设计 的支持体系 信息;设施 Well-D

16、esigned Support Systems满足顾客需求的 较高标准 Greater Latitude to Meet Customers Needs对员工的明确 限制和期望 Clear Limits on, and Expectations of, Employees适当奖励 和经常认可 Appropriate Rewards and Frequent Recognition满意的员工 Satisfied Employees员工推荐 潜在求职者 Employee Referrals of Potential Job CandidatesIs attitude emphasized?Are job previews uti



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