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1、英语新课标(RJ)英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四 常见表达1Would you like to ? 你愿意吗?2Can/Will/Could/Would you ?请你好吗?3May I ? 我可以吗?4What /How about going for a picnic? 去野餐怎么样?5Sure./OK./All right. 当然。/好的。/好吧。6Yes, Id love/like to. 好的,我很愿意。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四7That sounds great. 听起来不错。8Its very kind / nice of you.你真好。9Id love to, bu

2、t 我很愿意,但是10Sorry, but Im busy.对不起,不过我很忙。11Id love to, but Im afraid I have no time.我很愿意,不过我恐怕没有时间。12Im sorry, I cant.What about another time? 对不起,我不能,下次怎么样?英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四 应用提高.单项填空( )1. Would you like to go shopping with us this afternoon?_, but I have a lot of things to do.AId love to BYes, lets

3、go CNo, I wont DIt doesnt matterA解析 句意:“你愿意今天下午和我们去购物吗 ?”“我愿意,但我有许多事情要做。”but 表转 折关系,故选A。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四( )2. Could you tell me_?In twenty minutes. Awhen your train left Bwhen your train will leave Chow long your train has been hereDwhere your train will leaveB英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四( )3. Can you come to m

4、y party on Saturday afternoon?_.Ill have to help my parents.ASorry, I cantBYes, Id love toCLets goDNo, I dont think so A解析 句意:“星期六下午你能来参加我的聚会 吗?”“抱歉,我不能,我必须帮助我的父母。” 故选A。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四( )4. Would you like to go out to play football with me?_, but I should finish my homework first.AYes, I do BI like

5、 COf course not DId love toD解析 Would you like?的问句常用 Id love / like to 来回答,由句意“你愿意和我出去踢足 球吗?”“我很愿意去,但我应该先做完作业。” 可知应选D。英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四( )5. Lets go out for a picnic on Sunday._.ANice to meet you BHere you areCThe same to you DGood ideaD英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四. 从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话AA: Hello, Jack! 1. _B: Hi, Mike

6、. I have a headache.Im going to see the doctor.A: 2. _ But can you come to my house?B: When? Why?A: This evening I am enjoying a new CD of Jay Chou.B: 3. _ I have to study for the English test tomorrow.BDA英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四A: What about tomorrow afternoon?B: Sorry, 4. _ A: Oh, well, 5. _ B: I have to

7、see my grandparents with my mom.A: Oh, I see.Youre really too busy this week.EC英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四A. Oh, really? But I cant.BWhats the matter?CWhat are you doing the day after tomorrow?DIm sorry to hear that.EIm playing soccer in the school match.英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四解析1. 由答句“我头痛,我将去看医生”可知问句句意为“你怎么了?”2. 由上句

8、“杰克头痛去看医生”可知本句应为“听到这个我很难过”。3. 本句意为“我不能去,我必须为我明天的英语考试做准备”。4. 由“sorry”可知本句是解释拒绝邀请的理由。5. 由下句可知本句意为“后天你打算干什么?” 英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四B 从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话(方框中有两项是多余选项)A: Hello, is that Wu Bin speaking?B: Yes. Whos that?A: This is Tian Hong. Are you free this Saturday evening?B: 6. _A: Ive got two tickets to Jay C

9、hous concert. 7. _FG英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四B: Certainly. Id love to. Hes my favorite singer. Thanks for your invitation. 8. _A: Lets meet at the gate of the park at four oclock.B: 9. _ I want to buy him a gift.A: OK. Ill get there at three. Shall we go to the shopping center to buy the gift?B: 10. _ See yo

10、u then.A: See you.CEB英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四AWhen will the concert begin?BSounds good!CWhen and where shall we meet?DIll see a movie.ECould you please get there earlier?FYes. Whats up?GWould you like to go with me?英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四解析6根据上句一般疑问句可知应该用yes/no回答,故选F。7根据下句的回答“Certainly. Id love to.”可知上句是“Would you

11、 like?”故选G。8下句回答包含时间和地点,所以问句应是C。9从下句可知时间定的提前了,所以上句应是问“时间可以提前吗?”故选E。10对上句提的建议表示同意,故选B。 英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四. 根据所给汉语提示完成这封信Wang Ying,Thank you for your invitation. Im 1. _(非常抱歉)but I cant come. You see, I have a 2._(确实很忙的)week. This evening Im 3. _(去看电影)with some friends. And tomorrow I have to 4. _(去看牙医)

12、. 5. _ _ (星期三下午),Im practicing soccer with 6. _(校队). And I have to study for myvery sorryreally busygoing to the movies go to the dentistOn Wednesdayafternoonthe school team英语新课标(RJ)专题归类复习四7. _(化学测验)on Thursday. On Friday evening, Im going to my cousins 8. _(生日聚会). Can you come to watch video games with us on Friday?Write soon.Li Mingchemistry testbirthday party


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