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1、12015-20162015-2016学年东莞市高三英语中心组模拟试题(四)学年东莞市高三英语中心组模拟试题(四)命题人:命题人: 劳玉梅劳玉梅 黄来成黄来成本试卷满分 120 分。考试用时 120 分钟。第第 I 卷卷第一节:阅读理解第一节:阅读理解 (共两节,满分(共两节,满分 40 分)分)第一节第一节 (共(共 15 小题:每小题小题:每小题 2 分,满分分,满分 30 分)分)阅读下列短文 ,从每题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D )中 ,选出最佳选项 ,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAmazing University Campuses Worth visitingOxford

2、University: Its hard to imagine a more picturesque university than Oxford. The oldest university in the English-speaking world, Oxford dates back to 1167, when King Henrybanned English students from attending the University of Paris. On the campus, Gothic building housing classrooms, dormitories and

3、 dining halls stand out against the quads verdant lawn, where you can imagine Percy Bysshe Shelley, Oscar Wilde and W.H Auden lounging(慵懒地躺着) between classes. Oxfords circular Radcliffe Camera is a masterpiece of Palladian architecture and one of the worlds most stunning libraries. Harry Potter fans

4、 touring the campus should pay attention to see where scenes at Hogwarts were filmed.Cambridge University: Cambridge University is characterized less by a proper campus than a collection of colleges, medieval churches, courtyards and wisteria-filled gardens. The town of Cambridge originated in Roman

5、 times, and the university dates back to 1209. The exact founding story is unknown, but the version told to Cambridge students recounts that some Oxford scholars chased out after the accidental shooting of a peasant fled to Cambridge, where they established a new university. The famous university is

6、 shrouded(笼罩) in mythology and funny stories of students. Trinity College: Roaming the green campus of Trinity College, youll likely feel connected to the great literary tradition there. Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde, Bram Stoker and Samuel Beckett all studied at Trinity, and their statues stand proud

7、ly in the library. Most of the universitys buildings were constructed in the 18th and 19th centuries, but Queen Elizabethestablished 2Trinity College in 1592 with the aim of “civilizing ” Dubliners. In the historic Examination Halldesigned by architect Sir William Chambers- you can marvel at the imp

8、ressive 18th-century interiors and the organ, which was recovered from Spanish ship.1. What can we learn from paragraph1?A. Oxford is the oldest university.B. Oxford has an impressive library. C. Oxford was first built in 1209.D. Harry Potter studied in Oxford University.2. When was Cambridge Univer

9、sity first built?A. In Roman times. B. In 1167. C. In the early 13th century. D. In the 18th and 19th centuries.3. Who once attended Trinity University according to the passage?A. W.H. Auden. B. Sir William Chambers. C. Queen Elizabeth. D. Bram Stoker.BIn seventh grade, I decided to try out for my s

10、chool musical. I only made it through the first verse before the drama teacher stopped me. It goes without saying that my Christmas carol didnt get me any role.Am I embarrassed? No. Not just because it was ten years ago, but also because its such a great story to share. Why? I think the main reason

11、is that admitting to mistakes makes you easier to relate to. Interestingly enough, science confirms this theory.Researchers have conducted numerous studies and have concluded that when someone makes a mistake or acts in a clumsy way, they are found to be more likeable. In other words, if youre compe

12、tent at something and then you mess up, it shows your human side. This allows others to connect and relate to you, which in turn makes them like you more.Growing up, I was the type of student who had to get straight As and the type of athlete who always had to perform at the top of the game. The pro

13、blem was that my standards were so ridiculously high that I was never happy. It was only when I learned to let go and forgive myself for my mistakes that I truly felt relaxed.When one of your close friends or family members makes a mistake, are you quick to 3forgive and forget? Sadly, many of us oft

14、en express more sympathy for others than ourselves. With each mistake comes a lesson, and if you can learn to let go and forgive yourself, you will be better equipped to handle lifes challenges going forward.More importantly, if youre constantly worried about looking silly, youll never be able to ge

15、t promotion at work. Even if you make a fool of yourself, it isnt the end of the world. Think about it: whats the worst that can happen? In many cases, the reward often outweighs the risk.4. What does the underlined part “this theory” probably refer to?A. A mistake makes you more likeable. B. An emb

16、arrassed person tends to act clumsily.C. Competent people always mess up in life. D. Its not embarrassing to share mistakes.5. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. The author is proud of her work. B. The author was once a perfectionist.C. The author always made some mistakes.D. The author felt ashamed of her high standards.6. What message is delivered in the last two paragraphs?A. Making a fool of yourself w



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