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1、专项训练(二). 听下面一段短文,根据你所听到的内容用英语以口头和书面的形式作答,并学会为复述做笔记。短文读两遍。梗概:当我还是个孩子的时候,一位优秀的医生救了我的生命。现在,我的梦想是成为一名医生。关键词键词 :dream梦想;discussion讨论;terribly极度地;save peoples live挽救人们的生命;come true实现1. What did the writer do yesterday?_2. What was the dream of the writer?_3. What had happened when the writer was a kid?_4.

2、 Why did the parents of the writer take him to another town?_5. What would the writer do in the future?_They writer had a discussion yesterday.His dream was to be a doctor in the future.He had a high fever and a good doctor saved his life when he was a kid.Because the doctors in the town where he li

3、ved couldnt cure him. He would study hard to realize his dream.作答My DreamYesterday, we had a discussion. The topic was what is my dream? Every one has his dream. Some want to be teachers, others want to be scientists. My dream is to become a doctor.My friends asked me why. I told them my story. When

4、 I was a small boy I was very weak. Once I was terribly ill. I had a high fever. My parents sent me to the hospital but the doctors could do nothing for me. Then my parents heard there was a very good doctor in another town. They took me there. I was saved.A good doctor can save peoples lives. From

5、then on I decided to become a doctor. I know it is not easy to be a doctor. But I am determined to study hard. I am sure my dream will come true.录音原文:我的梦想 昨天,我们进行了讨论。主题是 我的梦想是什 么?每个人都有自己的梦想。有些人想成为教师,有的想 当科学家。我的梦想是成为一名医生。 我的朋友问我为什么。我告诉他们我的故事。当我还 是一个小男孩时,我非常虚弱。有一次,我病的严重。我 发高烧。我的父母送我去了医院,但那的医生不会诊治我 。然后

6、我的父母听说在另一个镇有一个非常好的医生。他 们把我带到那里。我得救了。 一个好医生可以挽救人们的生命。从那时起,我决定 要成为一名医生。我知道这是不容易的,我决心刻苦学习 。我相信我的梦想定会成真。中文翻译:梗概:李强是怎样到达3008年的?为什么开始会头晕 ?他得到了怎样的帮助?关键词键词 :time lag时滞;mask面具;in all directions四面八方;computer screen电脑 屏幕;furniture家具. 听下面一段短文,理解所听到的内容,用英语以口头和书面形式作答,并学会用自己的语言复述。短文读两遍。Li Qiang travelled to the ye

7、ar AD 3008. He suffered from “time lag” and he felt 1 at first. Wang Ping, his friend and 2 , helped him a lot. Soon they arrived in the future in a time capsule. Wang Ping showed him 3 the transportation carriage and they were transported into what looked like a large market. At last, Li Qiang arri

8、ved at Wang Pings home furnished with a green wall 4 . Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen, and offered him 5 to rest on. very uncomfortableguidehow to use made of treesa bed.作答Li Qiang travelled to the year AD 3008. He was unsettled for the first few days. As a result, he suffered from

9、“time lag”. So he felt very nervous and uncertain at first. Wang Ping, his friend and guide, was understanding and gave him some green tablets which helped a lot. Soon they arrived in the future in a time capsule. Coming to the new surroundings, Li Qiang was hit by the lack of fresh air. Wang Ping a

10、sked him to put on a mask and in no time he felt better. 录音原文:Later, Wang Ping showed him how to use the transportation carriage. He was transported into what looked like a large market but lost sight of his friend, for too many carriages were flying by in all directions. Fortunately, his “time lag”

11、 flashback helped him catch sight of Wang Ping again.At last, Li Qiang arrived at Wang Pings home that furnished with a green wall which was actually made of trees. His friend flashed a switch on a computer screen, and some furniture rose from under the floor. Then, he told him to get ready for some

12、 visits the next day, and offered him a bed to rest on. After having a meal with his friend, Li Qiang slid into bed and fell fast asleep.录音原文:李强到公元3008年去旅行。最初的几天,他感觉到特别不适。这都是时间差引起的,他觉得非常紧张和不安。他的好朋友兼导游王平,十分理解他的情况并给了他一些绿色药丸来帮助他。他们很快就通过时间机器到达了未来。来到一个新的环境中,李强感到缺乏空气呼吸困难。王平让他戴上了一个面罩,他立刻觉得舒服很多。后来,王平教他如何使用交

13、通工具一个车厢。中文翻译:他们乘着车厢到达了一个看起来像是市场的地方,太多的这种车厢飞来飞去,以至于他看不到王平了。幸运的是,他利用时差图像回忆找到了王平。最后,王平带他去到自己的家里,他家绿色的墙都是用树做成的。在一个屏幕上点出开关,一些家具就出现了。王平告诉他准备接下来第二天的参观,他帮他弄出一张床。在吃了朋友提供的饭菜后,李强倒在床上就美美地睡着了。中文翻译:梗概:我的阿姨Betty一直很想到未来去旅行。去年,她决定去3050年旅行。关键词键词 :time capsule太空舱;time travel时间旅行;motivation动力;efficiency高效;switch开关. 听下面

14、一段短文,请用中文描述短文的中心意思,并用英语以口头形式复述。短文读两遍。我的阿姨贝蒂一直都想进行一次时间旅行。她决定设计自己的时间旅行。她想乘坐太空舱去3050年旅行。时间旅行公司的代表告诉她太空舱很容易操作。然而,阿姨的旅行并不像她想象的那么成功,她按下开关准备开始旅行时引擎坏了。她无法再次启动引擎。她想太空舱的某些零部件可能是用二手材料做的。很明显,驾驶它去旅行很不安全。中心意思:My Aunt Betty always wants to go on a time travel holiday. She decided to design her own time tour. She w

15、anted to take a time capsule to AD 3050. The representative from the time travel company told her that the time capsule was easy to handle. However, her trip was not as successful as she had expected. When she pressed the switch to begin the journey the capsules engine died. Aunt Betty was unable to restart the engine. She wondered if some parts of the capsule had been made of second-hand materials. Obviously it was quite unsafe for her to travel in.复述内容:My Aunt Betty is


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