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1、LOGOLOGOLOGOInterpreting Skills (口译技能介绍)口译中的临场应变技巧n 口译前的准备至关重要,从语言、心理到相关主题知识都要做好细致充分的准备工 作。可是,在口译现场难免遇到一些未考虑到的突发情况。这时一定要沉着冷静,根 据具体情况取具体的处理措施。一般说来,口译现场常见的问题主要有以下几类。 n一、没听清、漏听或者没听懂 n 由于口译现场环境、讲话人语速、语音等因素,或者由于译者准备有疏漏、现场 一时分神等原因,就会出现这种情况。如果是次要内容,并不影响大局,可以省略或 采取模糊处理的办法。如果是关乎全文的关键性内容,就必须认真对待。在相对宽松 的环境下,如果

2、方便得体,最好立刻询问讲话人,或者请教现场的相关专家;如果是 非常正式的场合或者大会发言,只能先用比较中性或模糊的话语过渡,然后集中注意 力,寻找机会调整补救。 n二、错译 n 认识到自己译错了以后,可以重译,并且对正确的译文采取重音重复的办法,或 者以解释的语气和方式,用 I mean, or rather, that is 或 “就是说”、“确切 地说”引出正确的译文,既能及时纠正,又从容不迫,在听众不知不觉中进行补救。 n三、不会译 n 不会译是由于两种原因造成的,一是没听懂,此时可以按第一种情况处理。二是 听懂了,却一时找不到恰当的表达,此时可先直译,再按自己的理解进行解释。虽然 译文

3、难免生涩,原文韵味丧失殆尽,但不会造成误解,也不会影响交流的进程。口译 中遇到习语、典故、诗词、幽默或专有名词时,如果没有充分的准备或事前不了解讲 话内容,一时就很难在目标语言中找到对应的表达。此时要力争译出原文的大意,传 达出讲话人的主旨,并且使交流顺利地进行下去,哪怕译文欠妥也无伤大雅。译专有 名词时,如果拿不准,还可以在译文后重复原文,听众中的专业人士很可能立刻就清 楚了。2LOGOInterpreting Skills (口译技能介绍)n四、讲话人说错 n 口译中也可能遇到讲话人说错的情况,如果有明显违背史实或常识的错误,或者 是讲话人口误,译员意识到了这个错误,如果能改正,应该在译文

4、中予以纠正。如果 译员怀疑讲话人说错,却又不能肯定,在方便的情况下,应向讲话人确认;在大型会 议场合中,如果涉及地点、逻辑、事实、数据等方面的错误时,译员即使发觉了也不 必纠正,应按原文翻译,听众自己会做出判断和评价。 n五、讲话人逻辑混乱 n 口译常常译的是即席讲话或发言,而人们在即席口头表达中,由于思维和语言水 平的限制,经常会出现不必要的重复、拖沓、语言模糊,或者断句、层次不清、逻辑 关系混乱等现象,这给译员造成了很大困难。译员要善于对原文进行梳理,分清逻辑 层次,迅速抓住主次。对于啰嗦重复的部分,应删繁就简、同义合并;对于逻辑不清 的部分,要尽量理出层次和头绪,并在译文中体现出来;对于

5、断句或语意不完整的部 分,应首先进行句法转换,并加以补充,力求完整。另外,如果下文接着说或继续相 关内容,则应该在下文的翻译中,做到与此句相呼应,体现上下文的关联性和逻辑关 系。 n六、讲话人语言不得体 n 由于英汉两种语言的文化背景不同,思维和表达方式上差异很大,双语交流时难 免有文化的冲突。译员应掌握两种文化背景知识,提高敏感度,在讲话人言语不得体 的时候,要灵活处理,或者略去不译,或者淡化,或者变通,避免误解,使交流能顺 利进行。3LOGOBackground Knowledge 背景知识 n In fact, electronic commerce, commonly known as

6、 e-commerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. The meaning of electronic commerce has changed over the last 30 years. Originally, electronic commerce meant the facilitation of commercial transactions e

7、lectronically. The initial development of e-commerce began in the 1960s and 1970s, when banks began transferring money to each other electronically, using the technology of EFT(Electronic Funds Transfer), and when large companies began sharing transaction information electronically with their suppli

8、ers and customers via EDI(Electronic Data Interchange). The growth and acceptance of credit cards, ATM and telephone banking in the 1980s were also forms of electronic commerce. From the 1990s onwards, electronic commerce would additionally include enterprise resource planning systems (ERP), data mi

9、ning and data warehousing.4LOGOBackground Knowledge 背景知识 n 实际上,电子商务,通常也称为E商务,它是由商品或服务的购买 及销售两个过程组成的,这个买卖过程又是通过诸如互联网和其他计 算机网络等电子系统实现的。电子商务的含义在过去30年间不断演变 ,最初,电子商务意味着通过电子手段使商业交易便利化。它的最初 发展始于20世纪60到70年代,那时银行开始采用EFT(电子汇兑)的 技术进行相互间的电子转帐,而大型企业则开始通过EDI(电子数据 交换)技术和它的供应商及顾客进行电子化的交易信息共享。80年代 里信用卡、自动提款机(ATM)和电话

10、银行的发展及广为接受,也是 电子商务的新形式。从90年代开始,电子商务又增加了企业资源计划 系统(ERP),数据挖掘和数据仓库等形式。5LOGOPractice Materials (实训材料) n Step 1: Warming up n Dialogue 1 nDill:Hi, Jack, look at this: Tips for Happy Online Shopping. nJack:Let me have a look. Oh, the first tip is: Shopping at a Secure Site. But how to do it? nDill :You ca

11、n tell whether a site has a secure server by the appearance of a small padlock or an unbroken key in the bottom left-hand corner of your browser. nJack :Its really new for me. Ive never tried finding any padlock or key before. And look at the next one: Shop at Names you know. nDill :That means if yo

12、u want to shop from a lesser-known online store, you ought to find a phone number and address for the shop. nJack :Whats the use? nDill :You can call the number to make sure it really exists. nJack :Good idea. Anything else ?6LOGOPractice Materials (实训材料) nDill :The third one is: Print the Contract.

13、 nJack :Whats the detail? nDill :Once youve made an online transaction, the site should give you an on-screen contract. nJack :I did receive a contract last time when I made an attempt to buy a VCD online. nDill :What did you do then? nJack :Let me think. I just have a short look at it, and, and I c

14、ancel it. I dont think it was of any use later. nDill :You shouldnt repeat the same next time, because the contract shows details of what youve bought, cost, etc. This is a permanent record of your purchase, so make sure you keep it. nJack :A little bit complicated. nDill :But surely they are practi

15、cal method. Look, heres the last tip: Check Delivery and Other Charges. nJack :But why? Stores might not cheat their shoppers. nDill :But you should remember: when you are buying from an oversea site, you ought to be vigilant. Because what may seem like a bargain from a US site may not be such a cou

16、p once youve added overseas shipping charges. nJack :Truly Ive learnt a lot today.7LOGOn 常用词汇和短语 ntip npadlock nbrowser nlesser-known non-screen contract nCancel npermanent record nVigilant nCoup nshipping chargesPractice Materials (实训材料) 情报,秘密提示 挂锁 浏览器 鲜为人知的 屏幕上显示的合同 撤销,取消 永久记录 警觉的;警惕的 妙招,妙计 运费 8LOGOn Notesn1. You can tell whether a site has a secure se


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