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1、Unit 2What should I do?Section AOh, its so high.Language Goals:Talk about problemsGive adviceWhat should I do?单词和词组loud, argue, wrong, ticket, surprise, either, except, fail, until, fit, include, send, freedom, upset; keep out, out of / in style, on the phone, pay for, call sb. up, part-time job, th

2、e same as, get on, as . as possible, all kinds of, on the one / other hand动画词汇单元重点句 子My brother plays his CD too loud.What should I do?Why dont you talk to him about it?语 法掌握情态动词should和could的用法交流用法Whats wrong / the matter?My clothes are out of style. What should I do?Maybe you should buy some new cl

3、othes.What s wrong with him? What should he do?My clothes are out of style. What should I do?Maybe you should buy some new clothes.I argued with my best friend. What should I do?I argued with my best friend. 我与我最好的朋友吵架了。argue with sb. 意为“与某人争论或争吵”。如: We argued with them for a long time. 我们和他们争论了好长时间

4、 。拓展:argue about (doing) sth. 意为“就 (做)某事发生争论或争吵”。如: They are always arguing about money. 他们总是为钱而争吵。 Let us not argue about going out tonight. 我们不要为今晚是否外出而争吵了。argue with sb. about sth. 意为“与某人为 某事而争论或争吵”。如: He often argues with his wife about his work. 他经常为他的工作与妻子争吵。1.You should say you are sorry.2.Yo

5、u could write a letter to her. 3.Maybe you could go to her house and say sorry.4. Maybe you should call him up and talk about it on the phone.Youd betterYoud better say youre sorry. say youre sorry.Why dont youWhy dont you say youre sorry? say youre sorry?Why notWhy not say youre sorry? say youre so

6、rry?I want to buy a guitar. But I dont have enough money. What should I do?2.You could wait until next year.1. Dont buy a guitar.3. You could get a part time job.4. You could buy a used guitar.Whats the matter?My clothes are out of style.Whats the matter?My parents want me to stay at home every nigh

7、t.Whats the matter?I dont have enough money.Whats the matter?My brother plays his CDs too loud. What should I do? Why dont you talk to him about it? Maybe you should talk to him about your problems.What are the serious problems?I dont have enough money.I argued with my best friend.My clothes are out

8、 of style.What problems do you have?at schoolat hometoo much homework.too many examinationscant get good gradescant choose subjects we likehave to go to school earlyhave too much pressurehave to wear the school uniformoften fail in the examstoo many rules to obey at schoolhave to get up too earlyhav

9、e no enough moneyhave no time to watch TVargument between parentshave an argument with friendsThere is something wrong with my computer.Pair work: Give advice to your partners problems and make dialogues.discuss with teachers to have less examstry to spend less moneywork harder at schooltry to do th

10、ings quickly and go to bed earlyget a part-time jobtry to love all the subjectscommunicate with other students and your parentsask teachers to balance the homework try to understand others Listen and circle the problems you hear in activity 1a.1b My parents want me to stay at home every night. My br

11、other plays his stereo too loud. I dont have enough money. I argued with my best friend. My clothes are out of style.What is Peters problem?He argued with his best friend.1. argue with 与某人争吵2. I dont want to argue with him. 我不想和他吵架。2. My clothes are out of style. 我的衣服过时了。out of style “过时的,落伍的” 2. 3.

12、 maybe, may be表示“可能,也许” 表示推测。 maybe一般放在句首,引导句子。may be由情态动 词may加系动词原形be构成。其后所接词决定于 be,可以是名词、形容词等,一般放在句中。3. Maybe he is Johns father. 4. 也许他是约翰的父亲。5. He may be a student. 也许他是一名学生。4.call up表示“打电话”可以与名词 、代词连用。连接代词时,把代词放在 call与up之间。Please call me up. Dont forget to call up your uncle. 5. on the phone 用/

13、通过电话I want to know the weather on the phone. 我想通过电话查一下天气。 6. ask for 要求,索要,完整形式为ask sb for sth 向某人要某物Please ask him for the book. 请向他要那本书。7. be angry with 对生气, 注意be动词及介 词withJim is angry with me. 吉姆生我气了。get on 相处, get on well 相处融洽get on well with sb 与某人相处融洽have a fight with sb 与打架8. lots of 许多,大量,可修

14、饰可数与不可数 名词。 Girl 1: You look unhappy. Whats wrong? Girl 2: Ohmy clothes are out of style. I dont look cool.Girl 1: Well, maybe you should buy some new clothes. Girl 2: Yes, but I dont have enough money. Girl 1: Huh. Maybe you could get a part-timejob in the evenings.TapescriptGirl 2: I cant, because

15、 my parents want me to stay at home every night. I argued withthem about it.Girl 1: Well, you shouldnt argue with yourparents. You should talk about your problems. Girl 2: And guess what else is wrong? Girl 1: What? Girl 2: My brother plays his CDs too loud! I cant go to sleep.2aListen. Peters friend is giving him advice. Circle the word “could” or “should”.1.You could/should write him a litter.2. You could/should call him up.3. You could/should say youre sorry.4. You could/should go to his house.5. You could/should give him a ticket to a ball game.Ma


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