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1、BR1. Out-of-class Research Project2. Listen and Answer 3. Background Information Clone Before Reading Genetic Engineering Narcissus PrometheusJulius Robert Oppenheimer Hiroshima Nagasaki BR( ORP)Out-of-class Research ProjectThe research project should be assigned at the end of the previous unit. Stu

2、dents form groups to use library resources and Internet resources to get answers to the following questions. 1. What is cloning?2. Give a brief history of the scientific research into cloning.3. What are the major pros and cons of human cloning?4. During your research, what new vocabulary items have

3、 you come across that are related to cloning?BR( LA1)Listen and Answer1. What does Prof. Greely think of human cloning?We must distinguish different types of human cloning. Some are justified; others are not. 2. What is the greatest problem with human reproductive cloning?Safety.Listen to the interv

4、iew and answer the following questions according to Prof. Greely. BR( LA2 )Listen and AnswerListen to the interview and answer the following questions according to Prof. Greely. 3. What are the problems with a human clone?There may be cell changes that are initially invisible and only show themselve

5、s as the clone ages. Theres also a problem with the ends of chromosomes in cells, which shorten until the cells can no longer reproduce.BR(LA3 )4. In what situations can we use cloning?Firstly, helping parents who are having difficulty having children would be one area. Secondly, parents want to cre

6、ate a new child to be a bone marrow donor for an older sick child. Another situation is cloning a child who has accidentally died. Listen and AnswerListen to the interview and answer the following questions according to Prof. Greely. 5. What about cloning a Hitler or Michael Jordan?We can dismiss th

7、ose as bad or even silly applications.BR(LA4 )Listen and AnswerListen to the interview and answer the following questions according to Prof. Greely. 6. Is there anything else about the future of human cloning?Even if cloning humans were safe and we as a society had decided it was right and proper fo

8、r reproductive purposes, I dont think wed see a lot of clones. The old- fashioned way of making babies has a lot going for it: Its easy, traditional, well understood, and occasionally even pleasant. BR( LA5)Listen and AnswerListen to the interview and answer the following questions according to Prof

9、. Greely. BR(C 1)Clone Clone is a group of organisms or cells that are genetically identical, having been produced from one parent by asexual reproduction. The individual organisms or cells are precise copies of the parent and genetically identical to it. Clones are found naturally among single-cell

10、ed organisms (such as bacteria), a few invertebrates (such as corals), and some asexually reproducing plants (as in the production of runners by a strawberry plant). In agriculture, plant cloning can be used to advantage, in that individuals with desirable properties, such as pest-resistance or high

11、 growth rates, can be replicated exactly without the unpredictable results associated with sexual reproduction. BR( C 2 )Artificial cloning of animals and cells can be achieved by teasing apart the cells of the early embryo. Similarly, cells capable of growing into mature plants can be obtained from

12、 plant growth-regions (meristems 分生组织). In genetic engineering cloning refers to the copying of DNA molecules. http:/ http:/ BR(C3)Clone BR(C4)Bacterial BR(C5)Invertebrates BR(C6)Corals BR(C7)Strawberry Plant BR(C8 )Embryo BR(C9 )DNA BR( GE1 )Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering is the delibera

13、te modification of the genetic make-up (genome) of an organism by manipulation of its DNA. Genetic engineering techniques include cell fusion and the use of recombinant DNA (rDNA). Since the late 1960s these techniques have held out the most exciting promise for biotechnology. BR( GE2)In such a new

14、field controversy inevitably abounds. Worries concerning release of genetically novel bacteria into the environment, or the possible manipulation of human embryos, have led to the setting up in the USA of the Genetic Manipulation Advisory Group (GMAG). Legislation governing genetic research has also

15、 been passed in several other countries.Genetic Engineering BR( Narcissus )Narcissus In Greek mythology, Narcissus is a beautiful youth who spurned (拒绝 ) the love of the nymph Echo and in punishment was made to fall in love with his own reflection; he pined away gazing at himself in a pool and at hi

16、s death was changed into the flower bearing his name narcissus.BR( Prometheus )Prometheus Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the missing words.Prometheus is, in Greek mythology, a who made the first man from clay and stole from the gods to give to mankind. In for the theft, Zeus Prometheus to a rock, where his liver was eaten every day



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