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1、互联网产品助理英文简历模板互联网产品助理英文简历模板英文简历写法最好避开千篇一律,不要都采用一样的格式,要有自己的特色。以下是互联产品助理英文简历模板,欢迎阅读!互联产品助理英文简历模板, Lane123, Job Road, Job District, Shanghai, China(+86)Job Objective Internet Product AssistantEducation BackgroundJob University Major in XXX Bachelor Expected June XXGPA:/ Product Related ExperienceInterne

2、t product Assistant InternXXX Company 06/XX09/XXAssisted the for producing Internet products,Researched on different age levels of their user experience, recorded their needs and completed the report Used Axure to design Internet productUsed Html model to make a basic highfidelity modelCollected and

3、 sorted feedbacks about the bug of our products, Gave them to the and communicated with the relavant departmentTeam memberXX Baidu Inc Internet Product Design Contest03/XX05/XXProduced a product LBS,used Java program language、C+ program languageThe product is an LBS based mobile phone app aiming at

4、building connecting of people who do not know each other around the same placeThe main work included users research,designed product features, collected and analyzed users data, found the needs of usersLink of our product:Campus ActivitiesThe director of PR departmentStudent Union(Campus level)09/XX

5、11/XXSupport more than 10,000 RMB Sponsor to various activitiesImproved more 20 member in my department to the leader of different student organization, such as the chairman of student unionEvent CoordinatorXX Baidu Inc Internet Product Design Contest09/XX11/XXCoordinated large group bookings, corpo

6、rate events, leagues and tournaments for groups of up to 200 peopleServed as liaison between employees and management via effective verbal communication, logbooks, and emailCertificates SkillsCET 6PassMockup Builder:MS Visio,AxureProficientMS Office,Java,C+,HtmlProficientSelf Assessment Having exper

7、ience in Web Design,loving Internet Product,familiar with Mockup Builder Having rich experience of campus activities,having ability of organizing activities and coordination 过分谦虚=虚伪 面试切忌太收敛!面试,就好比业务员的推销产品,能否“卖出去” ,关键取决于嘴上功夫。别小看语言的魅力,我可以很肯定的说,90%的面试官在考察求职者时,都会将语言表达能力列为评分重点。稍有不慎,满盘皆输;太过慎重,物极必反。面试,既不能太

8、夸张,也不能太内敛。过分的谦虚,很容易被想太多的面试官,划入“虚伪”的范畴,从而失去唾手可得的机会。在与一位资深 HR 闲谈时,曾听到过这样一个案例。他说:“有一个男孩子在自我介绍时就特别拘谨,觉得自己好平凡,从小到大只会读书,其它什么都不会。对于这种不自信的面试者,HR 总会下意识的将其淘汰掉。 ”人传统思想,总是喜欢藏拙。是有这种想法是没错,但并不意味着所有场合都适用。面试,是个严肃且竞争激烈的环节,没必要觉得自己很平凡,也没必要缩小自己的优势。HR 们需要的就是有特点,有能力的人,你自己都觉得自己平凡、不够突出,那么又怎么让招聘单位选择你呢不藏拙面试,有什么你就说什么。突出个人优势,彰显个人魅力,展示个人能力,让 HR 了解到,你是有备而来,你真的适合应聘的这个岗位,能很快胜任。不沉默虽说古有“言多必失”的金玉良言,进行自我介绍需要言简意赅,但那也并不是两三句话就能说清楚的,要想用人单位了解你,进行一些颇为详细的自我介绍,也是必需的。不过分谦虚用人单位总是不会太喜欢盲目张扬的人,但过分自谦会不会就是骄傲不要总是“过誉了” “我不懂的地方很多”“我还需要继续学习”这样的言论,不单会泄露你的“底细” ,也会让面试官觉得你没有担当,无法赋予重任。



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