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1、 Philosophers of ancient ChinaConfucius (551BC-479BC)Mencius(372BC-289BC)Mozi (476BC-390BC)孔府 Confucius Mansion孔林 Confucius Cemetery孔庙 Confucius Temple1. equal (1)adj. 相等的, 平等的; 胜任的 be equal to 与相等,平等 Be equal to (doing) sth. 胜任(做)某事 One li is equal to half a kilometre.John is quite equal to (doing)

2、 the job.(2)vt.与相等,等于,比得上 (equal sb./sth.) Three and five equals eight.None of us can equal her.一里等于半公里约翰很胜任( 做)这份工作。3加5等于8.没人能比得上她.2. believe vt.相信 believe in 信奉,信仰,信任believe sb. 相信某人的话believe in sb. 相信某人believe it or not (插入语)信不信由你Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。belief n.信念,信仰 (pl. -s)beyond belief 难以置信

3、have a belief in 相信That man has a strong belief in God. 那个人很相信上帝。 disbelief 不信,怀疑(1). Its so nice to hear from her. _, we last met more than thirty years ago.A. Whats more B.That is to sayC. In other words D.Believe it or not (2). Mrs. Black doesnt believe her son is able to design a digital camera,

4、 _?A. is heB. isnt he C. doesnt sheD. does sheFill in the blanks with proper words 1.Divide the cake into e_ parts. 2.She always shows k_ to animals. 3.He s_ that we should be on time. 4.He _ (辞掉) his_(职务) as secretary. 5.He knows p_, and he is ap_. 6.He serves as an a_ to the President. qual indnes

5、stressedresignedpositionhilosophy hilosopher dviser3. at warbe at war with 和交战 The two countries were at war for two years. 这两个国家交战两年了。 介词+名词 可以表示处于某种状态at peace in dangerin surprise at workPhilosophers of Ancient China在和平中在危险中吃惊地在工作在战争中4.time短语(复习) all the time take ones timeahead of timekill timefr

6、om time to timein no time 一直,始终 别急,不忙 提前 消磨时间 有时;偶尔 立刻,马上5. stressvt. 强调, 加压力于put/place/lay stress on 重视,强调,把重点放在上under the stress of 在的压力下I must stress that we havent much time.Under the stress of the middle exam, the student study harder.The government lays stress on welfare work. n. 压力, 重点我必须强调我们

7、没有多少时间了。政府着重于福利事业 。在其中考试的压力下,学生们学习更努力了。 6. order n./ v. 预定; 命令; 秩序; 顺序 in order 秩序井然 out of order 次序紊乱; (机器等)失灵; 出故障;有病 in order to in order that keep in order 使遵守秩序; 维持秩序 order sb to do sth order that sb should do sth为了命令7. bring up 养育,教育 He was brought up by his grandpa. 他是被她爷爷养大的。 提到, 提出 =raise/r

8、efer to/mention Why did you bring up the subject again? 你为什么又提出了这个话题? 呕吐 I had a sandwich for lunch but brought it up just now. 我午餐吃了一个三明治,但是刚才都吐出来了。你昨天为什么不在会上提出这个问题?她是在大城市长大的。他病的很厉害,什么都吐出来了。Why didnt you bring up this question at the meeting yesterday?She was brought up in a big city.He was serious

9、ly ill and brought up everything.8. principle against ones principle 违反自己的原则in principle 原则上, 通常, 大致上on principle 按照原则, 根据原则9.prepare vi./vt 准备prepare sth. 准备某事/物prepare for 为做准备prepare to do 准备做某事be prepared for/ to do 为做好准备我们正忙着为即将到来的考试做准备。他在准备午饭。为战争做准备/为旅行做准备We are preparing for the exam.He is pr

10、eparing the lunch.prepare for the war/ travelling10.agree with (1) 同意 (2) 想法、意见一致,符合(3) (气候/事物等)适合(人)agree to 同意(建议,安排);同意做agree on 就达成一致我们同意他的计划。牛奶不适合我的体质。关于房价,我们达成了一致的意见。We agree to his plan.Milk doesnt agree with my health.We agreed on the price of the house.1. at war 介词+名词 可以表示处于某种状态 at peacein

11、danger in orderin surprise on dutyon fire at work be at war with 和处于战争中 The two countries were at war for two years.Philosophers of Ancient ChinaPlease tell whose ideas the statements are: 1.Man is born good. 2.All human beings are equal. 3.The family is important. We are members of a group. 4.Treat

12、 others in the way you want to betreated. 5.People are more important than rulers.MenciusMoziConfuciusConfuciusMencius8.Strong people should look after weaker people. 9.People should avoid wars. 10.Students should often go over what they have learnt. MoziConfuciusMozi6.We should love all human being

13、s. 7.The order in society is important.MoziConfuciusWhat did Confucius stress?Careful ReadingHe stressed the importance of kindness, duty and order in society.According to Mencius1. Whats the difference between man and animals?2. Which is more important, people or ruler?3. Why did Mencius resign?Man

14、 is good.PeopleBecause the government didnt follow his advice.1. What was Mozi famous for?2. Why were Mozis beliefs similar to those of Confucius?3. What did he spent many years doing?Unusual clothes and behaviour.He considered that government was most important.To find a state where people would fo

15、llow his teachings.Fill in the blanks according to the text. In ancient China, private teachers travelled from _ to _ explaining their_. Confucius was the most important of the ancient Chinese _. He _ the importance of _, duty and _ in society. His _ influenced society for over 2000 years. Other important _ included Mencius and Mozi. statestate philosophyphilosophersstressed kindnessorder teachingsthinkersMenciuss ideas were very _ to those of Confucius. He believed that man is born _ and that people were more_ than _. But so


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