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1、Strategy & BSC Workshop 战略与平衡计分卡China Elements for Strategy Execution 变革的中国因素External: 外部:Internal: 内部:Results 结果Strategic Goals 战略目标Government / Regulation / WTO 政府 / 制度 / WTOTechnology 技术People 人员Business Processes 业务流程Information, Tasks & Transactions 信息,任务和处理Customers 客 户Competitors 竞争对手Partners

2、合作伙伴核心流程企业架构角色/能力衡量方法哪些工作需要做?我们如何知道 是否成功了?我们如何组织人力 提高效率?我们需要什么样的人 来做这些工作?重组组织实施战略文文 化化战略目标我们如何把它 化为现实?愿景Key Strategic Questions 关键战略问题 Where are we now what is our business & organizational situation? 我们现在所处的位置我们的业务和组织的现状如何? Where do we want to go? 我们的目标是什么?What businesses do we want to be in ? 我们想发

3、展哪些业务?What market positions do we want to achieve? 我们想在市场上占什么位置?What buyer groups & needs do we want to serve? 我们的客户群和他们的需求是什么?What outcomes do we want to achieve? 我们想要取得的结果是什么? How will we get there? 我们如何达到目标?战略管理流程任务1制定战略 展望和业 务使命d任务5业绩评估, 监测新的 发展态势, 实施矫正 性调整措 施任务3制定战略 完成目标任务4执行和实 施制定的 战略任务2设置目标 体

4、系在必要时 进行修改在必要时进 行变革/改善在必要时 进行修改在必要时进 行变革/改善在必要时循 环到任务1, 2, 3或者4Exercise: Analyze your Industry and the impact of WTO练习: 分析您所处的行业现状 和中国进入WTO的影响What is xxxxxs Business Strategy?xxxxx的商业战略是什么?Determining a Companys Business Life Cycle 决定公司的企业生命周期The market situation invariably influences an individual

5、companys business life cycle as determined by its mode grow, earn, or harvest 市场形势总是会影响到公司的企业生命周期, 并进而决定公司的商业阶段 成长阶段 ,收获阶段或收割阶段1. Grow mode: riveting on the top line because the market is growing or there may not be much competition, or both 成长阶段:由于市场持续增长或竞争很小,或两者兼备,公司形势一路走好2. Earn mode: companies o

6、perate in markets of slower growth or virtually no growth, where emphasis may be on market share or cost cutting 收获阶段:市场增长缓慢或停止增长,企业重点强调市场份额或削减成本3. Harvest mode: the companys market is stagnant or in decline 收割阶段:市场停滞不前或呈下滑趋势Which business stage is xxxxx in now? xxxxx现在处于哪个阶段?Strategy: SWOT Qs 1, 2

7、& 3 What are our strengths? What might be our organizations sustainable competitive advantage ? 我们的优势在哪里?公司的长久的竞争优势是什么? What are the areas we need to improve in order to successfully implement our business strategy? 要成功实施商业战略,哪些方面我们还需改进? What are our possible opportunities? 什么是我们的可能的机会?What are the

8、key business sectors we should focus on? 哪些是我们应该聚焦的关键业务区?Why is this a good market? How big is it now? Estimate future growth. 为什么这个市场比较好?它现在有多大?评估一下它未来的成长状况。What are the key aspects of each markets characteristics? 每一个市场都有哪些关键特征?Strategy: SWOT Qs 4 & 5 Analyze the Five Competitive Forces. How might

9、 we best defend against the IMPORTANT threats? 分析五种竞争力量,如何防止这些重要的威胁?Rivalry among competitors 来自竞争对手的威胁Substitute products 替代品Barriers to entry 行业进入的门槛Negotiating power of suppliers 供应商讨价还价Negotiating power of buyers 顾客讨价还价 What should be our future strategic focuses? 我们的战略重点应该是什么?Three Value Propos

10、itions 三种价值定位 Service Excellence: Delivering what customers want with hassle-free service and superior value 优质的服务:坚持“客户是上帝”的服务态度,超值满足客户所需Case 案例: American Express 运通 Operational Excellence: Delivering high-quality products quickly, error free, and for a reasonable price 高效的运作:提供高质量的产品,保证运货及时,不出错,价格

11、合理Case案例: Dell Computer 戴尔电脑 Continuous Innovation Excellence: Delivering products and services that push performance boundaries and delight customers 持续的创新性:永远交付能够为客户消除障碍的产品和服务,愉悦客户Case案例: Cisco Systems 思科系统Identifying Strategic Internal Business Processes 确认战略内部流程nSupply Chain Mgt 供应链管理nOperations

12、 Efficiency: cost, quality, cycle time 运作效率:成本,质量,周期nCapacity Mgt 能力管理nSolution Development 方案开发发nCustomer Service 客户户服务务nRelationship Mgt 客户户关系管理nAdvisory Services 咨询询服务务Strategic Processes 战略实践Meet Basic Requirements达到基本要 求Innovation Processes 创新流程Customer Management Processes 客户管理流程Operational Pr

13、ocesses 运作流程Strategy 战略Product Leadership 产品领先Customer Intimacy 客户亲密度Operational Excellence 优异运作nInvention 发明创造nProduct Development 产品开发nExploitation (speed to market) 市场开拓Identify Your Value Proposition 您公司的价值定位是什么?Customer Intimacy 客户亲密度Product Innovation 产品创新Operational Excellence 优异运作nCapture kn

14、owledge about customers 获取客户信息nUnderstand customer needs 了解客户需求nEmpower front-line employees with information they need 为一线员工提供他们所需的信息nEnsure that everyone knows the customer 确保每位员工都了解客户nMake company knowledge available to customers 让客户可以获取公司信息nReduce time to market 缩短进入市场时间nCommercialize new produc

15、ts faster 更快推出新 产品nEnsure that ideas flow (e.g., from customer service to R&D) 确保创意的流通性(例如,从 客户服务部流通到研发部)nReuse what other parts of the company have already learned 利用公司其他部门的经验nReduce cost 降低成本nImprove quality 提高质量nMove know-how from top- performing units to others 把高绩效单位的知识推广到 其他单位Source: Based on

16、material from Carla ODell, C. Jackson Grayson, “Knowledge Transfer: Discover Your Value Proposition,” Strategy and Leadership (March-April 1999) 资料来源:战略和导向(1999年3-4月),“发觉您的价值定位”,作者为Carla ODell, C. Jackson GraysonDiscussion Questions 问题讨论What is your companys Value Proposition?Why do you use this business model?您公司运用的是哪种价值定位?为什么选用这种模型?Why a Mission or Strategic Vision 为什么要有公司的战略使命展望?Make-up of company defin


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