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1、中考英语写作技巧指导Lets go for it!英语记叙文的写作的方式BeginningBody Ending Concluding sentence 结论句Supporting sentence 支持句 (例子、实事、数据或引文)topic sentence 主题句记叙文写作方法:采用“总分 总”的写作 方式 即先 概括总述, 再分述最后再总述 。总述分述1 分述2 分述3总述写作注意“四定”1. 定内容, 不折不扣。 2.定时态, 时态前后呼应。记叙文、 日记一般用一般过去时;说明文、通 知、布告、介绍等用一般现在时;计 划等用般将来时。 3.定人称,用第一人称亲近自然;用第 三人称客观

2、真实。 4.定句型、定词语;应依据内容。应该 先定句型后定词语。写作注意的几个问题: 尽量使用简单句,如果复合句用不好 就不要用,文章算不上完美,但很实 用。要牢记 “避繁就简”原则。当然 长句短句交叉使用最好。 把握要点,避免遗漏,注意发挥适度 既不要多写也不要少写。 注意句子与句子、段与段之间过渡自 然,行文连贯,注意适当使用连词, 例如:and ,so ,or, but, become, Whats more; What worse, not onlybut also, neithernor 等等 。 再有学生语文水平的滑坡,使得英语 老师不得不带领学生完成写作内容的 挖掘。写作注意的几

3、个问题: 选词:普通的叙述文或短文,应 该选择简洁、朴实、准确的大众 化词语,避免使用矫饰、复杂、 故弄玄虚的词,并尽可能挑选积 极的动词。写作注意的几个问题: 措辞:能写出树的具体名称an apple tree, 就不要使用tree; 能说 清具体数字时,就不要使用some; 知道是某种专门的活动,就不要使 用do去描述,词意越具体,越能 给读者鲜明的印象。 写作注意的几个问题: 你如何写开头1.开头常用词语:as far as we know 据我们所知as everybody knows 众所周知 at present 目前first of all 首先To tell the truth

4、 老实说1.结尾常用词语:after all 毕竟 at last 最后 in a word 总而言之 finally, 最后 we hope that 我们希望In short 简言之 clearly 显然你如何写结尾如何添加过度句、连接词 补充说明 for example, besides, In addition(此外), Whats worse! Whats more! Worst of all. 转折 however, yet, but 原因 thanks to, because of 结果 as result of , so ,sothat范文2:I m pleased to wr

5、ite to ask for some help. I want to tell you some problems we meet in English study. First, some of us arent interested in English. They think studying English is such a boring thing to do. And then Its so difficult for us to remember all the words in the texts. So lots of us 作文如何添加过度句、连接词作文如何添加过度句、

6、连接词dont have enough confidence to keep up English study . And we are always afraid to join in the group discussion. Whats more, there are so many new words we hadnt meet before in the passage. I dont know what to do. Sometimes we cant understand the main idea, let alone作文如何添加过度句、连接词answer the questi

7、ons about them. But the most difficult thing is to write. We often use wrong words and sentences. Can you help us ? How can we improve our English? Please give us some useful advice. Thank you very much. Write to me soon.Yours Fang Hua信息点与承接词的关系 信息点是珠子,承接词是线,用 线把珠子串连起来就是一条熠熠 生辉、优雅华贵的项链。单独看 某一方就成为一条破

8、绳子,一堆 烂珠子。如何写好好人好事的结尾 be proud of speak highly of follow ones example come true你如何写结尾Which is better?1 我们很累。A We were very tired. B We were really exhausted.2 他们在海滩上听音乐。A They listened to the music on the beach.B They enjoyed the music on the beach.Which is better?3 我希望你能帮助我。A I hope you can help me

9、. B Im looking forward to your help.4 我们应该努力取得好成绩。A We should work hard to get good grades.B Were supposed to try our best to get good grades.Which is better?5 我不吃垃圾食品。A I dont eat junk food. B I stay away from junk food.6 他们很早就到了。A They arrived early.B They arrived as early as they could.Which is b

10、etter?8 最后,他的狗得救了,他感到很惊讶。A His dog was saved at last. He was very surprised.B To his surprise, his dog was saved at last.7 我们在海里游泳,很开心。A We swam in the sea. We were happy.B We had fun swimming in the sea.Writing skills方法一:善用高级词汇Which is better?2 雨下得很大,所以他没赶上校车。A It rained heavily. So he didnt catch

11、the school bus.B He missed the school bus because of the heavy rain.missedbecause of 1 我喜欢轻音乐,它可以使我放松。A I like quiet music. It can make me relaxed.B I prefer gentle music that can make me relaxed.preferthatWhich is better?3 她还小,搬不动这么重的箱子。 A She is very young. She cant carry the heavy box.B She is to

12、o young to carry the heavy box. 4 我们必须采取措施来拯救地球,这样才能 过上更好的生活。 A We must do something to help save the earth. Then we will have a better life.B The more we do to help save our planet, the better life we will have.tootoThe more the betterWhich is better?5 我认为学英语很有趣。A I think learning English is intere

13、sting.B I find it really fun to learn English .6 我们应该在英语课上记笔记。 A We should take notes in English classes.B Taking notes in English classes is necessary.find it toTaking necessaryWhich is better?7 小组合作学习可以帮助你学得更好。A Working in groups can help you learn better.B Work in groups, and you will learn bette

14、r.8 我们应该保护环境。A We should protect the environment.B Its our duty to protect the environment.Work and方法二:活用多种句型Writing skills健康很重要。在学习和 工作的压力日趋增大的 今天,会休息的人才会 有健康的身体。人们是 如何度过假期的呢?国 际健康组织对此作了一 次调查,右图是他们此 次的调查结果。根据你 所得的信息,请为国际 健康组织写一篇完整的 调查报告,并提倡大家 进行假日休闲。审(search)travelstay at homevisit friends or paren

15、tswork牛刀小试 如何度假 调查报告 倡议假日休 闲 stay at homeworkvisit friends or parentstravel列(list)根据以下关键词及图表用 简单的句子列出文章的要点。A lot of people travel. Some people stay at home. Some other people visit friends or parents. A few people work. Enjoy your vacation.列(list) How do people spend their vacation? We made a survey and here is our report. (the beginning) A lot of people travel. Some people stay at home. They watch TV or surf the internet. Some other people visit friends or parents. A few people work. Com



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