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1、 一一. . 教学目标:教学目标: 知识目标:熟练掌握本单元的单词、知识目标:熟练掌握本单元的单词、 短语、句型和语法。短语、句型和语法。 能力目标:能够运用本单元所学到知能力目标:能够运用本单元所学到知 识对个人或他人的日常行程进行描述识对个人或他人的日常行程进行描述 。 二二. . 教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点: 时间表达法。时间表达法。 在一般现在时中的第三人称动词的用法在一般现在时中的第三人称动词的用法 。 三三. . 本单元的重点知识:本单元的重点知识: 单词:单词: 词组:词组: 1. go fishing 1. go fishing 去钓鱼去钓鱼 2. play the pia

2、no 2. play the piano 弹钢琴弹钢琴 3. finish homework 3. finish homework 完成作业完成作业 4. watch TV 4. watch TV 看电视看电视 5. have breakfast5. have breakfast吃早餐吃早餐 6. have lunch6. have lunch吃午餐吃午餐 7. have supper7. have supper吃晚餐吃晚餐 8. have classes8. have classes上课上课 9. go to bed9. go to bed上床睡觉上床睡觉 10. visit his gra

3、ndparents10. visit his grandparents拜访他的祖父母拜访他的祖父母 11. in the south of the city11. in the south of the city在城市的南部在城市的南部 12. take a bus12. take a bus乘公共汽车乘公共汽车 13. arrive there13. arrive there到那儿到那儿 14. find out 14. find out 找出、发现找出、发现 15. take books to school15. take books to school把书带到学校把书带到学校 16. k

4、nock at the door16. knock at the door敲门敲门 17. be happy to do sth.17. be happy to do sth.高兴做某事高兴做某事 18. remember grammar18. remember grammar记住语法记住语法 19. put into19. put into把把放到放到里去里去 20. not onlybut also20. not onlybut also不但不但而且而且 21. cook delicious dishes for 21. cook delicious dishes for 为为做好吃的菜做

5、好吃的菜 22. wait for 22. wait for 等候等候 23. go swimming23. go swimming去游泳去游泳 24. improve English24. improve English提高英语提高英语 25. ask sb. to do sth.25. ask sb. to do sth.让某人做某事让某人做某事 26. tell sb. to do sth.26. tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事告诉某人做某事 27. teach them pronunciation27. teach them pronunciation教他们发音教

6、他们发音 28. correct their pronunciation28. correct their pronunciation改正他们的发音改正他们的发音 29. give her a chance to do sth.29. give her a chance to do sth.给她一个机会去给她一个机会去 做做 30. make a lot of progress30. make a lot of progress取得巨大进步取得巨大进步 31. speak Chinese31. speak Chinese讲汉语讲汉语 32. at half past six32. at hal

7、f past six在六点半在六点半 33. go shopping33. go shopping去购物去购物 句子句子 1. I get up at six every day. 1. I get up at six every day. 我每天六点起床。我每天六点起床。 2. Its time for lunch 2. Its time for lunch 是该吃午饭的时间了。是该吃午饭的时间了。 3. He wants to take some food and vegetables to his 3. He wants to take some food and vegetables

8、to his grandparents.grandparents. 他想带一些鸡蛋和蔬菜到他的祖父母家去。他想带一些鸡蛋和蔬菜到他的祖父母家去。 4. At half past eight, she is knocking at grandmas 4. At half past eight, she is knocking at grandmas door. 8door. 8:3030,她在敲奶奶的门。,她在敲奶奶的门。 5. They are waiting for him. 5. They are waiting for him. 他们正在等他。他们正在等他。 6. He is very

9、happy to see his mother. 6. He is very happy to see his mother. 他非常高兴看见了他的妈妈。他非常高兴看见了他的妈妈。 7. His parents are doing some shopping in the nearby 7. His parents are doing some shopping in the nearby supermarket. supermarket. 他的父母正在附近的超市购物。他的父母正在附近的超市购物。 8. Lily is putting meat and oil into the shoppin

10、g basket. 8. Lily is putting meat and oil into the shopping basket. LilyLily正在把肉和油放到购物篮中。正在把肉和油放到购物篮中。 9. His father is good at cooking. 9. His father is good at cooking. 他的父亲擅长做饭。他的父亲擅长做饭。 10. Every Sunday, she cooks delicious dishes for her 10. Every Sunday, she cooks delicious dishes for her son.

11、 son. 每星期日她都为她的儿子做好吃的菜。每星期日她都为她的儿子做好吃的菜。 11. After lunch, I often help my parents wash dishes. 11. After lunch, I often help my parents wash dishes. 午饭后,我经常帮父母洗盘子。午饭后,我经常帮父母洗盘子。 12. I like playing badminton in the gym. 12. I like playing badminton in the gym. 我喜欢在体育馆打羽毛球。我喜欢在体育馆打羽毛球。 13. It takes me

12、 5 minutes to get to the gym on foot. 13. It takes me 5 minutes to get to the gym on foot. 步行到体育馆花费我步行到体育馆花费我5 5分钟的时间。分钟的时间。 14. She works very hard at her English. 14. She works very hard at her English. 她努力学习英语。她努力学习英语。 15. She asks the students to read one word after 15. She asks the students to

13、read one word after another slowly. another slowly. 她让学生们一个单词一个单词慢慢地读。她让学生们一个单词一个单词慢慢地读。 16. In China, teachers always tell their students to 16. In China, teachers always tell their students to learn new words by heart, and to remember grammar. learn new words by heart, and to remember grammar. 在中国

14、,老师总是告诉学生背新单词,记语法。在中国,老师总是告诉学生背新单词,记语法。 17. Kelly makes a lot of progress. 17. Kelly makes a lot of progress. Kelly Kelly取得了巨大的进步。取得了巨大的进步。 18. She can speak not only Chinese but also English. 18. She can speak not only Chinese but also English. 她不仅会讲汉语,而且会讲英语。她不仅会讲汉语,而且会讲英语。 四四. . 本讲重点知识讲解:本讲重点知识讲解: 1. Every Sunday morning, Zhang Fang goes to 1. Every Sunday morning, Zhang Fang goes to



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