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1、Unit1 Words and expressions【Learning Aims学习目标】1. To practise reading the new words and expressions.(练习会读单词)2. To learn and master the usages of the important words.(学习并掌握重点单词用法)3. To learn how to use the new words in the situation.(能即景活用新单词)1.survive 1)vi.幸存;生还; 保存下来, 残存 vt. 幸免于; 经历.后依然活着;从.中逃生 surv

2、ive sth. Few survived after the flood. 译:_ _ 很少建筑幸存于这次地震。 2) vt. 比某人活得长 A survives B A比B活得长 _ by ten years. 他比妻子多活十年。 3)n. 幸存者 survivor n. 幸存,残存survival All passengers but Lucy died in the traffic accident. Only she _? Asurvived Bfled Cmissed Drescued 洪水后极少有人生还。 Few buildings survived the earthquake

3、.He survived his wife2.in search of sb./sth. (=in ones/the search for) 寻找 在句中作目的状语或表语 _ 他在寻找金子。They went out _.(寻找食物)【拓展】search for寻找, 探求search sb./sp. (for sth.) 搜查;搜寻Firefighters _ 消防员搜查整个大楼寻找幸存者。He was in search of gold.in search of food. searched the buildings for survivors.3.amaze vt. 使吃惊;惊讶 am

4、aze sb. It (使她吃惊) that he could be so calm at such a time. 【拓展】amazement n. 惊奇 amazed a. 感到吃惊的 amazing a. 令人吃惊的 The thing is that it was kept secret for so long. She was at how calm she felt after the accident. (使我大为惊奇的是),he survived the accident.amazed her amazing amazed To my amazement4. design vt

5、. 构思:绘制 Architects_ 建筑师设计房屋。 2).为设计;被打算用来做 be designed for / to doThe experiment the new drug. 实验的目的是试验新药。 3). by design (=on purpose) 故意地by accident = by chance 偶然地;意外地design buildings is designed to test This kind of toy is _ for children above three. Apromised Ballowed Cdesigned Dused Whether by

6、accident or by_,he arrived too late to help us. A.purpose B. aim C. design D. chance5. belong to 属于,为的一员, 是的组成部分, 【不用于被动语态和进行时态】 _ 这辆自行车是我的。 These boys_ our football team. A. are belonging to B. are belonged to C. belong to D. belong ofThis bike belongs to me. 6. in return 作为回报;作为交换in return(for )作为

7、(对)回报【拓展】return to some place 返回到某地return sb. sth.(return sth.to sb. ) 将某物归还某人I wish I could do something for you .You gave me your watch and I gave you my book.He bought her a gold watch her help.in return in return in return for 7at war 处于交战状态 at peace 平静;与(某人/某物)和睦 at work 在工作 at school 在上学 at ta

8、ble 在吃饭 at sea 在航海 at play 在玩耍 at home 感觉舒适自在,无拘束8. doubt vt. apart B. tell; apart C. take; off D. take; uptellapart Apart from10worth prep. value His first book is of great use for our course. But his latest one is _ worth reading. Abetter Bmore Cmuch Dvery11. think highly of = think much/well of 看

9、重;器重; 高度评价 think ill/poorly/badly/little of 不重视;轻视;认为不好 think nothing of 把.视为平常,不当一回事 【拓展】 speak highly of 高度评价 think of 考虑(think about);想到 think of.as 把看作;认为是12. debate vi. & n. 争论;争辩 debate sth. with sb. 与某人争论某事 debate on/about/over sth. 争论某事 a warm / heated debate 激烈的争论 The issue is still under debate. 译: 这问题还在讨论中。Thank you !


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