Chinese-English Translation Strategies on News Headlines 英语专业毕业论文

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《Chinese-English Translation Strategies on News Headlines 英语专业毕业论文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Chinese-English Translation Strategies on News Headlines 英语专业毕业论文(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Chinese-English Translation Strategies on News Headlines Submitted by Student ID number Supervised by A paper submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Arts The Institute of Online Education Beijing Foreign Studies University 论文摘要论文摘要 新闻对政治、经济、文化和人们的生活有着越来越大的影响,而新闻翻译

2、不仅可以帮助政府、企业、个人获取更多的信息,更是加强国际传播,提高一国软性竞争力的有力途径。鉴于在新闻翻译领域,已有许多关于英翻中的研究成果,而当今形势是急需让世界真正了解中国,本文将主要研究新闻标题的中翻英策略和技巧。 本文从国内外知名的平面媒体和网站选取了三大类数据:中文新闻标题、英文新闻标题、中文新闻标题及其英文翻译,从中总结出了中英文标题的相同之处和各自特色。相似之处在于:对于整则新闻的重要性;简洁是其最突出的特征;使用谚语或新词以使表达丰富;使用修辞手法;常采用缩写、简写;带有独特的文化背景。而中英文标题在句子结构、时态、语态、语法规则等方面则有各自的特点。 通过总结分析,作者了解到

3、如何将中译英的基本原则运用于新闻标题的翻译当中,如改变句子结构、改变句子语态、对特殊文化背景的词语进行意译等,并从中总结出一些新闻翻译的特点:由于新闻的时效性对译者的速度和质量有了更高的要求;由于新闻价值、媒体立场、政治社会影响等因素,新闻翻译经常需要编译。 笔者希望通过此研究总结出一些基本翻译原则的运用技巧和新闻标题中翻英的特点,可更好地理解新闻标题和翻译新闻标题,并籍此对推动中国的国际传播和提高国际影响尽微薄之力。 由于第三部分数据大部分源自网站,样本的有限性可能导致研究的不够全面。希望笔者的尝试可以抛砖引玉。 关键词:新闻标题 中译英 翻译技巧 Abstract During the p

4、ast century, news has played increasingly powerful role in politics, economy, culture and every aspect of peoples life. News translation not only could help government, corporations, or individuals to know more information they need but also contribute much to international communication, which is r

5、egarded as significant remark of one countrys soft power. Based on the fact that many studies have been done about E-C news translation and the urgent need to introduce China and let outsiders get to know China more,this research will mainly focus on C-E news translation, more specifically, on news

6、headlines C-E translation. Headlines are very important in both Chinese 3) the urgent need to introduce China and let outsiders get to know China more,I think it is important to study C-E news translation. 1.1.3 Why headlines? As the saying goes, a good beginning is half battle. Headlines are very i

7、mportant in both Chinese information about something that has just happened or will soon happen.” and “A report of a current happening or happenings in a newspaper, on television, radio, etc.”, which indicates not only the time limit of news but also where news appear. John Bogart (1918) once said,

8、“When a dog bites a man that is not news, because it happens so often. But if a man bites a dog, that is news. ” He indicates news is about something unusual. The Chinese equivalent “新闻” is said to be firstly used as “恨天下无书以广新闻”in Tang Dynasty by Sun Chuxuan, which means anecdotes. Lu Dingyi emphasi

9、zes news should be true facts: “新闻是新近发生的事实的报道.” Pan Gongzhan points out the functions of news: “最近发生的事实,能引起多数读者兴味,能给予读者以实益,方是新闻。 ”( http:/ To compare and summarize the above definitions, we could say that news is reports on mass media about facts just happened, currently happening, will happen soon,

10、 which is useful for society and people. 2.1.2 Similarities between Chinese and English news headlines 1) The role and significance in news: both Chinese and English headlines point out the most valued information, attract readers attention, help readers to choose and comprehend the whole event and

11、make the space, either print or internet, more vivid and attractive. According to Liu Qizhong, “它们都是新闻的重要组成部分,都是新闻内容的概括和浓缩,其作用都是为了帮助作者选择新闻,阅读新闻和理解新闻。 ”(Liu 2004: 124) 2) The truthfulness and brevity are most outstanding and necessary characteristics of all news headlines. While Xu MingWu thinks that

12、 “简洁和真实是二者最突出的共性。 ” (Xu2003: 240) 3) For lexis, both Chinese and English headlines use idioms, new words, and numbers in certain cases to convey the key message in a lively and powerful way. 4) Rhetoric such as metaphor, personification, repetition, etc. is used in both Chinese and English news head

13、lines. 5) Abbreviations or initials are both used in Chinese and English news headlines regarding well known place, organization, country names, etc. 6) Punctuation such as the exclamatory mark, quotation mark and colone is used to express certain feelings, attract readers attention or to refer some

14、thing particularly. 7) Both Chinese and English news headlines sometimes carry special culture background. 2.1.2 Difference between Chinese and English news headlines 1)For structure, Chinese headlines are more often two parallel sentences or even couplet while English news headlines tend to be a si

15、ngle but logical sentence, which also reflects that Chinese is a language of parataxis while English hypotaxis. 2)Difference in tense: There are clear marks of tense in English news headlines and the simple present tense is often used to indicate something already happened, which looks very updated

16、and fresh for readers. Chinese headlines indicate the time through the meaning of the sentence and dont have clear mark of tense. 3)Difference in voice: English news headlines much more often use the passive voice to give an impression of preciseness and impartiality. 4)Grammar rules: English news headlines much more often break grammar rules for brevity. 5)Difference in rhetoric: “从修辞来看,汉语标题更重文采,讲究对仗和押韵;英文标题则显得质朴平淡,重



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