Chinese Wuxia Culture VS American Cowboy Culture 英语毕业论文

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1、Chinese Wuxia Culture VS American Cowboy Culture Abstract: Reflecting the interpretation of hero in China and America, Chinese Wuxia and American cowboy culture are often compared. And just as what Wuxia is to Chinese culture, cowboy culture plays an indispensable part of American culture. This arti

2、cle is going to make an introduction to those two cultures and not only to find the differences and similarities between these two figures but also analyze the cultural meaning behind those pheromone.Key Words: Chinese Wuxia Culture, American Cowboy Culture, Hero, Cultural Differences and Similariti

3、es,. Chinese Wuxia Culture Being affected by the “Confucian culture”, the traditional cultural essence of Chinese nation is always known as “benevolence” . While that doesnt prevent Chinese people from admiring hero with matchless kung Fu and chivalric character, which is completely reflected in the

4、 popularity of Wuxia . Wuxia stories have their roots in some early youxia(游侠) stories from 300200 BC . The word “wuxia“ is a compound word composed of the words wu , which means “martial“, “military“, or “armed“ and xia , meaning “honorable“, “chivalrous“, or “hero“. A martial artist who follows th

5、e code of Xia is often referred to as a xiake or youxia. In ancient China, people consider “wu“ an important quality of talents. Students are acquired to master the “six arts“ known as “rites”,” music“ , “archery”, “charioteering“ , “calligraphy“ and “mathematics“ , two of which are belonged to the

6、“Wu“ culture . It was common for males to practicing martial art since childhood. While as the Confucian culture make its dominate position in Han Dynasty , the upper class gradually regard “wu“ a symbol of rude and uncivilized . In the famous Si Maqian described “youxia“ as someone who do not obey

7、rules. However, since Chinese political system decided the hardship of common people and they cannot find a way to save themselves in most situations, Wuxia becomes some kind of their spiritual sustenance. Poor people told stories about “xiake”, hoping they will be saved someday. Wuxia fiction then

8、becomes popular. The code of xia is composed of two main virtues. Yi (righteousness) and xin (honor). The code also emphasizes the importance of repaying benefactors after having received deeds of grace or favor from others, as well as seeking vengeance to bring villains to justice. However, the imp

9、ortance of vengeance is controversial, as a number of wuxia works stress Buddhist ideals, which includes forgiveness, compassion and a prohibition on killing. Typically, the heroes in Chinese wuxia fiction do not serve a lord, wield military power or belong to the aristocratic class. They are often

10、from the lower social classes of ancient Chinese society. Wuxia heroes are usually bound by a code of chivalry that requires them to right wrongs, especially when the helpless or the poor are oppressed. The wuxia hero fights for righteousness and seeks to remove an oppressor, redress wrongs, or to b

11、ring retribution for past misdeeds. Even today , Wuxia fiction is still famous among Chinese people, especially the youth ,The influence of Wuxia also became broader, and references to it can be found in poetry, fiction, and, latterly, film and so on. . American Cowboy Culture In 1846, a war broke o

12、ut between America and Mexico. Ridiculously, America, as a winning, was invaded thoroughly by the cowboy culture of Mexico . There were two groups of cowboy. The earliest group was immigrants from Europe, and another group are Hispanics. A cowboy is an animal herder who tends cattle on ranches in No

13、rth America, traditionally on horseback, and often performs a multitude of other ranch-related tasks . According to the reality, cowboys were farm workers who were responsible for the hardest works while took the least pay. However, it was their pioneering spirits that promoted American social devel

14、opment , especially the west , in the 19th century . Over time, the cowboys of the American West developed a personal culture of their own, a blend of frontier and Victorian values that even retained vestiges of chivalry. Cowboys as a legend, play an important part in American. The culture they crea

15、ted has a far-reaching effect on America. In formal literature, cowboys are usually the guardians of law and justice and always think over before making important decision. Just like in fiction created by Owen Wister , having tolerated for nearly five years , cowboy Virginian , who is strong and bra

16、ve , eventually chose to kill the bad guy Trampas . The traditions of the working cowboy were further etched into the minds of the general public with the development of Wild West Shows in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which showcased and romanticized the life of both cowboys and Native American. In those shows, cowboys were shaped as brave, responsible, and reliable and so on. One of the most important qualities of cowboys is their pursuit of freedom and their persistence when


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