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1、英语教学法 18 春在线作业 3-0003 试卷总分:100 得分:100 一、 单选题 (共 10 道试题,共 30 分)1.Procedural knowledge is about how knowledge is used in _. A.text B.context C.discourse D.dialogue 正确答案:D2.An informal lesson plan is of _nature. A.serious B.casual C.formal D.informal 正确答案:B3.In _s theory, adults have two distinctive wa

2、ys of developing competence in second or foreign language learning. A.Anderson B.Cook C.Krashen D.Hatch 正确答案:C4.Input becomes comprehensible as a result of simplification and with the help of _and extra-linguistic clues. A.context B.contextual C.contest D.environmental 正确答案:B5._is an approach to gra

3、mmar teaching in which students are taught rules first and then students try to apply the rules to practice and actual use of the language. A.Deductive learning B.Inductive learning C.Conductive learning D.Instructive learning正确答案:A6.The reflective nature of journal writing lies in its _ of discover

4、ing hidden beliefs and feelings and gaining insights about teaching and living. A.process B.belief C.cognition D.recognition 正确答案:A7.When learners are trying to build up _about the target language on the basis of limited language knowledge and skills, they make errors. A.hypothesis B.thinking C.beli

5、efs D.believes 正确答案:A8.The principle underlying and means to teacher development is_ . A.instruction B.reflection C.ability D.skills 正确答案:B9.Being good at using English is not enough for a teacher. He/she has to be able to and explain the language. A.analyze B.analyzed C.analysis D.analyst 正确答案:A10.

6、Criterion-referenced testing is intended to measure the candidates performance according to a particular standard or criterion. A.Criterion-referenced testing B.Norm-referenced testing C.Discrete point testing D.Integrative testing正确答案:A二、 多选题 (共 10 道试题,共 30 分)1.The advantages of a good test include

7、 that _. A.it can stimulate both teachers and students to work with clear aims and in systematic procedures. B.it can make teachers and learners study on the right track. C.itcan serve as a driving force that pushes teachers and students to work with commitment and maximize their potential actualiza

8、tion. D.testing results can help teachers to diagnose teaching and learning so as to make changes or adjustments for improvement. 正确答案:ABCD2.The roles of learners could be_. A.being an active participant B.being a reflective analyst C.being a tolerant learner D.being an interactive negotiator 正确答案:A

9、BCD3.The nature of cooperative learning is_ A.willingness B.involvement C.balance of personal and group needs D.interpreting 正确答案:ABC4.The gradual process of professional development throughout a teachers career is characterized by different stages (Leithwood 1992): _ A.developing survival skills; b

10、uilding up competence in the basic skills of instruction; B.expanding ones flexibility in using instruction; acquiring and developing instructional and professional expertise; C.making contributions to staff development, and D.taking part in a broad range of educational decisions at all levels. 正确答案

11、:ABCD5.The new curriculum is adopted _syllabus. A.functionalB.task-based C.situational D.notional 正确答案:BC6.Richards further provides a description of intralingual errors. They are _ . A.overgeneralization B.ignorance of rule restrictions C.incomplete application of rules D.false concepts hypothesize

12、d 正确答案:AC7.The following are the failures that the students tend to make when they write. A.to mention more than one idea in one paragraph B.to mention the same idea again in other paragraphs C.to fail to give a topic sentence with supporting examples D.to use proper words to express the ideas 正确答案:

13、ABCD8.Usually reading processes are categorized as _. A.top-down B.bottom-up C.the combination of the two D.skimming 正确答案:ABC9.To allocate only grammar time to teach grammar items intensively have some problems. They are_. A.such a way takes too much time. B.too much grammar over a period of time se

14、ems too overwhelming for students to digest. C.such teaching is not interesting. There is no variety in classroom teaching. D.only grammar teaching deprives students of other skills development. 正确答案:ABCD10.What makes the Natural Approach prominent is its focuses on _. A.comprehensible input B.comfo

15、rting environment C.supportive environmentD.output 正确答案:ABC三、 判断题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分)1.Very often the wrong use of connotative and contextual meanings makes L2 speakers sound inappropriate. This means vocabulary learning requires careful use of L1. A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:B2.Evaluation of lesson plan cannot he

16、lp teachers to theorize their experience. A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:A3.Reflection fosters teachers judgment and autonomy, which is necessary to teacher development. A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:B4.Apart from verbal devices, the teachers body language plays important roles in linking the activities too, which can be called non-verbal behavior. A.错误 B.正确 正确答案:B5.In other sense, the repertory grid technique, can reveal how p


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