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1、本话题主要包括:(1)交通方式;(2)指路与问路 ;(3)安全条例与警告;(4)询问与预订;(5)旅游 ;(6)描述一次旅程。针对本话题,高考命题人员可能会从以下角度来命题。 (1)酒店、景点、票务等的订购及费用 (2)太空旅游、生态旅游 (3)私家车激增的利与弊 (4)度假方式的变化及其原因 (5)旅游计划的拟订、准备及注意事项 (6)交通安全 (7)交通方式的变化及其对人们生活的影响 (8)问路与指路 (9)国外旅游注意事项、护照、签证的申办及其费用 (10)描述旅游经历1.旅游与探险(tourism and adventure) (1)相关名词:travel, journey, trip

2、, tour, travel agency (旅 行社), guide, airlines/airways, flight ticket, passport, visa, identity (ID) card (身份证), tent, camp, hotel, tourist attraction(旅游景点), places of interest, scenic spots (景 点), national park, DIY tour(自助游), space tourism(太空 旅游), group/organized tour(团体游), a self-driven trip(自 驾游)

3、 (2)相关动词短语: go on a wildlife tour/a hiking trip参加野生动物之旅/去远 足 be on holiday/a visit 度假/旅行 see sb off 送行 explore a forest/ a desert/ another planet 森林/沙漠探险; 外星球探险(3)相关形容词:interesting, exciting, attractive, fantastic, boring/dull, tiring, comfortable, funny, well-organized (4)相关句子: The scenery is charm

4、ing! 景色迷人! Great changes have taken place in the ways that people spend their holidays over the period from the year 1990 to 2009. 在1990至2009年间,人们 的度假方式已经发生了巨大的变化。2.交通方式(methods of transportation) (1)walk/ on foot 走路,步行 (2)ride a bike/by bike 骑自行车 (3)drive a car/by car 开小轿车 (4)take a bus/by bus 乘公共汽

5、车 (5)take a taxi/by taxi乘出租车,打的 (6)by boat/ship/water/sea 坐船/走水路 (7)transfer(在旅途中)转乘、换乘3.指路(showing the way) (1)Its about five minutes walk.走路约五分钟。 (2)Take bus No. 2 and get off at the next stop.坐2 路车,在下一站下车。 (3)Turn right at the second turning. / Take the second turning on the right.在第二个拐弯处右转 。 (4)

6、Go / Walk down /along the road and turn right. Youll see the post office.沿着这条路走,再向右转 ,你就会看到邮局。4.交通安全(safety rules and warnings) (1)safety first安全第一 (2)traffic light交通灯,红绿灯 (3)traffic rules/ regulations交通规则 (4)keep left/ right靠左/靠右 (5)crossroad/crossing十字路 (6)wait until the green light 等到绿灯再走 (7)traf

7、fic jam交通堵塞 (8)traffic accident交通事故基础写作:亚运期间给外国客人指路 假设有几位印度客人将在2010年广州亚运会期间 游览广州市陈家祠(Chen Clans Academy),向你 征询如何前往该景点。有关该景点的的信息如下 : 地 址:广州市中山七路 开放时间:8:3017:30 门 票:10元;70岁以上持老人证者免票;学 生、退休人员凭证半票。交通: 乘地铁在陈家祠站下;乘出租车到陈 家祠站下;有近30路公交车可达。 客人所在位置:广州中山大学南校区大门口,即 地铁“中大站”旁边,距离该景点好几十公里远,地 铁线路见书242页. 写作内容 根据以上信息拟

8、定一份前往该景点的乘车指引, 内容包括: 1.景点的位置及距离; 2.如何到达该景区; 3.开放时间与票价。基础写作:亚运期间给外国客人指路Its my pleasure to tell you how to get to Chen Clans Academy. You cant miss it. Chen Clans Academy is located on Zhongshan 7th Lu, which is quite dozens of kilometers away from where we are now. To get to Chen Clans Academy, there

9、 are several means of transportation available, going by bus, by taxi or by tube. Since you are next to the Zhongda underground station, the best way for you to get there is going by tube. Get on the tube at Zhongda station on Line 2 and transfer to Line 1 until it reaches Gongyuanqian station, and

10、finally get off the underground at Chen Clans Academy station, taking you less than 20 minutes. By the way, Chen Clans Academy is open to the public from 8:3017:30, with an admission ticket price of RMB10 yuan for each but free for the elderly who are over seventy years with certificates and half pr

11、ice for students and the retired with certificates. 读写任务:就“游客可付费在仿造长城上涂写留言” 发表看法写作内容 1. 以约30个词概括短文的要点; 2. 以约120个词写一篇短文,就“游客可付费在仿 造长城上涂写留言”发表你的看法,内容包括: (1)谈谈对某些人喜欢在旅游景点随便涂鸦留言的 看法; (2)对专门修一段仿造城墙让游客付高价留言的做 法你是赞成还是反对,并简要陈述你的理由。读写任务:就“游客可付费在仿造长城上涂写留言”发表看法It is reported that tourists to Chinas Great Wall

12、can now leave their mark on a fake wall recently built near the real wall in Badaling if they pay 999 yuan.(31 words)In China, many visitors have the hobby of carving graffiti on places of interest, especially on some famous cultural relics. Last year I went to the Great Wall and found many people h

13、ad left names and ugly words on the Wall, which destroys many historic bricks. In my opinion, such people should feel ashamed of leaving their marks on the great relics which were created by our ancestors. So personally I quite agree with this brilliant project though it has caused criticism from so

14、me people. The Great Wall would be ruined one day if we didnt take any steps to protect it. The fake wall is a really good idea because it will protect our relics as well as making profits from the project.(124 words)该话题包括:英美英语的差别、语言学习策略、语言学习中的困难、对语言交际的看法、语言与文化、中外文化习俗等等。针对该话题,我们预测高考命题人员可能会从以下角度 来命题:

15、介绍中外节日或重大事件或某一组织,谈谈英 语学习的体会(方法、策略、困难、心得、经历)、对英 美英语差别的理解和体验、语言学习策略、语言学习与 文化的关系、保护文化遗产,以及如何进行有效交际等 。举例如下: (1)介绍中国或外国的某一节日、某一文化活动或某一重 大事件。 (2)为“英美英语差别”的讲座或为“我的英语学习之路”的 英语演讲写一则海报。 (3)为某报社写一篇有关英语学习方法、学习策略与学习 困难等方面的调查报告。 (4)介绍实施新课程改革以来,你校师生在英语教与学方 面的变化(学习方式、教学方式、教学资源、学习态度与 情感等)。(5)介绍你参加以“了解本地文化与风俗、拓宽视野、加

16、强友谊”为目的一次国外夏令营活动。 (6)写一篇介绍英美英语差别(音标、发音、书写、语法 、发展趋势)的短文。 (7)写一篇介绍普通话与广东话差别(发音、书写、语法 、发展趋势)的短文。 (8)写一篇介绍中西方社交礼仪(如婚礼)的英语短文。 (9)就“身体语言的重要性”的主题发表看法。 (10)就“语言学习中,了解文化的必要性”的主题发表看 法。 (11)就“如何解决中学生英语学习中的困难”的主题发表 看法。 (12)就“如何保护文化遗产”的主题发表看法。 (13)就“高考英语要考人机对话”的主题发表看法。1.英语学习体会 (1)enlarge ones vocabulary扩大某人的词汇量 (2)refer to the dictionary. 查字典 (3)focus on learning grammar强调语法学习 (4)form the habit of reading养成阅读习惯 (5)reading skill


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