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1、三段式作文写作手法广东省高考英语作文开头部 分的写法高三英语复习课件1. 开门见山,点明主题。这种写法适用于“自由发挥型”、“给定观点型”。 例如: 作文考题:The best way to stay healthy的开头一 段可以只有一句话: The best way to stay healthy is to develop a good quality of psychology. 再如: 作文考题:Globalization的范文的开头一句式: Globalization was a double-edged sword to the countries all over the wo

2、rld.2. 背景法 即对一个现象进行分析时,现把这个现象事件的原因、 后果、发展等背景信息介绍一下,然后再给出自己的看 法。适用于“自由发挥型”、“给定观点型”。 例如:作文考题:The Importance of Keeping a Good MoodThe modern society is characterized with rapid pace, and people in such a society have to cope with a lot of pressures from either outer world or inner will. The most diffi

3、cult, but necessary thing for them is to keep a good mood under whatever circumstances. 再如:作文考题: Unemployment In recent years,China has experienced an alarming increase in unemployment rate. Unemployment is more than an economic problem. If it were not handled properly, it would result in serious so

4、cial problems. Effective measures must be taken to solve the unemployment problem.3. 正反表态法。 在开头一段中把正反观点都表达出来,最后一句写自己 的观点。用1-2句介绍主题,再用一两句介绍正反两种观 点、看法, 接下来再表达自己的看法。这种写法比较适 合“对比选择型”题目。 例如:作文考题:A Major Advantage/Disadvantage of Advertising on TelevisionNowadays more and more advertisements are seen on T

5、V every day. Some people think that advertising on TV can bring us a lot of benefits, but others hold the different opinions. In my opinion, I an in favor of the former. 再如:作文考题:Where Would You Go After Graduation?After graduation, some students choose to go to surper cities for career development.

6、Meanwhile, some students prefer to return their hometowns. As for myself, I would like to go back to my home city.4. 让步法 也称为先抑后扬法,现把反方观点引出来,做一个肯定 的评价,然后笔锋一转,回到自己的观点上来。适用于 “对比选择型”题目。 例如:作文考题:Will Phones Kill Letter WritingNowadays, young people choose to phone each other than write letters. Some are

7、worried that letter writing will be useless in the future. Even so, I still maintain that letter writing will never be killed by phones, despite the fact that we have already stepped into the information age.再如:作文考题:Degree and University StudyIn our society, the most commonly recognized standard of

8、a students academic achievement is the degree. Consequently some people regard the degree as the only thing valuable while studying in college. Admittedly, the degree is essential for students who want a prosperous future, but it is by no means the only purpose at university. 5. 提问式 要讨论什么就先把话题一文举行时提

9、出,然后回答问题 表达自己的观点。或者,对自己的观点做个理由概述/县 写出反方观点,对其做一个反驳,顺势提出自己的观 点,适用于“对比选择型”题目。 例如:作文考题:Factors Influencing Young AdultsOf the various factors that can have influence on young adults, the family and friends stand out most. Which of the two is more important? My view is that it is friends who have the mos

10、t important influence on young adults. 再如:作文考题:Should University Students in China Pay High Tuition Fees for Their Education?Soaring tuition has aroused much public concern in China. Should university students pay a high tuition fee for their education? My answer is no.题目及要求:With the development of

11、Chinas booming economy, Chinese people earn more money and become richer. In consequence, the number of private cars has risen sharply in the recent years. Some people believe that private cars should be encourage in China. Others argue that private cars should be discouraged in China. There has bee

12、n a controversy(论争, 辩论) recently on the issue in a newspaper in China. You are expected to express your opinion on the issue.题目及要求:Write a composition of about 150 words on the following topic: “SHOULD CHINA ENCOURAGE PRIVATE CARS?” You are to write in 3 parts. 1. In the first part, state specifical

13、ly what your idea is. 2. In the second part, provide one or more reasons to support your ideas OR describe your idea. 3. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion OR a summery.审题及写作思路:本题是一个对比选择型题目,提出了一种社会现象-私家车数量 激增,随之带来了一些好处,也出现了一些问题。要求我们对私家 车的优缺点进行全面分析比较,然后选择是否应该鼓励私家车,最

14、 后阐述论证自己的观点。我们可以有两种写作思路:思路1:中国应该鼓励私家车的发展发展私家车改善了人民的生活水平,拉动了经济增长,扩大了就 业。随着中国经济的迅速崛起,任命收入不断提高,越来越多的人 买得起车了。私家车是人们改善生活水平,提高生活质量的热门消 费品。而且日趋增长的对汽车的需求,也成为拉动经济增长的一个 强劲动力。据统计,汽车工业占GDP的比例,目前已经达到1.5%左 右,汽车产业不仅成为一些大城市的经济增长点,而且促进了就业 。据统计,汽车行业可以对38个行业产生不同程度的带动作用。思路2:中国应该限制私家车的发展私家车的快速增长带来了不少问题,如交通堵塞、环境污染、安全 等问题。车辆增加的速度远远快于道路的建设,私家车过多而公交 车不够,导致交通拥塞,上下班时间过长。私家车的尾气排放给环 境造成污染,影响空气质量。私家车的过快增长客观上造成了交通 安全事故的增多。详细写作规划: 第一部分首先引出私家车的话题。 第二部分从三方面展开。1.2.3.第三方面总结全文的观点。


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