Unit1 Friendship(新人教版必修1

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1、2013届湖北高考英语一轮复习基础知识课件:Unit1 Friendship(新人教版必修1)作佳诵 读点考锁 定频高考 点即境活用1 The news that her daughter fell in love with a poor boy _ her.As a result, she couldnt sleep well or eat well.Aupset BcalmedCignored Dsettled解析upset 使心烦,使不安,符合句意。calm 使平静;ignore 不理睬;settle 使安居。答案A2calm vt. payBlooked through; faceCg

2、one through; sufferDpassaed through; destroy解析go through 经历; suffer 遭受。句意:伊拉克自从1990年经历了太多的战争,使他的人民遭受很多痛苦。答案C4concern vt. 使担忧;涉及;关系到,后面经经常接名词词或代词词做宾宾语语。n担心;关注;(利害)关系,经经常和动词连动词连 用,如show/express concern about/over/on 等。concerning 关于,比 about 正式。She concerns herself with/in social welfare.她关注社会福利。There i

3、s growing concern about violence on the Internet. 人们对们对 网络络暴力日渐忧虑渐忧虑 。 Concerned parents are having a meeting on how to solve the serious problem.忧虑忧虑 的父母们们正在开会讨论讨论 如何解决这这个严严重的问题问题 。I have nothing to say concerning the accident.关于这场这场 事故我无话话可说说。【思维拓展】concern oneself about/for sth. (某人)为担心be concerne

4、d about/for sth. (某人)为担心concern (oneself) with/in 使(自己)与有关系;使干涉;使参与as (so) far as. be concerned 就而言be concerned that.担心即境活用4 (2012江苏启东中学期中考试)The observations which he reported_marketing bothered his boss a lot.Abeing concerned BconcernedCbe concerned Dconcerning解析concerning为介词,意为“与有关,关于”。答案D5powern(

5、1)U能力:多指身体、心智等方面的能力或(全部)体力、智力。如: do the best of ones power 尽最大力量; do all in ones power 尽力而为为。(2)U力量:多指物理上或自然具备备的力量。如: the power of nature 自然力。(3)U权力;势力;控制力;政权。如: the party in power 执政党; come to (into) power 掌权权; rise to (fall from) power 取得(失去)权权力; be in a persons power 在某人的掌握中(控制下)。 (4)U电力;动力;能力She

6、 is said to have the power to foretell the future.据说说她有预测预测 未来的能力。With power off, the boy had to do his homework by the light of a candle.由于停电电了,那个男孩不得不借助于烛烛光来做作业业。【易混辨析】power, strength, energy 和 forcepower 力量;能力;电力;权力strength 力气;强度;优点energy 能量;精力force 实际使用的力量,也可变成武力、暴力即境活用5 We stored plenty of cand

7、les in case of _ failure.Apower BenergyCstrength Dforce解析power failure 停电。答案A6settle vi.安家;定居;停留 vt.解决;决定;安置My son has settled in America.我儿子已在美国定居了。We have settled who will pay for the meal.我们们已经经定了由谁谁来付饭钱饭钱 。【思维拓展】settled adj.固定的;不变的;永久的settlement n殖民;移民;定居点;和解;解决;决定;清算;清账settler n定居者settle in (迁入

8、新居,更换工作后)安顿下来That settles it!口事情就这样定了!这就完了!settle(.) down (使)平静下来;(活动一段时间后)舒舒服服地坐下、躺下;定居;成家settle to do sth. 决定去做某事即境活用6 Uncle George was always busy with his business, so he didnt _ until he was nearly fifty.Asettle down Bset downCput down Dlet down解析句意:乔治叔叔一直忙于他的事业,一直到快五十岁时才安顿下来。 settle down “定居下来

9、;过安定的生活”; set down “记下;登记”; put down “放下;写下”; let down “让某人失望”。答案A7recover v重新获得;重新找回;恢复;痊愈She recovered her strength soon after the operation.手术术后不久她便恢复了体力。She soon recovered herself and went on with her lecture.她很快恢复正常,继续进继续进 行演讲讲。recover losses/ones lost watch弥补损补损 失/找回失去的手表recover ones strength/

10、balance 恢复体力/身体平稳稳recover oneself 恢复正常;使清醒recover from a severe illness/the effects of the war从病中康复/从战战争的影响中复原即境活用7 (2012福建六校联考)As soon as little Tom had _ a little from shock, his first thought was to get away.Areturned BabsorbedCsurvived Drecovered解析recover from 从恢复。句意:小汤姆从震惊中稍一恢复,他的第一念头就是逃跑。 retu

11、rn 返回; absorb 吸收; survive 幸免于难。答案D8disagree v不同意;意见不合Chocolate always disagrees with me.我吃了巧克力总总感到不舒服。We disagreed over what should be done.我们对应该们对应该 做什么意见见有分歧。【思维拓展】(1)disagree about/over. 关于有不同意见disagree with sb. 与某人意见不同;(水土)不服;(食物)不适宜(2)agree with 赞同某人或某人说的话;(水土、食物等)适宜/适合agree to. 赞同(计划、意见、方案等)ag

12、ree on. 就达成一致agree that. 同意agree to do sth. 同意做某事(3)arrive at/come to/reach an agreement 达成协议协议make an agreement with 与订订立协协定in agreement with (与)一致(同意)即境活用8 The climate here _ me, so I suffer a lot.Aagrees with Bdisagrees withCagrees on Ddisagrees on解析disagree with 不适宜,符合句意。答案B9ignore vt.不理睬;不顾;忽视S

13、he ignored him and carried on with her work.她没理他,继续继续 干她的活。Hes completely ignorant about modern technology.他对现对现 代科技一无所知。(1)ignore sb./sth. 不理睬某人/某事即境活用9 Tom is always saying Im ugly, Mom.Just _ him. You are the most beautiful in my eyes.Aignore BleaveCrefuse Dmiss解析ignore 不理睬,忽视。leave 离开;refuse 拒绝;

14、miss 思念。答案A10tip n建议,小费,尖端Here are some tips on how to use this computer for you.给给你几条使用这这台电脑电脑 的建议议。Here is some tip for your good service.由于你的良好服务给务给 你一些小费费。即境活用10 Her name is on the _of my mothers tongue but she couldnt remember it.Atop BtipCbottom Dmiddle解析on the tip of ones tongue 在某人的舌尖上打转,欲说却

15、说不出口。答案B考点短语 1add up 加起来You havent added the figures up right.这些数字你没有加对。【易混辨析】add to 和 add up toadd to 意为“增加;增添”; add up to 意为“加起来等于;总计”。The bad weather adds to our trouble.恶劣的天气给我们增添了麻烦。The figures add up to 120.这些数字加起来是120。即境活用11 (2012河南南阳镇平一中月考二)The naughty boy is a bit hard to deal with,which_the trouble adapting to the new environment.Amakes for Badds toCcontributes to Ddevotes to解析add to “使(数量)增加;使(规模)扩大”。此处意为“增加了适应新环境的困难”。make for 有利于;contribute to导致;devote to 献身于。答案B2go through 经历,经受;通过;仔细检查,用完I always start the day by going through my mail. 我每天总总是先看邮邮件。Shes been go



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