《英语谈话节目赏析》论文:《黑暗骑士》 福州大学经济与管理学院

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《《英语谈话节目赏析》论文:《黑暗骑士》 福州大学经济与管理学院》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《英语谈话节目赏析》论文:《黑暗骑士》 福州大学经济与管理学院(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、福州大学经济与管理学院课 程 论 文课程名称: 英语谈话节目赏析 学 期: 2014-2015-2 任课教师: 陈捷娜 学生姓名: 陈子杰 学 号: 151300410 年级专业: 2013 级城乡规划 2015 年 5 月 28 日成 绩: 要求与评价:评分标准期末成绩总评(打勾)校选课分值合格:合格:紧扣主题且主题鲜明、深刻, 观点正确,见解独到,符合主题内容; 内容充实、新颖,贴近生活,富有鲜 明的时代感;行文流畅,用词精练, 结构完整合理、层次分明,详略得当; 感染力强,富有创意;能为学习过程 提供例证,并对整个课程学习进行心 得汇总;文章结构严谨、层次分明, 逻辑性、条理性强;文字流

2、畅,语法 正确,字数最好不少于 3000 字。不合格:不合格:不能扣题主题词;有概念等 错误;论据短缺,或与论点相脱节, 与论题不符;部分重要材料、数据失 真,原始资料不齐,加工整理差;写 作基本功差,层次紊乱,文句不通顺, 病句、错别字多,标点错误多。合格/ 不合格附注:修正项有雷同、抄袭、迟交、补交、违反教务规定等情况按有关规定 和说明处理任课教师: (签名)TheThe twotwo sidessides ofof a a coincoinFilm appreciation of The Dark Knight (2008)I am a huge fans of superhero fi

3、lms. When I saw this movie,I think the big question.or the question everyone actually cares about is this: Is Christopher Nolans follow up to the critically acclaimed film “Batman Begins,“ The Dark Knight, as good as everyone is saying? Quite simply, yes, yes it is. There is no doubt about it, one o

4、f the most anticipated movies of the 21st century duly deserves every amount of praise lavished onto it. This is no ordinary superhero movie, this is a character and dialogue driven piece, not as action orientated as you might expect.Why I think this movie is so great is that this might be the first

5、 superhero film about human nature.It dont tell us what is right of what is wrong but hybrid them.And the good guy(Batman)in the movie always get confused about the justice he insist.But the bad guy(joker) get recognized.That seems radiculors but it exactly happden in this film.This was so much more

6、 than a Batman film, this was so much more than a comic book film, The Dark Knight truly delivers with drama, action, romance, horror, dark humor, the study of a psychopathic killer, a detective story. The force behind this epic movie is Christopher Nolan, whos previous film, Batman Begins, didnt re

7、ally thrill me, but his incredible film making is truly shown in The Dark Knight, the shots that he got of Gotham City were absolutely fantastic and made you feel part of the city, part of the Batman story. One of the things that I absolutely loved about The Dark Knight is that normally with a comic

8、 book movie, you know its not real, people dont dress up in costumes, and save the day, villains dont name themselves crazy names and dress in make up or crazy costumes, but The Dark Knight actually makes it seem incredibly real, like it could happen.I will not go into plot details, because there is

9、 a lot of it. However, a basic one sentence summary is: Batman now has to face his most cunning and psychotic enemy, someone with no real motives.The Joker. Now that that is out of the way, I will start off with the actors .Christian Bale has done a tremendous job as our beloved Caped Crusader, with

10、 him already blowing everyone else out of water with “Batman Begins.“ Bruce Wayne has a flawed personality that hangs on the balance between righteousness and criminal. His perception of justice causes an emotional and personal shift, whether he is a wealthy businessman who fights crime in a gadget-

11、riddled suit or just a normal man who is sick of all the scum in Gotham City and decides to give the law-breakers a dose of their own medicine. Because of this, and Bales tremendous acting, Bruce Wayne is justified, and we emphasise with Bales flawed hero more than any of the other actors. If there

12、ever was an excellent Batman, this is it. The theme of right and wrong is played well with his character here.Be it known, this caped avenger stands for the good of Gotham City that the police force and its counterparts cant represent, the good that has no jurisdiction, no procedures.and no rules, s

13、ave for one. I can only hope that weve seen just the prelude to the Dark Knights upcoming legendary battles with the worst of Gotham Citys dark underside.Of course, Heath Ledger was that good. I can safely say that he most definitely was. Ledgers Joker is not only the best, but is now the greatest s

14、uperhero film villain ever. I absolutely loved Jack Nicolsons performance in the 1989 film, when Heath was signed onto The Dark Knight, everyone was not satisfied aout this, once you see The Dark Knight. Heath was incredible! Im not going to compare Jack and Heaths performance, because they were two

15、 different versions of the Joker, but Heaths Joker was definitely the more scary and intense of the two nominations. You didnt know what he was going to do next, he was so crazy, he was also so charismatic to the point where you could relate to his character, and the worst part is not only that hes

16、crazy, hes driving Gotham crazy and treating everyone like little puppets on strings that he can control, and guess what, he is doing it so well with a smile on his face. His performance is truly terrifying, chilling, brilliant; any synonyms of the previous adjectives. Every scene he is in is stolen. The Joker truly is Batmans w


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