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1、雅托英语培训中心 电话:07592296349 网址: 教育局指定雅思、托福培训机构托福阅读Alien Invasive Species(第一、二段)备课研究委员会 Paragraph1 : the transplantation of lant and animal species transplantation 移植 this is often thought of.人们认为 as a problem 存在问题The ease with which organism can pass between marine ecosystems make then specially vulnera

2、ble.organism 有机体 微生物 marine 航海的 marine ecosystems 海洋生态系统 vulnerable 易受伤的 pass with 迁移Aquatic organisms can spread rapidlly, carried all over the word either by ships, by currents or simply by moving on their own.Aquatic 水流的 Spread 扩散,传播By ship 由船只 Simply 简单的by currents or simply by moving on their o

3、wn随着海流或者靠着自行移动 They remain hidden until their numbers have grow to the point at which they are all but impossible to eradicate. Point 程度 eradicate 消灭,连根拔起 Impossible eradicate 无法灭绝 Exacerbating the problem is the fact that both of these access points are very heavily trafficked shipping rouls. Exace

4、rbate 恶化,加剧 v. Access point 端点 heavily trafficked shipping rouls 密集的航运路线 第一段分析 词汇 Eliminate 消灭 Stimulate 刺激 Introduced 引进 Determine 确定 第二、三句话 While this is often thought of us a problem primarily affecting land-based ecosystems,alien species invasion is now considered to be one of the four most seri

5、ous threats to the marine environment. In fact, the ease with which organisims can pass between marine ecosystems makes them especially vulnerable. 虽然一般人认为物种移植主要是影响大陆的生态威 胁之一。事实上,就是因为生物在海洋生态系统之 间迁移非常容易,使得海洋生态系统特别容易受到 伤害。 这两句说明了: Non-native species are hard to remove from marine environments. 外来物种在海洋

6、环境中叫不容易移除。 Non-native 外来的 =alien Intensify 强化的 Limite 限制 Revolve 决定 Clarify 阐明, 澄清 第二段,第一句: As mention above 如前所述 The only way nan-native species make their way into a marine ecosystems. Make the way into. 进入 第二句 In the case of. 的情况,对而言 Other means 其他方式 Play a lager lole. 扮演角色 第三句: The known invadin

7、g species are of Indo- pacific origin Be of.origin 源自于. 第四句: Many are fish species that unlike barnacles, mussels and other sessile animals, do not attach themselves to ships. Attach 依附 Barancle 藤壶 Mussle 胎贝 第五句: this fact combined with teir predominance 再加上 Combine with. 与联系 Predominance 控制, 优势 第六句

8、: Be out-competed 失去竞争力 Invader 侵略者 Intruder 闯入者 Classification 分类,分段 Pronounced 明显的,显著的 第七句: Be refferred to as. 被称为 第二段分析 第二段是接上一段引下来的,可知: As mentioned above 所以以一句话: Shipping is not the only way non-native species make their way into a marine ecosystem. 航运并不是外来物种进入海洋系统的唯一途径 从中可以知道: Shipping can ac

9、count for only part of the problem. 航运只能说明一部分的问题。 第三、四句话: In the easten Mediteranean, sixty to seventy pecent of the known invading species are of Indo-Pacific origin. Many are fish species that unlike barnacles, mussels and other sessile animals, do not attach themselves to ship. 刚才说到: Shipping can account for only part of the problem. 航运只能说明一部分的问题。 那么还有其他方式就是: the origin of the invading species 侵入物种的来源 the presence of the Suez Canal. 苏伊运河的存在 the types of species invading the origin 侵入此流域物种的种类 词汇: Scarce 有希望的 Simply 简单的 Apparent 明显的 Conspicuous 明显的 否定词是: Inconspicuous 不明显的第一节结束 下节听力


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