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1、sleeping baglife jackettentparkafirst aid kitbackpackUnit 2Unit 2 Wish you were hereWish you were hereWhere would you like to go most?Free talk:Free talk:Mount HuangWaterfall on Mount Lu The Landscape of Guilin How to How to getget information on information on the the tourist spots:tourist spots:TV

2、FriendsTravel agencies旅行社Travel magazines & leafletsInternetliflit A leaflet is a printed sheet of paper, which is given for free to advertise or give information about something, such as sports, shopping, travel and so on. What is aWhat is a leaflet leaflet? ?宣传单,小册子Have you ever heard a place whos

3、e name is Do you want to go there now?Enjoy Enjoy pictures of pictures of the the traveltravel leaflet about leaflet about Shangri-la.Shangri-la.Lakes, surrounde d by vast grasslands and mountains, look like jewels.(珠宝 )The forestsaround are home to lots of birds and animals.snow-capped mountainsrea

4、ched to the skySheep, cows and horses feed freely on the green grassForest forms a beautiful picturethat makes the child speechless.Do you think it is beautiful?Lets read a travel leaflet about Shangri-la and answer:and answer:Read Read the leafletthe leaflet 1.Who first talked about Shangri-la?2.Wh

5、at does the word Shangri-la mean in different languages?3.Where is Shangri-la? 4.How can you get there?5.whats the weather like in Shangri- la?6.Find out the sentences that describe the beauty of Shangri-la.1.Who first talked about Shangri-la?2.What does the word Shangri-la mean in different languag

6、es?James Hilton, a British writer, wrote the novel Lost Horizon in 1933In the Tibetan language, it means the sun and the moon in ones heart. Today it has become a common English word, meaning heaven on the earth. 3.Where is Shangri-la? 4.How can you get there?It is in the southwest of China, 659 kil

7、ometers away from Kunming.We can start in the city of Dali and drive northwards along the Yunnan-Tibet Highway(滇藏高速) until we reach there. We can also go there by plane.Shangri-laregular flights 5.whats the weather like in Shangri- la? The weather changes so quickly that people can experience four s

8、easons in one day. The best times to visit Shangri-la are_ and _.springautumn6.Find out the sentences that describe the beauty of Shangri- la. a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together, snow-capped mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth. Lakes, surround

9、ed by vast grasslands, look like jewels. Sheep, cows and horses feed freely on the green grass and the forests around are home to lots of birds and animals. Three mountains, Meili, Baimang and Haba, form a beautiful picture that will make any viewer speechless.Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part

10、 6A. Climate (气候) of Shangri-la B. Description of the scenery of the place C. History of the name Shangri- la D. Brief introduction of Shangri- la E. Location (how to get there) F. culture & meaning of the name Shangri-laMatch Column I with IIMatch Column I with IIColumn IColumn IITips:Tips:Brief in

11、troduction to the place Location Scenery Climate History Culture Pictures orPictures orVideo !Video !Challenge:Challenge:Make a travel leaflet of Yangzhou.Starting the project How to design a leafletvPlannin gvPreparingvProducingvPresentingPlanning Decide the place to be included in the leaflet. Ass

12、ign tasks to group members. Preparing Discuss and choose the information each group member has collected. Producing Each group member must write a section. Presentinga travel leaflet of YangzhouClimate (气候) History peopleFoodLocationHotelsActivities and sights中国历史文化名城扬州,地处 江苏中部,长江下游北岸。扬 州城区至今已有2400多

13、年的建 城史. Duck blood and bean -starchy鸭 血 粉 丝1.Complete and improve your travel leaflet. 2. Show it to the rest of your classmates.Homework:HomeworkMake a travel leaflet about the place youd like to travel most.titleIntroducti- on使人无法用言语语表达LocationScenery很多特别别的植物ClimateHistoryCultureThe beautiful BaoY

14、inEco-gardenBaoYinbiggest tourist attractionMany special plants such as SanYang CountyBy bus ormake any viewer speechlessLakes, surroundedby grasslandsmild in spring and autumn Founded inand has a history of years Home to birds and many wild animalsTipsTips: :VSLook at the paper then present your travel leaflet


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