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1、-孙红句子类型从句的基础人的头相当于一个句子的主语 部分 I like you.人的身子相当于句子的谓语部分. I like you.虽然每个人都有头和身子, 但每个人都是不一样的。 我们按照性别把人分成男人和女人两大类别。 句子也是一样每个句子都是有主语部分和谓语部分, 但每个句子都不一样。 我们按照结构把句子分为5类。一.主语+谓语 The sun rises in the east I get up everyday She dances. The class has finished.主语: 动作的执行者 谓语: 动作 这种结构中的动词为不及物动词。 不及物动词:动词不接宾语(rise

2、升起)。 及物动词: 动词后接宾语(do homework; eat rice; drink milk)二. 主语+系动词+表语 I am a teacher. She is beautiful. It has been a long time. The sea gets dark.表语是说明主语的性质,特征等。 系动词相当于一条绳子把主语和表语连系在一起。 系动词和表语一起叫做谓语部分。三. 主语+谓语+宾语I have done my homework. She drank tea yesterday. She has done nothing. My teacher did it.宾语是

3、谓语动词的对象。 例如:eat rice.(吃什么,吃米饭)其他 四.主语+谓语+双宾语 I give him a present.五.主语+谓语+复合宾语 We elected John our leader.间接宾语: 人直接宾语: 物宾语宾语补足语注意:如何区分双宾语和复合宾语复合宾语中 的宾语和宾补间加BE动词。 句子仍然成立。 例如 John is our leader. 但he is present,明显不成立。其他句子成分 1. 定语(形容词) 定语是用来修饰名词的。 例如: He is a tall man.(修饰表语) That beautiful girl is my si

4、ster. (修饰主语) I like the red hat. (修饰宾语) I like the hat that I bought yesterday (句子做定语修饰名词hat.)其他句子成分 1. 状语 状语是用来修饰谓语或者整个句子的,表示做某事 的时间,地点,方式,频度等。 例如: She runs fast.(方式) The man came here yesterdayShe takes a bath once a week. I was eating at that time. I was eating when she came in.(表示做事的时间和地点)(表示频度)

5、(用短语表示动作发生的时间)(用句子表示动作发生的时间。)从句 1.主语从句:The red book is interesting. What I am reading is interesting. 2.宾语从句: I believe his words.I believe what he said. 3.表语从句: The book is good.The book is what I want. 4.同位语从句(补语从句): I like the book Gone with the Wind . I like the idea that we give him a book as h

6、is birthday present.从句 5.定语从句: 定语用于修饰名词(名词可以充当主语,表语,宾语)。 I like the red hat.(形容词修饰宾语) I like the hat that I bought yesterday。 (句子做定语修饰名词hat.) 6.状语从句:状语表示动作发生的时间,地点,原因,方式等。I was eating at that time.(用短语表示动作发生的时 间) I was eating when she came in.(用句子表示动作发 生的时间。)小结 用一个句子充当主句的什么成分就叫做什 么从句, 例如句子充当主语叫主语从句,

7、 充当宾语,叫做宾语从句, 充当表语叫表 语从句。 只有一个谓语的句子。我们叫做简单句。 有从句的句子叫做复合句, 复合句至少两 个谓语,即主句一个谓语,从句一个谓语 。一个人 简单句怀孕的妈妈 复合句定语从句概念 I like the hat that I bought yesterday 。 1.先行词:the hat :就是被从句所修饰的那个。 2.关系词: that 作用:1.指代先行词;2.引领从句。3.连接主 句和从句。 注意:定语从句的先行词在从句中充当一定的成分。本 句中that充当从句中的宾语。 I like the hat. I bought the hat yesterd

8、ay. 3.主句和从句: I like the hat 主句 that I bought yesterday 从句 (由that引导的从句) 定语从句难点 关系词的用法: thatwhich whowhomwhosewhenwherewhy关系词 -that 1. 可以指人也可以指物,先行词为人或物都可以I like the room that we had class yesterday.She is the girl that I talked about. 2.如先行词为something, nothing, everything,等不定代词时,关系词用 that. Is there a

9、nything that I can do for you?关系词 -that 3,先行词中有little ,few, all , much , none, 序数词,最高级时用that. Tell me all the things that you know. You are the best friend that I have ever had.关系词 who/whom/whose Who: 指人 The man who I work with is very nice. Whom: 指人,前边加介词 The man with whom I work is very nice. Whos

10、e:表示所属关系,相当于my,your, her, his, their, our I know the girl whose bag is green.关系词 -which 1.指物:That is the bag which costs 100RMB.That is the bag that costs 100RMB. 两句一样意思。 2.指前边的句子: Tom is late, which upset the teacher.小结which 先行词为物thatthat 先行词为人 who介词+whomWhose表示所有注意: 当关系词在从句中充当宾语时,可以省略关系词。 She is t

11、he one (who) I talked about yesterday.关系词 -when 指代时间(先行词必须为表示时间的名词 ,如day, time, year等。= on which) I will never forget the day when I met you. 2009 is the year when we got the earthquake. 2009 is the year on which we got the earthquake特别注意 定语从句中的When 在从句中充当的成分为状语。I will never forget the day when I me

12、t you. = I will never forget the day.I met you on that day. 对比:Which的用法 I will never forget the day which began with a storm. = I will never forget the day. The day began with a storm.做时间 状语做主语关系词 -where 指代地点(先行词必须为表示地点的名词 ,如place,house等。) That is the place where I can buy flowers. 注意:定语从句中的Where 在从

13、句中 充当的成分为状语。(同when)关系词-why 表示原因, 先行词多为reason. That is the reason why I came here.小测 1. 先行词是什么? 2. 关系词有哪些 3. 关系词的作用? 4. 定语从句中什么情况关系词可以省略呢 ? 5. something 的关系词应该是什么? 6. who , whom , whose 的区别是什么 ?状语从句的种类种类关系词(在状语从句中没有先行词)时间状 语从句When, until, before, after, since, as soon as 地点状语 从句where原因状语 从句Because, f

14、or条件状语 从句If, unless.时间状语从句 I was eating at that time.(用短语表示 动作发生的时间) I was eating when she came in.(用 句子表示动作发生的时间。)时间状语从句难点 时间状语从句要用现在时表示将来。 Ill call you when mother comes back. 思考: 那个是主句,那个是从句? 主句什么时态,从句什么时态? mother 回来没?Mother还没有回来, 那么COME应该用将来时,但在时间状语从句中, 主句用一般将来时, 从句用一般现在时,特别注意第三人称单数的变化 We will g

15、o as soon as it stops raining.地点状语从句 A driver should slow down where there are schools.与定语从句的区分 A driver should stop at the places where there are schools. 定语从句前边有明显的先行词。原因状语从句 I am leaving because I am tired of you.条件状语从句 I will go picnic, if it doesnt rain tomorrow.难点: tomorrow还没有到, 那么rain应该用将来时,但在条件状语从句中, 主句用一般将来时, 从句也用一般现在时, 和时间状语从句一样的。同位语从句I like the book Gone with the Wind .书名就是Gone with the wind I like the idea that we give him a book as his birthday present.( 同从) 分解: I like the



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