七年级英语上册unit 9教案3

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1、单元总览表一课题 名称_ unit_9 Do you want to go to a movie? 中心发言人_单元教学分析(单元教材分析和学生已有水平分析)本单元的话题 是谈论 有关电影的话题 ,学会表明自己对他人和对电 影等事物的喜 好,并学会评价事物和表达自己对事物的简单 看法。通过前几个单元的学习,学生已经学习并掌握了一般疑问句式及其如何回答 , 也接触过可数名词的复数是如何变化的。目标(以能做什么来描述):通过本单元的学习,学生能通过 Do youwant to go to a movie? Does he / she want to go to a movie? 来询问 是否想看电

2、影。通过 What kind of movies do you like? What kind of movies does he / she like? 和回答来询问 和回答对电 影类型的喜好。 除此外,还能用 like / likes . think / thinks theyare +adj来谈论对 某种电 影的喜爱和原因。并能谈论 自己喜欢的电影演员以及他 / 她的作品。课时 划分:四课时Period 1 Section Period 2 Section Period 3 Section Period 4 SectionA 1a-1c A 2a4 B 12d B 3a-4表二 第_1_

3、 课时中心发言人_话题 :谈论电 影的种类,和自己想看的电影类型目标: 1. To grasp the words and expressions: the kinds of movies: comedy, documentary, thriller, romance, Beijing opera, action movie, cartoon, science fiction and the plural forms of them, kind2. Enable to use the structures to talk the movie : -What kind of movie is i

4、t? -Doyou want to go to a movie? -Yes, I do. -What kind of movie do you want to see? -Iwant to see a / an. 3. Tell the Ss that everybody has their own favor or dislike. We must respect what the others like or dislike.重难点及突破方法: 单词 的发音和记忆 是本课时 的重点也是难点。为了加强学生对词汇 的熟悉度,在上课期间要不断的出现本课时 的词汇 并让学生不断地练习 。教材处理(

5、增减、添加、改编、删除): 增加了课文中没有出现的另外几种电影类型,以丰富学生的交谈内容和兴趣。教学思路(一条线索、一个主题串联多种活动): 以校电影节为线 索,让学生谈论 出现的电影类型及学生想要观看的电影类型。步骤:(活动) 环节 1 :warming up activity 1: In your free time, what do you do?环节 2:guessing 1.What does Ms Ren like to do in her free time? Let the Ss to guess: Do you like to watchTV? 2.Tell the Ss I

6、 like to watch a movie. T: Do you like to watch a movie?Then show the students some kinds of movie. And ask: what kind of movie is it? ( an action movie, a comedy, a documentary, a thrill.)环节 3:presentation In Jims school, there is a school movie festival. Here are some posters. What kind of movie d

7、o they have? Show the Ss the pictures,and let the Ss tell the kinds of movies.step 4 practise 1. show the students some expressions and let them guess. What kind of movie are they watching. 2. match the pictures and the words. step 5 listening do 1b. after that, let the Ss read after the tape.Step 6

8、 Pair work let the Ss work in pairs, like: -Do you want to go to a movie? -Yes, I do. I want to see a / an ./ No,I dont . I dont want to go to a movie.Step 7 Make a survey let the students ask: Do you want to go to a movie? To make a survey and finish the form.nameyes or nowhat kind of the moviemake the Ss report: Ms Ren wants to go to a movie. She wants go see a comedy. .Homework: 1. Read the conversation in listening after the tape. 2. Finish the report and write down the passege. 3. Remember the new words.大码女装 大码女装 jxe267uip


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