4 Semantic Translation (2)

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1、Semantic Translation (2)Review Literal vs. Free Translation静夜思床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。In the still of the nightI descry bright moonlight in front of my bed.I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor.I watch the bright moon, as I tilt back my head.I yearn, while stooping, for my homeland more.Quiet

2、Night ThoughtBedside bright moonlightIs suspected to be frost on the floor.Raising head to watch the bright moon,Lowering head to think of the hometown.Nostalgia A splash of white on my bedroom floor. Hoarfrost?I raise my eyes to the moon, the same moon.As scenes long past come to mind, my eyes fall

3、 againon the splash of white, and my heart aches forhome.Thoughts on a Tranquil NightBefore my bed a pool of light O can it be frost on the ground?Looking up, I find the moon bright,Bowing, in homesickness Im drowned.直译 vs. 意译一般说来,可以直译的成分可以意译 ,可以意译的成分也可以直译,但在 特定的上下文中,直译与意译之间总 会有一个优劣问题。有些语言成分只能意译,而不能

4、直译 ,这主要体现在受本国文化影响最深 的成语和谚语上面。Once in a blue moon死译:一个蓝色月亮里的一次意译:千载难逢乱七八糟死译:seven disorders and eight chaos意译:at sixes and sevensIt is a long lane that has no turning.死译:没有转弯的小巷的确是一 条很长的小巷。意译:路必有弯;事情必有转 机。Hitler was armed to the teeth when he launched the Second World War, but in a few years he met h

5、is own Waterloo.希特勒在发动第二次世界大战时武装 到了牙齿,但是没几年就被彻底打败 了。直译:法律文献、政治文献、学 术文献、新闻报道 字面对应,准确性强意译:歌词、诗词、抒情散文、 舞台、电影剧本、小说、传记 不求字面对应,只求可读性Examples - moviesFinal Destination死神来了Pirates of Caribbean 加勒比海盗 / 神鬼奇航Saving Private Ryan拯救大兵瑞恩 / 雷霆救兵Examples - moviesGhost人鬼情未了Forest Gump阿甘正传The Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救

6、赎 / 刺激1995英雄本色A Better Tomorrow倩女幽魂A Chinese Ghost Story霸王别姬Farewell My Concubine 阳光灿烂的日子In the Heat of the Sun大话西游之月光宝盒A Chinese Odyssey: Pandoras Box东邪西毒Ashes of Time Exercises P32 一、二、三、Warm-upOur problems are large, but our heart is larger. Our challenges are great, but our will is greater.Our p

7、roblems are large, but our heart is larger. Our challenges are great, but our will is greater.直译:我们的问题是大的,但是 我们的心更大。我们的挑战是大的 ,但是我们的决心更大。Our problems are large, but our heart is larger. Our challenges are great, but our will is greater.意译:我们的问题很多,但我们 的心胸更宽广。我们面临的挑战很 严峻,但我们的决心更大。Choice of words meanin

8、gContext Man for the sword and for the needle she.Man with the head and woman with the heart;Man to command and woman to obey.Tennyson男人适于农耕,女人适于家务;男人宜于征战,女人宜于缝纫。男人关于深思,女人富于感情;男人发号施令,女人惟有服从。(丁尼生)这消息让我出了一身冷汗。I was extremely terrified by that news.这是他们夫妻之间的事情,你去 插一脚干吗?Thats a business of their own, be

9、tween husband and wife. Why should you get involved in it?褒贬转化词汇感情色彩的翻译一般应严 格按照原文的精神来进行,褒 义词必须翻译成褒义词,贬义 词必须翻译成贬义词,中性词 也应翻译成中性词。Examples 1. We need tough-minded soldiers in our army.我们军队需要意志坚强的士 兵。2. The reckless driver died in the traffic accident. 那个莽撞的驾车人在这次车祸 中丧生。3. 这个小姑娘长得真好看。She is certainly a

10、pretty little girl.Context 4. The stubborn boy refused to listen to his parents advice.这个犟男孩不肯听父母的忠 告。5. The invaders met a stubborn resistance from the local people. 侵略者遭到了当地人民顽强的 抵抗。6. 他是一位有名的外科医生。He is a famous surgeon.7. 他是有名的大流氓。He is a notorious rogue.aggressive: 有进取心的;侵略 性的plot: 故事;阴谋ambitious: 雄心壮志的;野心 勃勃的As luck would have it: 很走运 ;真倒霉由于:thanks to, by virtue of owing to, due to, because of, as a result of, in view ofin consequence ofExercisesP40 一、


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