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1、Words are the most important part of language and they are also the product and reflection of the development of language. Social development leads to the development and change of English , which results in the appearance of a large number of new English words.一、英语词汇发展的原因1、科学技术的飞速进步太空船的指令舱 command

2、module 外层空间 deep space/ deep sky 软着陆 soft landing 宇航症 space sickness 地出/地球升起 earthrise 中子星 neutron stars 创世大爆炸 big bang theoryMicrocirculation 微血管循环 Open-heart surgery 体外循环心脏手术 Test-tube baby 试管婴儿 Thrombocytopenia 血小板减少症 Transsexual operation 变性手术 Medicaid 医疗补助计划 The pill 口服避孕药Supersonic transport S

3、ST超音速巨型运输机 Microminiaturization 微型化 FORTRAN formula translation 公式翻译程序语言 COBOL common business oriented language 通用商 业语言 BASIC beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code 初级万用符号指令密码Ecocatastrophe 生态灾难 Ecoactivist 生态学活动家 Thermal pollution 热污染 Spiritual pollution 精神污染 产品广告上 environment-friendly ec

4、o -friendly planet-friendly2、政治经济变化多端美国20世纪50年代以麦肯锡为首的一伙人极度 恐惧共产主,再国内大肆迫害民主进步人士, 这一时期的政治带来了新词 McCarthyism 麦卡锡主义 Blairism 布莱尔的政策 Clintonism 克林顿的政策 在美国,人们谈论颇多的是income gap(收入 差别的鸿沟),income inequality(收入不平 等)、wealth disparity (贫富差距),经济上 的两极(economic polarization)分化到了空 前未有的程度。关于毒品的新词 Uppers 兴奋剂 Downers 抑

5、制剂 也成down Dexies 右旋安菲他明丸 一种兴奋剂 Soft drug软毒品 hard drug/hardstuff 硬毒品 Pot 大麻3、世界局势动荡不安The third world 第三世界 The forth world 第四世界 Non-aligned 不结盟的 Non-alignment 不结盟运动 High profile 高姿态 Low profile 低姿态 Special war 特种战争Buzzwords 学历通胀 diploma inflation Diploma inflation describes a situation that more diplo

6、mas are issued in China while overall academic competitiveness of the degree holders is falling, just like the depreciation of currency during inflationary times. “学历通胀”指拥有各类学位的人越来越多, 但是其专业竞争力却日渐衰退的状况。这跟通 货膨胀时期货币都会贬值是一个道理。Hidden hunger is unlike the hunger that comes from a lack of food. It is micro

7、nutrient deficiency caused by a chronic lack of vitamins and minerals that often has no visible warning signs, so that people who suffer from it may not even be aware of it.“隐性饥饿”与传统意义上因缺乏食物而导致 的饥饿不同,它是由于长期缺乏维生素和 矿物质而导致的微量营养素缺乏症。 :“隐性饥饿”可能导致智障、健康状况及工 作效率不佳,甚至会导致死亡。Soft addictions are seemingly harml

8、ess habits that rob us of our time, zap our energy, numb us from our feelings, mute our consciousness and keep us from living the satisfying, meaningful lives we desire.“软瘾”是一些并无明显害处的习惯,只是这些 习惯会消耗我们的时间和精力,让我们感觉麻 木、失去意识,阻止我们追求我们想要的那种 有意义的、满足的生活。Womanizer is a guy who gets every girl to like him. a gu

9、tless and senseless man who treats every girl like theyre the girl for him, then lets them down by having MANY other girls on the side. Womanizer就是指到处讨好女孩子,让她们 以为自己就是他生命中那个重要的她;可 结果,他却是个没心没肺、没有真情实感 ,身边有很多个女朋友的“洋葱男”。More and more older people are skiing and it has nothing to do with snow and slopes:

10、this type of skiing stands for Spending the Kids Inheritance, or SKI. 越来越多的老年人加入了“滑雪”行列,不过 这里的滑雪(ski)跟雪和滑雪道没什么关 系,而是Spending the Kids Inheritance( SKI,不给孩子留遗产)的缩写形式。“Baby dating” describes a trend where young parents try to find playmates for their kids through online platforms just like adults who

11、are looking for a date. They list detailed requirements for the potential “son/daughter -in-law” and display pictures of their kids on different websites to attract attention.“娃娃相亲”指年轻的父母们用“相亲”的方式 通过互联网给小孩寻找玩伴的做法。他们 会详细列出对应征对象的各项要求,并且 在有关网站展示自己孩子的照片,吸引其 它父母关注。魅力超男 ubersexualUbersexual is a heterosex

12、ual male who is confident, stylish and committed to uncompromising quality in all areas of life.魅力超男是自信、有型有款、对于人生各 方面都有坚定追求的异性恋男性。绝世衰男 omega maleAn omega male then is the “last“ man. In essence, if you were to rank all the men in the world by their virtues (bravery, intelligence, leadership, generos

13、ity, etc.), an omega male altogether would be the worst, hence “last,“ of all men.That man is robbing the cradle! 那个男人居然老牛吃嫩草! 草包美男 man candyMan candy is a man who is superficially attractive to look at or a man who has an attractive appearance but who may be vapid and lack substance. Man candy(草包美男

14、)指外表很吸引人的 男子;或者徒有迷人外表,但其实很无趣 又没有内涵的男子。男闺蜜 BromeoThe guy who your girlfriend is jealous of because you spend more time with him than you do with her. He is one of your most loyal friends and will not hesitate to back you up in any situation.因为共处时间甚至长于你的女性朋友而遭 到嫉妒的男性朋友。他是你最忠实的朋友 之一,在任何情况下都会毫不犹豫地支持 你。N

15、ice guy syndrome basically describes a guy who will listen to his female friends every complaint, rant, problem, and experience in life; will help them out no matter to the cost to them; would die for their friends without even thinking; but can never get a girlfriend.“好人综合症”说的是这样一类男人,他们会 倾听女性朋友无止尽的

16、抱怨和唠叨,听她 们倾诉自己遇到的问题和人生经历;在她 们遇到困难时会不顾一切帮她们走出困境 ;甚至会不假思索地为她们放弃生命,可 她们永远都不会成为他的女朋友。坏天气朋友A foul-weather friend only seeks you out if they have a problem, need a shoulder to cry on, a ride to town or someone to watch their dog, but otherwise they act as if they dont even know you.Foul-weather friend(字面意思为“坏天气朋 友”)只会在他们遇到麻烦、需要找个肩膀 流泪、搭车进城或找人帮着照看他家宠物 狗的时候才会想起你,否则,他们基本就 跟不认识你一样。朋友提款机 FriendTMFriendTM refers to the situation wh


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