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1、 模板1:引出讨论话题 赞同观点的人数 及理由 反对观点的人数及理由 _ had a discussion about _(引出讨论话题), and there are two different viewpoints about it. 模板2:引出调查、采访内容 一些人的观 点及理由 另一些人的观点及理由 你的 观点及理由 _ made a survey about _ among _. (或 _ interviewed _ on _)(引出调查、采访内容). Opinions are divided on this matter. _ of them are for / in favor

2、 of _, because they think _ (赞同观点的人数及理由). On the other hand, the other _ are against the idea of _. They believe that _ (反对观点的人数及理由). In my opinion / From my point of view/ As for me, _ because _ (你的观点及理由).58. 幸福观调查报告 不同的人有不同的幸福观。你校学生会对你校 100名学生的幸福观进行了调查。调查内容及结 果如下: 人数幸福观观原因 32%财财富可以买买到任何事物 45%健康享乐乐

3、 23%知识识有好的未来写作内容 请请你根据以下调查结调查结 果,用英语语写一篇短文。 (1)此次调查调查 的对对象和内容;(2)所调查调查 学生的 不同观观点及理由;(3)你的认识认识 。The Students Union made a survey about what is happiness among 100 students of our school. 32% of the students think wealth is happiness because they think they can buy anything if they have much wealth. O

4、n the other hand, 45% of them think that they should be in good health so that they can enjoy whatever they like. Whats more, the rest 23% students believe that a man with much knowledge, which will bring him a bright future, is the happiest. From the survey I know different people value happiness differently and as for me, my happiness exists in my study.


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