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1、儿童发热治疗误区2008年7月1误区(一) 过度应用退热药2体温调节中枢控制人体体温垂体脑桥中脑下丘脑体温调节中枢3感冒发热的发生机制体温升高病毒或 细菌感染单核细胞 淋巴细胞 巨噬细胞释放致热原 IL-1 IL-6 TNF 干扰素前列腺素E2体温调节中枢 调定点刺激下丘脑WHO.The management of fever in young children with acute respiratory infections in developing countries.1993.由于下丘脑对体温调节中枢调定点的精细调节,急性上 呼吸感染患者体温上升很少超过414发热对患儿的影响发热发热

2、 的获获益发热发热 的危害 实验实验 室免疫研究和动动物研究显显 示,体温中度升高能够够增强机体 抗感染能力 超高热热(42)损损害中枢神经经系统统 身体极度虚弱或有严严重心、肺疾病 的患儿发热发热 会导导致耗氧量和心输输出 量增加5岁岁以下特别别是6个月3岁岁的儿童 高热热(40 )可引起惊厥WHO.The management of fever in young children with acute respiratory infections in developing countries.1993.临床上单纯发热导致的危害少见5退热药须合理应用退热药热药 的应应用原则则2个月龄龄发热

3、发热 可能是一些严严重疾病的表现现,不推荐应应用退热药热药 以免掩盖病情2月龄龄以上 高热热(39,肛温 )患儿可给给予退热药热药 严严重心、肺疾病患儿发热发热 ,应给应给 予退热药热药 5岁岁以下有发热发热 惊厥史的患儿,应给应给 予退热药热药 因发热发热 身体极度不适的患儿可给给予退热药热药 患儿体温39 (肛温),玩耍如常,机敏活泼泼,则则不必用药药National Collaborating Centre for Womens and Childrens Health. Feverish illness in children-assessment and initial manage

4、ment in children younger than 5 years.2007.;WHO.The management of fever in young children with acute respiratory infections in developing countries.1993.6误区(二) 应用退热药一味追求疗效, 忽视安全性7儿科药物治疗应注重药物安全性疗效安全性生长发育中的小儿因器官功能发育尚不够成熟 健全,对药物的毒副作用较成年人更为敏感杨锡强,易著文.儿科学.北京:人民卫生出版社.2003.8目前儿科常用口服退热药成份剂剂量儿童百服咛咛口服液滴剂剂咀嚼片对对

5、乙酰酰氨基酚160mg/5ml80mg/0.8ml160mg/片 泰诺诺林混悬悬液滴剂剂对对乙酰酰氨基酚160mg/5ml80mg/0.8ml 美林口服液滴剂剂布洛芬 20mg/ml40mg/ml 瑞芝清颗颗粒尼美舒利 50mg/袋9WHO对乙酰氨基酚是小儿发热首选用药WHO发展中国家小儿急性呼吸道感染发热管理,1993.小婴儿发热最安全有效 的治疗措施是对乙酰氨 基酚10-15mg/kg/6小时布洛芬会引起胃溃疡、 穿孔、出血,并加重哮 喘症状或引起过敏反应布洛芬比对乙酰氨基酚 贵,并且没有特殊的疗 效,很难被推荐为首选 用药WHO.The management of fever in yo

6、ung children with acute respiratory infections in developing countries.1993The safest and most effective treatment for fever in young children is paracetamol in a dose of 10- 15mg/kg 6 hourly.ibuprophen can lead to gastric ulceration,perforation ,and haemorrhage and ,like aspirin, could worsen asthm

7、a symptoms or lead to anaphylactic reactions.Because ibuprophen is also more expensive than aspirin or paracetamol, and because it dose not appear to carry an unique therapeutic benefits, it is difficult to recommend it as a drug of first choice10英国临床规范研究所(NICE) 对乙酰氨基酚安全性更可靠NICE5岁以下小儿发热首诊诊断和治疗措施,200

8、7. 对乙酰氨基酚和布洛芬疗效 相当,但具有更长的确切的 安全性记录 没有证据显示对乙酰氨基酚 和布洛芬之间存在疗效差异 ,应根据两者的价格决定用 药National Collaborating Centre for Womens and Childrens Health. Feverish illness in children-assessment and initial management in children younger than 5 years.2007.On current evidence both drugs are equally effective but para

9、cetamol has a longer established safety record.Since no evidence of difference in the effectiveness of paracetamol and ibuprofen was identified, decisions on which should be used in the NHS should be based on individual prices available to trusts at the time of purchase.NHS: National Health Services

10、 NICE: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 11尼美舒利存在严重安全性隐患, 不适于儿科治疗 国内外指南从未将尼美舒利列为儿童发热推荐用药 由于严重的肝脏损害,2007年5月尼美舒利被爱尔兰药监局召 回,6月被新加坡卫生局召回“The Irish Medicines Board (IMB) today announced the suspension of the marketing and sale of nimesulide containing medicinal products for oral use a

11、vailable in Irend, with immediate effect. ” “The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) is suspending the sales of oral preparations containing a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, nimesulide, in Singapore with immediate effect. ” IMB.Nimesulide Suspension:http:/www.imb.ie/EN/Safety-Quality/Advisory-War

12、ning-Recall-Notices/Human-Medicines/Nimesulide- Suspension.aspx?page=2 HSA SUSPENDS SALES OF PRODUCTS CONTAINING NIMESULIDE.2007; EMEA.Amendments to be included in the relevant sections of the summary of product characteristics of nimesulide containing medicinal products(systemic formulations).2007.

13、EMEA: European Medicines Agency 12欧洲药品管理局建议限制使用尼美舒利 2007年9月,欧洲药品管理局(EMEA)建议限制使用 尼美舒利 适应症:急性疼痛、骨关节炎疼痛、原发性痛经 禁忌症:发热和/或流感样症状12岁以下儿童严重肾损害肝功能损害 EMEA.Amendments to be included in the relevant sections of the summary of product characteristics of nimesulide containing medicinal products (systemic formulati

14、ons).2007.13对乙酰氨基酚与布洛芬退热疗效相当Amdekar YK, Desai RZ Br J Clin Pract. 1985;39(4):140-3.服药后时间(小时)对乙酰氨基酚布洛芬平均体温 ()P=NS14对乙酰氨基酚与尼美舒利退热疗效相当在一轮发热中 体温平均降低值()P=0.1Kapoor SK, et al. Indian Pediatr. 2002;39(5):473-7. 双盲、对照试验,纳入97例儿科门诊及住院2月龄 -12岁发热患儿 对乙酰氨基酚组患儿(n=50)每日接受3次对乙酰氨 基酚(10mg/kg)治疗 尼美舒利组患儿(n=47)每日接受3次尼美舒利

15、 (1.5mg/kg)治疗 尼美舒利组患儿常见的发热原因为呼吸道感染, 大部分对乙酰氨基酚组患儿的发热原因待查尼美舒利在儿童中的应用较少,相关研究多来自印度15常用口服退热药对比小结对对乙酰酰氨基酚布洛芬尼美舒利药药物分类类苯胺类类解热镇热镇痛药药NSAIDsNSAIDs作用部位中枢中枢和外周中枢和外周安全性良好存在胃肠肠道不良反应隐应隐患存在严严重的肝脏损脏损 害退热疗热疗 效良好良好良好适用人群2月龄龄以上儿童2岁岁以上儿童 (2岁岁以下儿童慎用 )不适用于儿童National Collaborating Centre for Womens and Childrens Health. Fe

16、verish illness in children-assessment and initial management in children younger than 5 years.2007;WHO.The management of fever in young children with acute respiratory infections in developing countries.1993; IMB.Nimesulide Suspension:http:/www.imb.ie/EN/Safety-Quality/Advisory-Warning-Recall-Notices/Human- Medicines/Nimesulide-Suspension.aspx?page=2 HSA SUSPENDS SALES OF PR



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