专升本英语单选练习 不定式

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1、外语教学与研究出版社 Quiz1. How soon do you expect _ for American? A) be leaving B) will leave C) to leave D) going to leave 2. I hope _ to the birthday party tonight. A) be able to come B) I shall able to come C) I shall can come D) to be able to come 3. It is too late _ there. A) that we walk B) for us walk

2、ing C) of us to walk D) for us to walk 外语教学与研究出版社 4. He warned me _ swimming alone because of the rain. A) didnt go B) not to go C) dont go D) not going 5. When your country calls you for help, you cannot but _.A) to go B) going C) go D) help going 6. The lazy young man does nothing but _ all day lo

3、ng. A) play B) plays C) to play D) played 外语教学与研究出版社 7. You had better _ Mary about the party. Its a surprise birthday party for her. A) not to tell B) not tell C) dont tell D) not telling 8. When I was young, I _ play tennis quite well. A) was used to B) get used to C) got used to D) used to 9. I h

4、eard the girl _ in the next room just now. A) sing B) to sing C) sung D) sang 外语教学与研究出版社 10. I tried very hard, but I couldnt make myself _ these English sentences. A) understanding B) to understand C) understand D) understood 11. I am sorry _ you the other day. A) to offend B) offending C) to have

5、offended D) not to have offended 12) _ to give up a bad habit. A) It is not difficult of me B) It is not difficult for me C) John is difficult D) It is impossible of me 外语教学与研究出版社 13. He intended _ abroad last year, but his mother suddenly fell ill. A) to go B) going C) to have gone D) having gone 14. It is necessary _ a foreign language. A) of college students to master B) for college students to master C) that college students master D) that college students to master 15. I havent got a chair _.A) to sit B) to sitting C) to sit on D) for sitting


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