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1、颜色词与翻译句子翻译欣赏练习答案2015/6/3一、基本颜色词的翻译菩萨蛮大柏地赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,谁持彩练当空舞?雨后复斜阳,关山阵阵仓。Red, orange, yellow,green,blue, indigo,violet Who is dancing,waving this colored ribbon against the sky?The sun returns slanting after the rainAnd hill and pass grow a deeper blue.颜色词与翻译句子翻译欣赏练习答案2015/6/31.红色:Brown sugar /Black teaH

2、onor roll /Love peaGood luck /DividendRed ruin /A red battleRed tape /Red skyRed sky at night, shepherds delight,Red sky in the morning, shepherds warning.颜色词与翻译句子翻译欣赏练习答案2015/6/32、青色青:绿、蓝、黑绿水青山枉自多,华佗无奈小虫何!So many green streams and blue hills, but to what avail?This tiny creature left even Hua Tuo p

3、owerless!湘云却一把青丝,拖于枕畔;Hsiang-yens black hair had tumbled all over the pillow青天白日 blue skyWe set off, the green mountains on the two banks became deep blue in the dusk,receding toward the stern of the boat.颜色词与翻译句子翻译欣赏练习答案2015/6/33、白色She has a fair skin / complexion.English speakers cover one quarter

4、 of the globe, ranging from the fair-skinned people of the British Isles through every gradation of color and race the world over.颜色词与翻译句子翻译欣赏练习答案2015/6/3二、颜色词与文化1.Red-letter days2.We gave the foreign guests a red carpet welcome.3.The maxim was that when a married couple saw red lawyers saw green.4.

5、 红颜 /红粉?Red alert /yellow alert / white alertRed meat /white meat / dark meat颜色词与翻译句子翻译欣赏练习答案2015/6/3绿色1. Alices girl friends were green with envy when they saw her new dress.2. In American political elections the candidates that win are usually the ones who have green power backing them.3. Green ha

6、nd / noviceYou can not expect Mary to do business with such people. She is only eighteen and as green as grass.Do you see any green in my eye?颜色词与翻译句子翻译欣赏练习答案2015/6/34. He said Ladies and gentlemen, may we all live to a green old age and be prosperous and happy.5. Did the law not know that a mans na

7、me was to him the apple of his eye, that it was far harder to be regarded as cuckold than as seducer?颜色词与翻译句子翻译欣赏练习答案2015/6/3 3. 黄色 Pornographic Filthy Vulgar Obscene Blue He is too yellow to stand up and fight. You dont want to fight, do you? You are yellow. He has a yellow streak in him.颜色词与翻译句子翻译

8、欣赏练习答案2015/6/3 4、蓝色 “you look blue today. Whats the matter with you?” She is in holiday blue. It was blue Monday and he just didnt feel like going back to work. By one survey, more than 20 million Americans now watch at least one blue video each weak. Once in a blue moon? Blue stocking?颜色词与翻译句子翻译欣赏练

9、习答案2015/6/3 5. 白色 “青山有幸埋忠骨,白铁无辜铸奸 臣。” Honored the green hill is to provide eternal resting-place for the loyal soul; Innocent is the iron used to cast the image of the hated traitorous ministers. White goods ? Brown goods?颜色词与翻译句子翻译欣赏练习答案2015/6/3 6. 黑色 The Black Friday I got some black looks from th

10、e shopkeeper when I cancelled my order. Mr. Brown is a very white man. He was looking rather green the other day. He has been feeling blue lately. I hope hell soon be in the pink again. 7. 其它( 略)颜色词与翻译句子翻译欣赏练习答案2015/6/3 1. With a long standing reputation 2. In complete range of articles 3.Selected m

11、aterial 4. Cute design 5. Sturdy make 6. Odd deposit and lump draw 7. Time and current account 8. Renewal and interest drawKey to the former exercises颜色词与翻译句子翻译欣赏练习答案2015/6/3 9. Superior in quality 10. Reasonable price; quick delivery; warm service; consignment for you. 11. Comfortable and graceful;

12、 be of great variety and fine workmanship 12. Non refundable, nontransferrable, and good only on dates validated on tickets 13. Advanced in construction, simple in operation, safe and reliable as well as convenient in maintenance.颜色词与翻译句子翻译欣赏练习答案2015/6/3句子翻译练习 1、由眼前的神木,我不禁想到 大千世界中的人。每个人的一生 都不可能一帆风顺,

13、总会遇到这 样那样的坎坷与挫折。 2、有的人如游客,不急不慌, 走走停停,看花开花落,看云卷 云舒,有时也在风中走,雨里行 ,心却像张开的网,放过了焦躁 苦恼。颜色词与翻译句子翻译欣赏练习答案2015/6/3 3、当一个女人突然之间意识到自 己是个女人并为自己的性别感到 自豪时,是女人最美的时候。 4、 每天不厌地擦拭、清洁着我 的小屋,不使它被尘埃埋没,回 家来时,便总有一份欢欣的感 觉。不管夜有多深,总有一盏小 灯亮着,留给迟归的人,远远望 见,温暖便从窗口一直注入心 底。颜色词与翻译句子翻译欣赏练习答案2015/6/3 5、于是,暮色匆匆的人群里, 总有我赶路的身影,雨里,雾 里,风里,雪里,只盼着早些 回家,洗去一身的疲劳,泡上 一杯清茶,点上一炷檀香,打 开半卷的书卷,一任轻柔的旋 律把我带进一个美丽的境界 所有的喧嚣和烦恼都抛在 朔风冷雨里,因为我已经到家 了。


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