新视野第二册Unit 3-Section A

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1、 Section A My First JobContentsWarming UpText AReading ThroughExercisesMain Idea in addition to the $50,000, I paid them 14 % interest on that money every year. 20Eventually, I even paid Fred and my customers back the $50,000, plus 14-percent annual interest.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning: Recently

2、, I received a thank-you note from Fred that I will remember for all future time.21Recently, I received a thank-you note from Fred that will forever be printed on my heart.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning: He had been sick, and wrote that with the money I paid him back, plus the interest I gave him,

3、he was able to pay the increasing amount of money for his medical treatment. 22He had been sick, and wrote that the money I sent him had helped to cover his mounting medical bills.Meaning of the SentencesMeaning: Im so glad I believed in your dreams enough to lend you the money. 23Im so glad I inves

4、ted in you.Meaning of the SentencesFrom the first job as a waitress at a local dinner, the author learned a lot for her later successful career. From her fellow waitress Helen, she picked up self-respect, loving her own job, confidence and taking pride in lifes little achievements; with the help of

5、a customer Fred Hasbrook and other regulars, she made her first investment though failed unluckily. Thanks to those experiences, she later became a successful stockbroker and paid the customers back and also opened her own company.Main IdeaMain IdeaMain Idea not have, or not have enough of (especial

6、ly something needed or wanted) 缺乏;不足;没有e.g. I did not get the job simply because I lacked experience.就因为没有经验,我没得到那份工作。 n. the state of not having (enough of) something o. 缺乏;不足;没有 e.g. There was a lack of oxygen at the top of the mountain.山顶上氧气不足。ExercisesNew WordsExercisesExerciseslack2. 我由于睡眠不足,出现

7、了黑眼圈。I have dark rings under my eyes from lack of sleep.1. 他担任这个工作够资格,但他缺乏个性。(be qualified for )He is well qualified for the job, but he lacks personality.New Wordsalikeadv. the same or similarly; like one another 相同地;同样地e.g. Rich and poor families alike can be lacking in love. 富有和贫穷的家庭都同样有可能缺少爱。 ad

8、j. the same or similar; like one another 相同的;同样的e.g. The two sisters look so alike that I cant tell who is who.两姐妹长得这么像,我都分不出来。ExercisesNew WordsExercisesExercisesalike2. 他们非常相像,不仅是走路的样子,就连思维方式也一样。They are very much alike, not only in walking but also in thinking.1. 这个地区气候一直炎热,夏天、冬天都一样。The climate i

9、n this area is always hot, summer and winter alike.New Wordspridev.be pleased and satisfied with (oneself) because of vi. 以自豪;对感到得意 e.g. Since her husbands death, she has prided herself on her independence. 自从她丈夫死后,她一直为自己独立生活而自豪。 n. 1】 singular (a feeling of) satisfaction or pleasure in what one can

10、 do or has done, or in someone or something connected with oneself 自豪(感);得意 e.g. Pride seems to be one of our family traits. 自尊似乎是我们家族的品质之一。2】too high an opinion of oneself 骄傲;自大;自负ExercisesNew WordsExercisesExercisespride1. 校长给我颁奖时,母亲因自豪而容光焕发 (glow with pride) 。Mother glowed with pride when the hea

11、dmaster presented the prize to me.New Words2.他在紧急关头十分镇静为此感到骄傲。He prides himself on remaining calm in an emergency. ExpressionsExercisesExercisestake pride in 引以为荣;为感到自豪父母总是为自己孩子的成功感到无比自豪。e.g. We take pride in offering you the best quality.我们为能向您提供最好的质量而感到骄傲。ExpressionsParents always take great pride

12、 in the success of their children.ExercisesExercisesconfidence n. 自信;信任;信心e.g. He won his boss confidence by working hard. 他通过努力工作获得了老板的信任。通过驾驶考试使我信心大增。Passing the driving test gave me more confidence.New WordsExercisesExerciseslend v. 借出;借给e.g. Can you lend me $100? Ill pay you back on Friday.你能借给我

13、100 美元吗?我星期五还你。中国政府曾把一对大熊猫借给圣地亚哥动物园6 个月。The Chinese government once lent a pair of pandas to the San Diego Zoo for six months.New Wordsfaithn. 【1】 firm belief, complete confidence 信任;信心e.g. I have faith that my treatment will turn out well.我有信心我的治疗会成功。【2】 belief and trust in something 信仰e.g. He wear

14、s a cross to show his religious faith. 他带着十字架以表明他的宗教信仰。New WordsExercisesExercisesExercisesfaith2. 一个人的信仰有可能和他的爱好有关。It is possible that ones faith has something to do with ones hobby.1. 她总是轻易违背诺言,我对她已经失去信心。She breaks her promises so easily that I have lost faith in her.New WordsExercisesExercisesinv

15、est v. 投资e.g. Foreign businesses are welcome to invest in Pudong.欢迎国外企业来浦东投资。政府在公共交通上做了巨额投资。The government has invested heavily in public transport.New Wordsapplyv. 1】 request something, especially officially and in writing( 以书面)提出请求;申请 e.g. The shop has applied for a license to sell alcoholic drink

16、s. 这家店已经申请了出售酒类的执照。2】 (cause to) have an effect; be directly related 适用;应用;与直接有关 e.g. Theories should be applied to practice. 理论应该用于实践。New WordsExercisesExercisesExercisesapply2. 他了解那些规章制度,却不知道如何将它们应用到自己的工作中。He knows the rules, but not how to apply them to his work.1. 很多妇女感到由于家庭的责任,她们无法申请高的职位。Many women feel they cannot apply for the top j



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