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1、1 Unit 5 Wild animals Task 一、 Teaching aims: 1. 学习并掌握能用来描写动物外貌、能力、性格、所面临的危险以及如何保护动物的词组和句子。2. 能从五个方面写一篇关于Report: Animals are in danger的文章。3. 通过讨论有关野生动物所处困境及其濒临灭绝等问题,人类应该保护自然,保护动物。二 Knowledge to prepare: 回顾 reading部分学习过希望的故事,查阅课本第六十页,完成以下练习。1. 翻译短语(1)看 起 来 像 一 只 小 白 鼠(2)重 达100克(3) 长成一只健康的大熊猫(4) 鼓励农民离开

2、保护区(5) 砍倒森林 (6)杀它取其皮毛(7) 处 于 危 险 之 中(8) 采 取 下 面 的 行 动 来 保 护 大 熊 猫2. 用学过的适当的词填空,使句子意思完整。The baby panda called Xi Wang looked like a white _. when she was 10 days old. She was just 100 grams at _. At six months, she began to eat bamboo and _.When she was 8 months old, she grew into a healthy lovely .S

3、adly, now it is very dangerous for giant pandas to_ in the wild. Many _like killing them for their .And these animals will have nowhere to live if people cut down all the trees and . Our pandas are in _. So we must do something to them. Let s _(do) something together to help pandas to build a beauti

4、ful . (1)Try to fill in the blanks. Baby pandas Giant pandas 1 _ look like white mice beautiful black and white anima ls , look like bears 2 _ quiet and peaceful animals3 _ Drink mums milkeat bamboo shoots and leaves 4 _ There are only about a thousand giant pandas in the world because their living

5、areas are becoming farmland. If farmers keep taking the land, they will have nowhere to live. If people hunt them for their fur, then there will be no giant pandas 5 _ Write to newspapers and magazines about the giant pandas in China. Tell people about the problems. 三 Teaching contents: Step1 Introd

6、ucing our friends-animals 2 Introduce our friends-animals. (This activity can be organized after Period 6. Get 2-3 students to introduce the animals we have already learned. Encourage the students to use the first person to talk about the animals. Tell them to talk about the five aspects: appearance

7、, ability, character, food and danger. ) Step2 Describing the animals Describing the animals. Show more pictures of different kinds of animals and invite the students to describe them (Mainly about appearance, encourage the students to include as much information as possible.). Step3 Showing a pictu

8、re of a giant panda Show a picture of a giant panda. Get students to describe it. Get the students to talk about baby giant pandas, too. Ask the students two questions: 1. How many babies do mother giant pandas have at a time? 2. How many giant pandas are there in the world now? Get the students to

9、guess and at the same time write their guesses on the board. Step4 Finding the answers Play the tape for the students to find the answers to the two questions. Check the answers. Praise the students who get the closer answer. Step 5 Completing the following table Say Pandas are in danger. Lets get t

10、o know more about them and try to help. Invite the students to read the report on Page 71 and try to complete the following table. PANDAS ARE IN DANGER! Appearance beautiful black and white; look like a bear/a white mouse(be born) Character quiet and peaceful 补充修改栏3 Lifestyle eat bamboo shoots and l

11、eaves; never eat meat/drink mum s milk; have one or two babies at a time Dangers Farmers keep taking their land; have nowhere to live; hunters hunt them for their fur Actions write to newspapers and magazines; let more people know about the problems; ask people to do something to help There are some

12、 wonderful sentences patterns in the passage. Direct the students attention to them.四、 Knowledge carding 1. .Female giant pandas have only one or two babies at a time. 母熊猫只生一到两只小熊猫。例句 a How many books can you borrow from the library ? 你一次你能从图书馆借几本书?bHand me the book, two . 把书递给我,每次两本。.If farmers kee

13、p taking the land, giant panders will have nowhere to live. 此处的 keep 的用法是。e.g. 婴儿哭了很久 They baby for a long time. 讨论如下短语句子的中文意思:spend a lot of time drinking their mums milk, get smaller and smaller, become farmlands, keep taking the land, What action can the club take? 五、 Compliance testing: 达标检测一 .

14、1阅读课文 , 并根据汉语提示填空: Giant pandas _(看上去像熊 ).They _(只产于中国 ). They are quiet and peaceful.They _( 吃竹笋和叶子). Baby pandas _( 每 天 花 多 达 十 四 小 时 喝 他 们 母 亲 的 奶 ). But their number_( 越来越少 )because_ ( 他们的生活区) are becoming farmlands. If farmers keep _( 占地 ), giant pandas will have nowhere to live. _( 如果继续下去), then there will _(世上就没有大熊猫了). 2翻译句子:1). 老虎每天都有大量的时间在外面溜达, 一天大约要有9 个小时 . Tigers _ a lot of time _ outside. _ 9 hours a day. 2). 老虎的数量变得越来越少了, 因为它们的栖息地变成了农田. _of tigers is_and_because their_are becoming _. 3). 如果农夫们不断地占用土地, 老虎们将无处安生. 4 If farmers _ the land, tigers will _. 4). 我们应该采取以下行动来保护老虎. We _


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