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1、短期融资及设备融资风险管理引言 Introduction数据一:上市公司数与中小企业数的比较 Data I: Comparing the number of public companies and small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)截止2008年6月5日 国内中小企业数As of June 5, 2008 the number of small and medium-sized enterprises2006年底3151.8万家,较上年增长11.2% ,预计2012年将达到5000万家,年均增长率 7%-8% There were 31.518

2、million SMEs at the end of 2006, an increase of 11.2% year-on-year. It is estimated to be up to 50 million SMEs by 2012, a yearly average increase of 7%-8%.上市公 司数 Listed Companies总市值 Total Market Value (RMB, Hundred Million) 上交所 Shanghai Stock Exchange864家176960.08 深交所 Shenzhen Stock Exchange711家43,

3、001.06 中小企业板 Small and medium-sized enterprise(SME) board246家9,047.55 VS引言 Introduction数据二:直接融资额与间接融资额的比较 Data II: Comparing of the value of direct financing and indirect financing直接融资 Direct financing间接融资 Indirect financing 2007年直接融资额 8710亿元, 占当年融资总额 的17.5%,比 2006年提高5.2个百分点 In 2007, the value of di

4、rect financing reached RMB 871 billion, 17.5% of the total value, It increased 5.2% compared with 2006.2007年底,人民币贷 款余 额达277746.53 亿元 At the end of 2007, the loan balance of RMB reached RMB 27774.653 billion.引言 Introduction数据分析 Data Analysis 能直接融资的企业仍为少数,大多数企业需依赖自 有资金及银行融资 Few enterprises are able to

5、 finance directly. Most of the enterprises depends on owned-capital and bank financing. 直接融资比例虽有所提高,但间接融资仍居于主导 地位。 Though the percentage of direct financing increased, indirect financing still occupies a leading position.引言 Introduction中国金融机构贷款余额及构成 Loan Balance and break down of China Financial Ins

6、titutions单位:亿元In RMB, Hundred Million贷款余额年平 均增长16% The yearly average increase of 16% in the loan balance.Short-term loanMedium and long- term loanOthers第一部分 国内短期融资主要品种 Part I The Varieties of Domestic Short-term Financing Products不基于单笔贸易的短期融资品种 The varieties of short-term financing products based o

7、n non-single trade transaction 营运资金贷款Working capital loan 周转限额贷款Revolving line of credit loan 临时贷款Temporary loan 搭桥贷款Bridge loan 贷款承诺Loan commitment1、营运资金贷款 1. Working capital loan 满足借款人日常经营中合理的连续使用需求The borrower uses for normal business operations or to meet continuous need for capital 未来综合收益和其他合法收

8、入等作为还款来源Future income and other legal income are the resources for repayment. 可采用循环贷款方式,一次签约、多次提款、逐笔归还, 循环使用It could be revolving loans. Sign contract once, draw down several times, repayment by transactions.第一部分 国内短期融资主要品种 Part I The Varieties of Domestic Short-term Financing Products2、周转限额贷款 2. re

9、volving line of credit loan 满足借款人日常经营中确定产品用途项下的资金短 缺需求Finance confirmed products in normal operation when borrower are short of capital 以约定的、可预见的经营收入作为还款来源The agreed predicted operating income is the repayment resource.第一部分 国内短期融资主要品种 Part I The Varieties of Domestic Short-term Financing Products3、临

10、时贷款 3. Temporary loan 满足季节性或临时性的资金需求To finance the seasonal or temporary capital needs. 依据订单组织备货和生产Preparing the material and production according to the order. 以对应的产品(商品)销售收入和其他合法收入等作为 还款来源The sales of relevant products and other legal income are the repayment resources.第一部分 国内短期融资主要品种 Part I The V

11、arieties of Domestic Short-term Financing Products4、搭桥贷款 4. Bridge loan 满足阶段性的资金需求To finance the interim capital needs. 以未来所获政府拨款等非经营性现金流作为还款来源The cash flow from non-operation is the repayment resource, such as government funding. 主要适用已落实计划内资金暂时无法到位,需要先行垫 付资金的借款人(学校、医院等事业法人或城市建设投 资公司等企业法人) It is mai

12、nly to finance the borrowers until permanent or the next stage of financing can be obtained, such as school, hospital or other non-profit organizations and urban develop and investment companies.第一部分 国内短期融资主要品种 Part I The Varieties of Domestic Short-term Financing Products5、贷款承诺 5. Loan commitment 满

13、足借款人未来一定时期内或有的融资需求,向其 出具的具有法律约束力、允许其在需要时按照合同 约定条件提取贷款的信贷承诺 To meet the contingent financing needs in a certain period in the future, the a lender makes commitments that are contractual obligations for future funding to a borrower on specific terms in return for a fee 为借款人提供信用支持(发行债券或商业票据、向 第三方融资、收购资

14、产) Provide credit support to borrowers such as bonds, commercial paper, financing from a third party, acquiring assets, etc.第一部分 国内短期融资主要品种 Part I The Varieties of Domestic Short-term Financing Products基于单笔贸易的短期融资品种 The varieties of short-term financing products based on single trade transaction 保理F

15、actoring 打包贷款Packing loan 国内发票融资Domestic invoice financing第一部分 国内短期融资主要品种 Part I The Varieties of Domestic Short-term Financing Products1、保理 Factoring应收账款须符合以下条件: The accounts receivable (AR) should meet the following requirements:1.应收账款权属清楚,销货方未将其转让给任何第三人,也未在其上为任何第三人设定任何质权和其他优先受偿权;The property of t

16、he AR should be clear. The seller neither sell it to any other third party nor set any other pledge right or priority right to be repaid on the AR.2.销货方与购货方在合同中未约定应收账款不得转让的条款 There are not any terms that the AR couldt be sold in the contract between the seller and debtor.3.应收账款账期与行业特征相吻合 The period of AR should be accord with the industry.销货方 Seller购货方 Debter购销合同 Contra


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