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1、adj. 有关体育运动的sportingv. 允许allowv. 打败defeatn. 赛季; 季节season代表; 象征 stand forprep. 与相对, 相反; 靠, 依againstadj. 艰苦的; 强硬的tough1 系动词(look / sound / feel / smell / taste / get / turn / become / be + adj 作句 子的表语。 如 You look tired . Leaves turn green when spring is coming . 2 stand for 是“代表”的意思。represent 也 是代表,当代

2、表某个组织或者集体参加某项 活动时,只能用represent .3 、defeat 是打败的意思,后加人,beat 是 赢的意思,后也加人,win 是赢的意思,但 后加game , match 等等。She won the football match at last . 4、 get a chance =have a chance 有机会If you get a chance to go , take it . by chance =by accident . 恰巧,偶然的意 思, I met Jim by chance yesterday . take ones chance 碰运气,听天

3、由命Lets take our chance 咱们听天由命吧。 5 、What do you reckon = think 认为6、 allow sb to do sth .允许某人做某事 They allow them to sing here . be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事 They are allowed to build rooms there . allow doing sth 是允许做某事 I allow playing computer games on Sunday . 7 、so +adj / adv + that +句子,注意so 后 不能加名词

4、,意为“如此一致”such +adj / adv + n + that + 句子,注意such 后 必须加名词,若名词是可数的单数名词时 such 后要加a / an . so +adj / adv +a / an +n + that 也可以,但是so 后一定要紧挨着 形容词。如 He was such a foolish man that nobody loved him = He was so foolish that nobody loved him . =He was so foolish a man that nobody loved him .但是若形容词是much / many

5、/ little / few 时,必须用so +much / many / little / few + n + that +句子 。如Grandma Liu ate so much food that she couldnt stand up at the table . so that 后若是否定句时=too to +v 如The box is so heavy that I cant move it .=The box is too heavy for me to move it .11、 get to sb 是影响某人Dont let them get to you . 12 、be

6、mad with sb = be angry with sb 是生气的意思,He was very mad with his student yesterday . so + 助动词+主语(代词),意为某某 也是如此的意思 注意前面是肯定句,即 对前面所说,后面也是如此的意思,助 动词要与前面的肯定句一致,如 He studies very hard , so does she . 他 很努力,她也是。13、 encourage sb to do sth . 是 鼓励某人做某事,Our English teacher often encourages us to speak English l

7、oudly . 14、 against 用作介词,表示“反对 、与对抗”的含义,反义词是for , 后面可以跟名词、代词、ving 形式 作宾语。.1 、一般将来时的被动结构:will / shall +be +PP My homework will be finished this evening.2 、 encourage sb to do sth 是鼓励某人做某事 My teacher often encourages us to study English hard . Encourage to do sth 是鼓励做某 事。My elder brother is encouraged

8、 to be a driver in the future . 3 、continue to do sth 是继续做某事(另外一件 事)continue doing sth 也是继续做某事(同一 件事)4、First of all 意为“首先” 强调时间上或一系列 行动的开始 。First of all , lets clean the blackboard 5、invite sb to do sth 是邀请某人做某事,He invited me to have his birthday party yesterday .Invite to a place 是邀请到某地 I was invit

9、ed to Shanghai yesterday .6、represent 是代表(组织、或集体参加活动) He will represent his school at the meeting .7 、now that 既然,由于=since Now that everyone is here , lets begin the meeting .8、 be well known = be famous 出名 She is well known in China . = She is famous in China .9、advise sb to do sth 是建议某人做某事 =sugges

10、t sb to do sth 注意advise 是动词,some advice 是一些建议的意思,是不可数名词 Suggest doing sth 注意suggest 后加ving .(无宾语 )10、感官动词 see / notice / watch / hear + v (强 调整个过程see / notice / watch / hear +ving (强 调动作正在进行)I saw her enter in the library just now . I saw her playing football on the playground .11 、set up 是创立(公司、工厂等

11、), set out 是 出发 My grandfather set up a factory when he was young . 12 、compare A with B是把A 与B作比较 My parents often compare my sister with me . Compare as 是把比作 We often compare the teachers as candles .13、win gold medal 获得金牌。She won 3 gold medals in the match . 14 、spend doing sth 是花时间做某事。注意主语 是人。 后是

12、动词ing 形式。I spent 3 hours finishing my homework yesterday . sb spend money on sth / in doing sth 是某人花钱干某事。 物体 cost sb money 主语是物。 也是花钱干某事 I spent 400 yuan on my new bike . My new bike cost me 400 yuan . 15 、 because +句子 Because of + n / ving . He didnt come to school this morning on time because of r

13、aining .5 1、he is training for a basketball match2、shes going to write a report for the school magazine3、they are great4、win this time 5、make Tony and other players try harder to show theyre wrong5 1、he is training for a basketball match2、shes going to write a report for the school magazine3、they ar

14、e great4、win this time 5、make Tony and other players try harder to show theyre wrongUnit Two 1、first of all 首先=at first . First of all , he studied in a middle school ,then he worked in a factory . 2 、all over the world = around the world 3、be well known =be famous 4 、 advise sb to do sth 是建议某人做某事 S

15、he advised her brother to speak English as often as possible . Advice 是不可数名词,some advice 一些建议 suggest sb to do sth 也是建议某人做某事 suggest doing sth 是建议做某事。 My uncle suggests going fishing this Saturday . Unit Two 4 、make sure 确定+ to do sth 确定做某事,I make sure to come back early this evening . Make sure + t

16、hat 从句. He made sure that his son studied hard in school . 5、 具体日期用介词on ,同时有词修饰上、下午 、或者晚上用介词on. On a cold night , on July 1st . 6 、set up 是成立He set up a company last year . On 还有关于的意思=about (较为不正规 )的东西。7、notice 是感官动词,类似的有hear , see , watch . 后加ving 表示动作还在进行。后加v 表 示过程。 He saw the little boy drawing under the tree . I heard someone enter the library .Unit Two 8、 compare with 与作比较。 P



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