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1、Unit Unit AIDS has become a social problem !Can you think of other social problems?AIDSDrugsSmokingDrinkingDrugDrugs sAIDSAIDSSmokinSmoking gDrinkingDrinkingWhich one do you think is the most serious?Supporting an opinion I think that , because First, One reason is that For example, If we / they wer

2、e to , we / they could Challenging an opinion Perhaps, but what if / about ? Have you thought about ? What makes you think that ? Could you please explain ? If I were you, I would A: I think that AIDS is the most serious problem because B:Perhaps, but what about drugs? I think that drugs like cocain

3、e are the most serious problem because C:Drinking is, in my opinion, the most serous problem. One reason is that D: I agree that AIDS and drugs are serious problems, but what makes you think that they are more serious than smoking? A:Example persuade 说服,劝服,使某人相信persuade sb to do sth 说服某人做某事persuade

4、sb into (doing) sth 说服某人做某事persuade sb out of (doing) sth 说服某人不要做某事persuade sb of sth 使某人相信某事persuade sb that从句 使某人相信Center for Disease Control and Prevention of ChinaJane A disease detective1. What are the people at the Center trying to do?A. They are trying to be detectives.B. They are trying to c

5、ontrol and prevent diseases.C. They are trying to find as much information as they can about what happened.2. What kind of information does Jane collect?A. Jane usually asks people if they have a fever, headache or sore throat. She also asks when they got sick.B. Jane usually asks people if they col

6、lect information to prevent others from getting sick.C. Jane usually asks people if they find out what caused the problem or the disease.3. What does Jane do with the information she collects?A. To find out who has a headache.B. To look for clues about the patient.C. To find out what caused the prob

7、lem.4. Where do the “disease detective” do “ their job”?A. In laboratoriesB. towns or villages C. Both A and B5. If they do their jobs well, they will _.A. save lives B. examine tests and samples C. look for clues 1. What are the people at the Center trying to do?A. They are trying to be detectives.

8、B. They are trying to control and prevent diseases.C. They are trying to find as much information as they can about what happened.2. What kind of information does Jane collect?A. Jane usually asks people if they have a fever, headache or sore throat. She also asks when they got sick.B. Jane usually

9、asks people if they collect information to prevent others from getting sick.C. Jane usually asks people if they find out what caused the problem or the disease.B.A.3. What does Jane do with the information she collects?A. To find out who has a headache.B. To look for clues about the patient.C. To fi

10、nd out what caused the problem.4. Where do the “disease detective” do “ their job”?A. In laboratoriesB. towns or villages C. Both A and B5. If they do their jobs well, they will _.A. save lives B. examine tests and samples C. look for clues C.C.A.Part2:1. How often does Jane go out to disease places

11、? about every three monthssometimes afraid but always careful3. What advice does she give to protect oneself?2.How does she feel about her job?washing hands not going to crowded placeswearing a mask if neededsee a doctor if you are sickMany people are concerningabout AIDS today, more and more.; http

12、:/ 原单 外贸原单 原单和正品的区别 真标鞋 原单货 stz19qus 沉思又说:“但制作饺子馅儿必须得我自己来,而且馅儿的配料和搅拌程序咱绝对不能告诉别人!从小咱娘就告诉我,这肉馅儿怎么做,素馅儿 怎么做;哪种肉必须配哪几种调料,哪种馅儿最好采用哪些配料;哪些配料是必须早点儿搅拌了腌着让其入味儿,哪些配料则是晚点儿加入更好 ,这些都是很有讲究的。同样的配料和调料,所采用的搅拌顺序不同,其味道可是大不相同的呢!还有啊,擀饺子皮儿的面团如何和、怎么揉和 必须醒更多长时间,这些也是很有讲究的,面团和得太软太硬都不行,而且必须充分揉到。如果一开始和得稍微硬一点儿,然后再揣水揉到软硬 正好,那是最好

13、不过的了。等到醒一小会儿以后,还得再揉一揉,然后用湿笼布盖上多醒一会儿。如果能根据面的多少,按照比例揉进去一些蛋 清最好。这样一来,煮出来的饺子就不会粘皮儿了,而且揉进去的只是蛋清,所以并不会影响饺子皮儿的颜色。”见哥哥也放下饭碗一直在认真 听着并且不断地点头,耿英接着说:“但不管怎么说,这个也好说,咱们每天起早点儿和好上午包的面团醒上,午饭后再和好下午包的面团醒上 ,也就行了。推猫耳朵的面团也可以早点儿和了醒上的。至于莜面鱼鱼,我每天上、下午自己搓就行。剔尖儿是客人点了现做的,也不是个问题 。盖饭和炒饭也好说,提前蒸好米饭备好配菜就得了。凉拌菜咱们提前抽空做好就行,杂烩菜咱估计着提前做一大锅

14、放着。小炒菜也好说,提前 择好青菜洗干净了备着。肉什么的也可以提前切好了备着,都不是问题!”耿正还未说话,耿直就着急了。只见他瞪着一双大眼睛,有些不解地 大声说:“我说姐啊,你说了大半天,这还不都是咱们自己做嘛,只不过是聘请几个帮咱包饺子和推猫耳朵的人!”耿英说:“是只聘请几个帮 咱包饺子和推猫耳朵的人,但你要知道,包饺子和推猫耳朵是最费时间的事儿,也是别人能利利索索帮咱们做好的事儿。至于其他的事情,咱们 都可以抽空儿穿插着做了的。再说了,有一些事情交给别人做也不行!”耿正说:“小直子,你姐说得对!咱就这么办,先找几个定点儿帮工的 人。我看咱们可以先问一问对门儿的张婶儿和隔壁的大嫂,看她们愿不愿意。每天的固定帮工时间段儿可以定在上午的巳时末到午时初,下午的 申时末到酉时初,各一个时辰。至于工钱,咱们可以参照别的饭店,或者比别的饭店的报酬略微再多一点儿,但要求她们必须做得又快又好!” 耿英胸有成竹地说:“放心吧哥,她们肯定愿意做的!她们给咱做帮工出门儿就到,不用浪费跑路的功夫,而且咱们定的时间段儿也不大会影响 她们做自己家里的事情。更重要的是,咱们给的工钱比别的饭店里略微多一点儿,她们还可以学到新的做饭技能!”兄妹仨商量妥当后,高高兴 兴地继续


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