古语专业自荐 书(精选多篇)

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《古语专业自荐 书(精选多篇)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《古语专业自荐 书(精选多篇)(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 1 古语专业自荐书(精选多篇)1 临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。 董仲舒元光之年举贤良对策better go back and make a net than long for the fish by merely staring into the water.2 利天下者,天下启之;害天下 者,天下闭之。六韬发启if you benefit the people of the world, you will attain their support. if you harm the people of the world, you will

2、face their opposition.3 君子之事上也,进思尽忠,退 思补过。孝经事君章in serving his sovereign the man of the talent and virtue considers how to-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 2 discharge his duty faithfully while in office; when he retires, he considers how to make up for his own errors.4 夫争天下者,必先争人。明大 数者,得人;审小计者,失人。 管子霸言 wh

3、oever competes for the authority over the world should compete for the support of the people. the most sensible persons will win over the people. the sharp-witted but petty-minded ones will lose the support of the people. 5 人欲见其所不见,视人所不窥; 欲得其所不得,修人所不为。列 子仲尼 if you want to see what you cannot see, yo

4、u should watch with care what is neglected by others; if you want to get what is beyond your reach, you must do what others are unwilling to do.6 物无非彼,物无非是。自彼则 不见,自知则知之。庄子齐物 论everything in the world has its -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 3 “that side”; everything in the world has its “this side”. what

5、is ignored from “that side” may be perceived from “this side”. 7 尺有所短,寸有所长;物有所 不足,智有所不明。屈原卜居a foot may be too short for something long; for something weak an inch is strong. everything has its weak points; sometimes a wise man disappoints.8 有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不 相逢。施耐庵:水浒传if fated, men come together though

6、a thousand li apart; if not, they miss each other though they meet face to face.9 扫除心上垢,洗净耳边尘。不 受苦中苦,难为人上人。吴承 恩西游记wipe the dust off your mind, /wash out the dirt from your ear. /without the most terrible suffering /you cannot be a great man.-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 4 10 老吾老,以及人之老,幼吾 幼,以及人之幼。孟子梁惠王

7、 上respecting my own elders, and extending this respect to the elders of others; caring for my own children, and extending this care to the children of others. 11 博学之、审问之、慎思之、 明辨之、笃行之。礼记中庸learn extensively, inquire carefully, think deeply, differentiate clearly, and practice faithfully.12 丈夫有泪不轻弹,只因未

8、到 伤心处。李开先:宝剑记a man does not easily shed tears until his heart is broken.13 立身之道,与文章异:立身 先需谨重,文章且需放荡。萧纲: 梁简文帝集诫当阳公大心书the way to establish oneself is different from the way to write. while the latter needs free thinking, the former -精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 5 requires prudence.14 立身之道,与文章异:立身 先需谨重,文

9、章且需放荡。萧纲: 梁简文帝集诫当阳公大心书the way to establish oneself is different from the way to write. while the latter needs free thinking, the former requires prudence.15 君子必贵其言。贵其言则尊 其身,尊其身则重其道。徐干: 中论贵言 the gentleman must value his words. if he values his words, then he brings honor to his person; if he brings h

10、onor to his person, then his way will be prized. 216 世上伤心无限事,最难死别 与生离。文康:儿女英雄传the world is full of heartrending occasions. parting from dear ones or the beloved dead is the most difficult thing of all.17 人惟求旧,器非求旧,惟新。-精选财经经济类资料- -最新财经经济资料-感谢阅读- 6 尚书盘庚上in appointing officials, one seeks men from old

11、families; in daily living, one prefers utensils that are new.18 橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北 则为枳,叶徒相似,其实味不同。 晏子春秋内篇杂下oranges grown south of the huai river are true oranges; once transplanted to the north of the river, they become trifoliate oranges. although they resemble in the shape of leaves, yet they differ widely in taste.19 满招损,谦受益。尚 书大禹谟complacency spells, while modesty brings benefits.20 天作孽,犹可违;自作孽, 不可活。尚书太甲when trouble befalls you from heaven, there is still hope of avoidance; -精选财经经济类资


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