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1、引用学术文献引用学术文献一、 参考文献的含义义及作用二、 合理引用参考文献三、 参考文献类类型和标识标识四、 参考文献著录录格式一、参考文献的含义为撰写或编辑论文和著作而引用的 有关文献信息资源。一、参考文献的作用 1、反映研究者的研究基础; 2、尊重前人和他人的知识成果; 3、反映论文作者的科学态度; 4、向读者推荐一批经过精选的文 献; 5、节约论文篇幅。二、引用 学术术文献1、引用原则则3、注意事项项2、引用类类型直接引用解释释性说说明概括性说说明1、引用原则则全面性时时效性代表性公正性全面性:(1)充分了解国内外科技界 在相关领域的成就和最新进 展,学习并采用先进的思想 和方法。 (2

2、)需要不断地查阅和参考 大量的相关文献。时效性:(1)是否与当年或最近3年的 文献相联系; (2)应避免过多引用教材以及 纸版期刊,因为有一定的滞后 性。 (3)充分运用网上资源的检索 最新文献的条件和能力。代表性:正确、合理地引用有代表性 的文章会增强研究工作的可 信度和说服力。公正性:(1)引用的文献不能在文章 后面的参考文献中只随便只列 出几条; (2)引用高质量的论文时, 不能故意列出一大堆外文文献 或一些高水平的文章。直接引用(Direct quotation) 定义:作者用引号直接援引他人的概念,观 点和表述并注明出处,要求引文绝对忠实于 原文。 直接引用除了可以引用短语、句子外,

3、也可 以引用段落、图表、数据。从专业辞典、百 科全书中引用学术定义,或从论文、专著中 引用权威人士的观点,或引用尚有争议的观 点时,通常使用直接引用。直接引用应该注意以下几点: 1、引文置于双引号中,括号中必须标注页 码;2、引用部分不能破坏正文句法,要自然溶 入正文之中,不得出现“句中句” ;3、不能过度引用,要尽量使用概括和释义 的形式进行间接引用;4、引文要简洁。太长的内容可以放在附录 (appendix)中,如“调查表”、“数据表” 等。 i)词语与句子引用 a. 作者在正文中出现,括号中 标注出版年代与引文所在页 码。在正文中出现的华人作者 应该用全名,如:Wang Datong (

4、2002:111) believed thate.g. Graff defines his recent book, Professing Literature, as “a history of academic literary studies in the United States” (2005:19).举例:b. 作者未在正文中出现,括号中标注 作者姓氏、出版年代以及引文所在页 码,两位作者应一并列出。e.g. Based on different findings, it is proposed that “the type of motivation and its streng

5、th are likely to be determined less by some generalized principle and more by who learns what in what milieu” (Laser a propositional neutral space; a literary matrix by which to order his experience during composition . The writer is invited to match experience and form in a specific yet undetermine

6、d way. Accepting the invitation does not solve his problems of expression . But it gives him access to formal ideas as to how a variety of constituents might be suitably combined (Fowler, 1982:31).Well-established scholars in disciplines that are generally traditional in their use of textual forms s

7、eem to have greater freedom in breaking with genre conventionsiiiiii) ) 诗歌引用诗歌引用所引用的诗歌如果在论文的正文中不所引用的诗歌如果在论文的正文中不 超过两行,则用斜线超过两行,则用斜线“ “/ /” ”将诗行分开,引用将诗行分开,引用 部分加双引号。如果所引用的诗歌超过两部分加双引号。如果所引用的诗歌超过两 行,则采用段落引用的方式。行,则采用段落引用的方式。e.ge.g. . In In his “Hymn to Intellectual Beauty,” his “Hymn to Intellectual Bea

8、uty,” Shelly personifies the immaterial, spiritual Shelly personifies the immaterial, spiritual world: “The awful shadow of some unseen world: “The awful shadow of some unseen Power / Floats though unseen among Power / Floats though unseen among us”(1887:23).us”(1887:23).iv iv) ) 剧本引用剧本引用引用剧本不标注页码,而

9、是标注幕、场、引用剧本不标注页码,而是标注幕、场、 行。行。e.g. Hamlet sayse.g. Hamlet says:O, my offence is rank, it smells to O, my offence is rank, it smells to heaven;heaven;It hath the primal eldest curse It hath the primal eldest curse upontupont, ,A brothers murder. Pray can I not, A brothers murder. Pray can I not,Thoug

10、h inclination be as sharp as will Though inclination be as sharp as will ( (Act 3. Scene 3. 40-43)Act 3. Scene 3. 40-43). .直接引用的常用表达方式:As X said, As X reported, As X mentioned, As X declared,As X wrote, As X insisted, As X maintained, As X stated, X said, X further stated, X later insisted,X continu

11、ed, X firmly believes, etc. 解释性说明(Paraphrasing) 定义:用不同表述方式阐述原文含 义,使之更简洁明了。 常见手段有:删略次要信息;使用 同义词、反义词和下义词;采用注 释性说明;改换说法(如改变陈述 角度和调换顺序)等。 例如: “Attitudes are selectively acqui red and integrated through learning an d experience” (John D. Faust). John D. Faust expresses the view that i ndividuals change t

12、heir attitudes because of things they learn and things they experience.概括性说明(summarizing) 定义:整篇文献(全书或全文)的观 点归纳为一段话,甚至浓缩为一两句 话。原则: (1)仔细阅读原材料几次,了解中心思 想和主要论点。 (2)列出中心思想和主要论点(包括重 要的支持的想法,如果需要的话)。 (3)根据该所列出的框架用自己的话写 出结论。 (4)控制总结的长度。总结通常小于 200字。对于很长的原材料,它也应该压 缩到几百字。 Salaries Rise in Line with Fees George

13、 Will Education Weekly December 15, 2001 Students are borrowing more money to finance co llege education compared with 10 years ago, but w hen they graduate, their loan payments are takingup a smaller percentage of the salaries. One- half of all graduates borrow money, according to f igures from the

14、 US Department of Education, up f rom 34% in 1990. The average debt for recent gra duates is $9,800, up from $ 6,000 in 1990. 原文:The government has been deliberately shifting theemphasis from grants to loans, and more student s have been forced to take out loans because of ris ing fees. “College stu

15、dents are borrowing more th an they did 10 years ago to pay for rising college t uition,” said Acting Secretary of Education Ted S anders. “But when you take earning into account,debt should not be a hardship for most graduates. ” (129 words) Summary version: According to George Will (“Salaries Rise in Line wit h Fees,” Education Weekly, December 15, 2001), mor e students (50%) are taking out loans to finance colleg e education than in 1990 (34%) due to rising fees. Ho wever, when earnings are taken into account, the debt s should not be a hardship for the majority of g


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