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1、平衡记分卡(Balanced Scorecard)概要学习与成长- 雇员满意度- 团队精神- 信息利用程度财务- 成本最优使命 愿景 战略客户- 客户满意度内部运营流程- 有效的内部控制 - 有效的供应商管理 - 综合利用多种获得资源的途径 - 流程不断改进平衡记分卡的目标与衡量方法MISSION To provide acquisition and assistance services to support accomplishment of the Departments programmatic goals and objectives.STRATEGY To change the p

2、resent systems culture, management systems, and line processes consistent with the principles of Quality Management, in order to establish and maintain: a customer focus, a sense of urgency, continuous and breakthrough process improvement, and an emphasis on results.VISION To deliver on a timely bas

3、is the best value product or service to our customers while maintaining the publics trust and fulfilling public policy objectives.CUSTOMER- Customer SatisfactionCUSTOMER PERSPECTIVEA-6Customer SatisfactionCORE Customer Satisfaction Index Data Source: Customer Climate Survey Also, documented results

4、from formal Baldrige, Presidential or Energy Quality Award Self-Assessments and Site Visit EvaluationsElements:Timeliness: Extent of customer satisfaction with timeliness of procurement processing; planning activities; and on-going communicationsQuality: Extent of customer satisfaction with the qual

5、ity of procurement servicesCommunications: Extent to which procurement communicates accurate information which impacts the work of my organization85% customer satisfaction rating in 1998 (90% in 1999, 95% in 2000)CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVEOBJECTIVE MEASURE NATIONAL TARGET A-7CUSTOMER PERSPECTIVEOBJECTIVE

6、MEASURE NATIONAL TARGET (Appropriate targets will be negotiated between the Cognizant DOE Contracting Officer and the contractor purchasing organization)Customer Satisfaction (Cont .) OPTIONAL Data Source: Real-time Transactional Survey (if appropriate)Elements Menu:Schedule Cost Best Value Performa

7、nce against standard/commitment Overall SatisfactionA-8INTERNAL BUSINESS PROCESSES -Effective Internal Controls -Effective Supplier Management -Effective Utilization of AlternateProcurerment Approaches -Streamlined Processes -Acquisition Process -Good Corporate Citizenship throughPurchasingINTERNAL

8、BUSINESS PROCESS PERSPECTIVEA-13Effective Internal Controls Data Source: Transactional review of purchasing files, review boards and Local Purchasing Information Systems (LPIS)Effective Supplier Management Data Source: LPISEffective Utilization of Alternate Procurement Approaches Data Source: LPISCo

9、re: % of systems in full compliance with stakeholder requirements (e.g., applicable laws, regulations, terms and conditions of contracts, ethics, etc.) based on self-assessment and subject to fatal flaw considerationsCore: % Delivery on-timeOptional: Supplier Satisfaction Prequalified suppliers as a

10、 % of all suppliers Rejection rates due to non-conformance to contract requirementsCore: Optimum % of transactions placed by users (JIT, Procurement Card, etc. divided by the sum of total transactions)Optional: % utilization of ICPT and other leveraged purchases % of RFPs over $100K issued electroni

11、callyA-14Meets or exceeds expectations85% on-time delivery (includes JIT)(Appropriate targets will be negotiated between the Cognizant DOE Contracting Officer and the contractor purchasing organization)INTERNAL BUSINESS PERSPECTIVEOBJECTIVE MEASURE NATIONAL TARGET Streamlined Processes Data Source:

12、LPISAcquisition Process Data Source: LPISGood Corporate Citizenship through Purchasing Data Source: Local goals as negotiated with cognizant DOE officeCore: Number of critical processes reengineered/ redesigned. or re-validatedOptional: % purchase action utilization of Electronic CommerceCore: Avera

13、ge cycle time (exception: Procurement Card)Optional: Average cycle time($100,000)Core: % of economic and social diversity and local participation program goals achieved, including:SB and SDB GoalsRegional/Local Outreach/SupportGood Neighbor ProgramA-15 Two annually20 days cycle time (CAPS)Specific n

14、egotiations with local DOE OfficeINTERNAL BUSINESS PERSPECTIVEOBJECTIVE MEASURE NATIONAL TARGET LEARNING AND GROWTH - Employee Satisfaction - Employee Alignment -Information AvailabilityLEARNING AND GROWTH PERSPECTIVEA-21Employee SatisfactionData Source: Employee Climate Survey Also, documented resu

15、lts from formal Baldrige, Presidential or Energy Quality Award Self-Assessments and Site Visit EvaluationsEmployee AlignmentData Source: Employee Performance Appraisals and Local Purchasing Information Systems as appropriateInformation AvailabilityLocal Purchasing Information Systems as appropriateLEARNING AND GROWTH PERSPECTIVE OBJECTIVE MEASURE NATIONAL TARGET Core:Employee Satisfaction Index Employee Satisfaction I



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