2017版高考英语新课标版《核按钮考点突破》课件2017选修九 unit 4

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1、选修九 Unit 4 Exploring plants 1. 课前自测2. 课堂学案词汇接龙 1. _(n. 植物学家)_(adj. 植物的;植物学的) 2. _(vt. botanical 2. irrigate; irrigation; irrigator 3. restrict; restriction; restrictive 4. fluency; fluent; fluently 5. pollinate; pollinator; pollination 6. fragrant; fragrantly; fragrance词汇接龙 7. _(vt. 降低;跌落;减弱)_(adj.

2、低的;矮小的;沮丧的;下贱的 adv.低声地;谦卑地;底下地)8. _(vt. low 8. evolve; evolution; evolutionary9. tight; tightly; tighten 10. contain; container; contained词块互译 1. 追溯到很久以前 _ the earliest times 2. 热衷于收集新的植物 take great interest _ collecting new plants 3. _ take the opportunity of going on botanical expeditions 4. _ rec

3、ord the plant they come across 5. 使植物存活 keep plants _ 6. _ develop his fluency in Chinese 7. _ value the study of the natural sciences 8. 一种吸引他的树 a tree that _ him 9. 附着在动物身上 become/be _ animals 10. _ increase the chances of survival Key:1. date back to 2. in 3. 借机进行植物探索活动4. 把他们所见到的植物记录下来 5. alive 6

4、. 使自己汉语讲得流利7. 重视自然科学的研究 8. appeals to 9. attached to10. 增加生存的机会句型补全 1. Many ancient civilizations saw the value of _ from distant lands. 许多古代文明都懂得把植物从遥远的地方带回来的价值。(介宾 结构) 2. In 1769, Banks collected vast quantities of plants in the land now _ Australia. 1769年,班克斯在如今叫做澳大利亚的地方收 集了大量的植物。(过去分词短语作后置定语) 3.

5、 _ during long land or sea voyages was an enormous challenge. 使植物在陆地上或海上远距离航行时存活下来是一个巨大的挑战。(动 词-ing形式作主语) 4. So pollination takes place, therefore _ of the survival of the plant species. 这样 通过授粉,就增加了植物物种生存的机会。(动词 -ing 形式作结果状语)Key:1. bringing back plants 2. known as 3. Keeping plants alive4. increasi

6、ng the chances 课文回顾Key:1. their 2. is rewarded 3. attached 4. and 5. increasing 6. depends7. as 8. butterflies 9. with 10. to guide 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Over time, many flowering plants and _1_ (they) animal pollinators have evolved together. The plant needs the animal to pollinate it

7、 and the animal _2_ (reward) with food called nectar when it visits the flowers. Pollen becomes _3_ (attach) to the animal during its visit to a flower _4_ is then passed on to another plants blossom on its next visit. So pollination takes place, therefore _5_ (increase) the chances of the survival

8、of the plant species.The type of pollinator _6_ (depend) on the characteristics of the flower such _7_ its colour, shape, size and smell. For example, yellow flowers attract bees, while red flowers attract _8_ (butterfly). The nectar in some flowers can only be reached by a bird _9_ a long bill or a

9、 long-tongued moth or butterfly. Flowers that attract bees often have a special pattern _10_ (guide) the bees to the nectar inside. 课课堂学案1. conflict vi. 冲突;抵触;争执 n. 冲突;矛盾;斗争 1. Brave young men took the opportunity of going on botanical expeditions, often facing many dangers including disease, near-s

10、tarvation, severe environments and conflicts with the local people. 勇敢的年轻人借机进行植物探索活动,他们常常面临许多危险,如疾病、饥饿、恶劣的环境及同当地居民的冲突。2. Mary often comes into conflict with her sister. 玛丽经常和她妹妹产生矛盾。3. Your words conflict with the police evidence. 你的话和警方的证据相矛盾。 【词块助记】 avoid a conflict 避免冲突 resolve a conflict 解决争端 po

11、litical conflict 政治分歧 conflict of interest(s) 利益/利害冲突 (in) conflict with 与有分歧/冲突 come into conflict with 与发生冲突/产生矛盾/战斗 conflict among/between 之间的矛盾冲突 【构词】conflicting adj. 冲突的;相矛盾的;不一致的 1. John often comes into a conflict with his boss.2. She found _ (she) in conflict with her parents over her future

12、 career.Key:1. 去掉a 2. herself 2. scale n. 刻度;等级;规模;音阶;量程;磅秤vt. which 2. operation 【词块助记】3. restriction n. 限制;约束 1. (2014江苏卷) The biggest restriction on our resources is the number of hours we can devote to something, so we look to maximize the return we get on our investment of time. 我们在利用资源方面的最大限制是

13、在一件事上所能投入的时间有限,因此我们寻求在时间投入上的利益最大化 。 2. The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom. 政府已经同意撤销对新闻自由的限制。 import/export restrictions 进口/出口限制 credit restriction 信用限额 restriction factor 制约因素 place/impose a restriction on sth. 对实行限制 restrictto 把限制/控制在 【构词】restrict vt. 限制;束缚;妨碍;约束restric

14、tive adj. 限制性的;约束的restricted adj. 有限的;受限制的 1. For the first month, patients are restricted _ two cigarettes a day.2. People flooded to a local auto market on Sunday, a day before the city imposed _ (restrict) on the purchase of vehicles.Key:1. to 2. restrictions 【词块助记】4. postpone vt. 延迟;推迟 1. (2012江苏卷) The notice came around two in the afternoon that the meeting would be postponed. 下午两点左右传来会议将被推迟的通知。2. Lets postpone making a decision unt



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