九年级英语 Chapter 12 Friend or enemy学案 牛津深圳版

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1、用心 爱心 专心- 1 -ChapterChapter 1212 FriendFriend oror enemyenemy 学案设计学案设计一学习目标:一学习目标:1.1. 学会朗读单词、课文,能抓住本文的大意。学会朗读单词、课文,能抓住本文的大意。2.2. 学会学会预测、跳读、找读预测、跳读、找读等阅读技巧。等阅读技巧。3.3. 学会从上下文、标点符号等信息猜测新词的词义。学会从上下文、标点符号等信息猜测新词的词义。比一比,看谁是学习的大赢家!比一比,看谁是学习的大赢家!二阅读前活动二阅读前活动这些单词可以帮助你理解课文哦!这些单词可以帮助你理解课文哦!看标题、介绍和图片信息,完成:看标题、

2、介绍和图片信息,完成:Title: _ Who:_What are they probably talking about? _Where:_看标题、图片信息的作用:看标题、图片信息的作用:_三阅读中活动:三阅读中活动:活动活动 1 1:SkimmingSkimming 跳读,找出本文大意。跳读,找出本文大意。ListenListen toto thethe passagepassage andand getget thethe mainmain idea.idea. 1. Number each paragraph(标段落).There are _ paragraphs.2. Whats t

3、he main idea of the passage?_活动活动 2 2:ScanningScanning 找读,找出文中的细节。找读,找出文中的细节。(1) ReadRead thethe firstfirst PartPart (P1-7):(P1-7): DoDo thethe T T oror F F exercisesexercises andand telltell thethe reasons.reasons.1.1. SimonSimon isis afraidafraid ofof spiders.spiders. ( ( ) ) 2.2. SpidersSpiders a

4、reare thethe enemiesenemies ofof insects.(insects.( ) )3.3. TheThe spidersspiders fillfill theirtheir emptyempty stomachsstomachs withwith insects.(insects.( ) )pest control n. 害虫防止害虫防止 organ :gn n. 器官器官 bulletproof bulit.pru:fadj. 防弹的防弹的用心 爱心 专心- 2 -(2)(2) ReadRead thethe secondsecond PartPart (P8-

5、17)(P8-17) andand answeranswer thethe questions.questions.1.1. HowHow cancan thethe farmersfarmers savesave moneymoney onon pesticides?pesticides? _2.2. WhyWhy dodo scientistsscientists wantwant toto developdevelop a a materialmaterial likelike spidersspiders silk?silk?_3.What3.What cancan wewe lear

6、nlearn fromfrom thethe lastlast paragraph?paragraph?_活动活动 3 3:理解篇章结构。:理解篇章结构。ReadRead thethe passagepassage againagain andand matchmatch thethe reasonsreasons 根据文章内容根据文章内容找出原因。找出原因。. .1.1. DebbieDebbie isis afraidafraid ofof spiders.spiders.a.a. SpidersSpiders areare useful.useful.2.2. SimonSimon st

7、oppedstopped DebbieDebbie killingkilling a a spider.spider.b.b. ItIt isis strongerstronger thanthan steelsteel andand lighterlighter thanthan feather.feather.3.3. FamersFamers buildbuild sheltersshelters forfor spiders.spiders.c.c. SheShe thinksthinks theythey maymay bitebite someone.someone.4.4. Fa

8、rmersFarmers areare happy.happy.d.d. TheThe spidersspiders eateat harmfulharmful insectsinsects toto protectprotect theirtheir fields.fields.5.5. ScientistsScientists areare doingdoing a a lotlot ofof experimentsexperiments toto developdevelop a a materialmaterial whichwhich hashas thethe similarsim

9、ilar qualitiesqualities toto thethe silksilk inin spidersspiders webs.webs.e.e. TheyThey cancan survivesurvive thethe winterwinter andand eateat harmfulharmful insectsinsects whenwhen springspring es.1.1. _ 2.2. _ 3.3. _ 4.4. _ 5.5. _活动活动 4 4:GuessingGuessing thethe words.words. 猜单词(四人小组活动)猜单词(四人小组活

10、动)(1)(1) ReadRead thethe passagepassage againagain andand findfind outout thethe meaningmeaning ofof thethe newnew words.words.( ) 1.1. NoNo moremore bitsbits ofof deaddead animalsanimals forfor me.me. (P2)(P2)A.A. lifelesslifeless B.B. livingliving C.C. deliciousdelicious你从哪里知道答案:你从哪里知道答案:_用心 爱心 专心

11、- 3 -( )2.2. so,so, thethe spidersspiders fillfill theirtheir emptyempty stomachsstomachs withwith insects.insects. (P7)(P7) A.A. organsorgans ofof breathebreathe B.B. bonesbones C.C. organsorgans ofof digestiondigestion ( (消化)消化)你从哪里知道答案:你从哪里知道答案:_( )3.3. DoDo youyou knowknow whatwhat isis stronger

12、stronger thanthan steelsteel andand lighterlighter thanthan a a featherfeather? ?A.A. hairhair B.B. paperpaper C.C. ballball你从哪里知道答案:你从哪里知道答案:_谈谈你猜词的技巧谈谈你猜词的技巧:_(2 2)你还有别的猜词方法吗?试一试!)你还有别的猜词方法吗?试一试!TheyThey planplan toto useuse itit inin spaceships,spaceships, man-mademan-made organsorgans likelike hearts,hearts, andand toto makemake bulletproofbulletproof vests.vests.(P14P14)中文意思是:中文意思是:_谈谈你猜词的技巧:谈谈你猜词的技巧:_猜一猜:猜一猜: TheThe paintpaint isis waterproof.waterproof. 中文意思是:中文意思是:_四、阅读后活动四、阅读后活动AcquisitionsAcquisitions 学习心得:学习心得: WhatWhat dodo youyou thinkthink ofof thethe spiders?spid


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