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1、Vocabulary analysis Unit 5I. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1. Phrase practice 1. at hand = near in time or place (that is current) 当前的,在手边 e.g. He always kept the picture of his girlfriends close at hand.他总是把女朋友的相片放在身边。Your big moment is at hand. 你的重大时刻即将到来。 2. in sh

2、ort supply = difficult to find or obtain, scare 缺乏,不足 e.g. If you are confident, luck will be never in short supply.3. demand of ourselves = make an effort to attain 4. stand firmly for = insist on / stick toin the face of = despite / when faced with5. always give others credit = always recognize an

3、d praise rightly others achievement 给予赞扬 e.g. The teacher was given credit for encouraging students to face the difficulty. 老师因为鼓励学生 面对困难得到了大家的称赞。 6. Be yourself = behave in a way that is natural or normal 显得自然 e.g. Facing great honor and fame, he found it difficult to be himself. 面对巨大的荣誉,他觉得很 难保持自我

4、本色。II. Fill in the blank1. He was appointed manager of one of the European branches. 2. The hero of the novel gets some politically very unfair treatment. 3. Pinochet will have to account for his past actions when he was president. 4. The country has succumbed to great international pressure to with

5、draw its troops. 5. His great works of art have ensured his popularity in the last century.II. Fill in the blank6. When she entered the dark room, she instinctively felt in danger. 7. Many local companies are now faced with tough international competition. 8. Most people object to the idea of wiping

6、 out terrorism by going to war. 9. The real tough challenge for us is to ensure nobody goes hungry in the next century. 10. There is a seductive variety of bars downtown that youll feel like visiting.III. Multiple choise 1. choose用法最广,表示“选择,挑选”,侧重于通过意志或判断, 是最普通的用语。 e.g. Finally he chose the job that

7、 we offered. select“精选,挑选”,是指从同类的许多东西中仔细辨别后选择, 挑选最合适的,从而淘汰一部分。e.g. The boy selected the best things from the shop. pick“挑选,挑捡”,是仔细挑剔和苛刻地选择,多指挑选有形的 东西。 e.g. Will you help me pick strawberries? 常见搭配:pick ones way留心走路 pick ones words注意措辞 pick and choose挑三拣四 elect 表示“选举,推选”接班人或职位。 e.g. All the people ag

8、reed to elect him our chairman.III. Multiple choise5. act 行为,指单一的一次行动;action 行动,“军事行动”习惯上用“military action”behavior行为举止deed 事实,功绩8. assure的意思是:向保证,使确信,让放心,常用的 结构是: assure sb of sth / assure sb that . 使某人相信某事,后 面往往加sb。 ensure虽然也解释为“确保”、“保证”,ensure sth/ ensure that . 后面往往不跟sb,而加sth,解释为“确保某事” e.g. You

9、have to ensure that it is true.= you have to make sure that it is true. I assure that it is true= I am sure that it is true. IV. 1. morality vs. ethicsmorality = means the rightness or pureness of behaviour良好的行为,某一伦理体系或道德 (具体的)。 ethics = refers to (the study of) questions about what is morally right

10、 and wrong.道德原则及行为标准的体系,伦理学,行为准则(总则)。 2. demand vs. ask demand主语为人时,表示有正当权利的要求,因此指“坚决或强烈 要求” ,为物时表示“迫切需要”。 1. e.g. She demands a meeting tonight.(她要求今晚会见一次。) 2. The work demands care.(这项工作要细心。) 3. ask 一般用的比较多,比较通俗,语气也较客气。IV.3. genuine vs. realgenuine 指正宗原装,“真的;非伪造的;名副其实的 ” 相对于“仿制” it emphasizes the

11、fact of not being spurious, adulterated, imitated or counterfeit; e.g. The ring is genuine gold. 这戒指是真金的。 real 指真实的,不是想象的或者是编造的real refers to physically existent things. e.g. The danger is real. Hes a real person. IV.4. preserve vs. save save意为“保存,挽救,节约”,表示特别急需、紧迫,一旦失去就 难以用其他东西代替的物品,或者特指紧急挽救某人或某物 使其

12、脱离损害、危险或死亡,也可表示贮藏、节约以防他日 之需,这时save往往指点滴积累而非一日之功; preserve意为“保护,维护”,是较正式的用语,强调使用某种特殊 方法将一珍贵事物妥善保存使其不受丝毫损伤,甚至完整如 初; preserve:侧重将物品完好无损地保存下来。 save:普通用词,指尽量少用,以争取数量上有所增加。V. Give synonyms or antonyms1. honest synonyms: truthful, upright, frank 2. inner antonyms: outer, external, exterior 3. scarce synony

13、ms: rare, uncommon 4. hire antonyms: fire, sack, dismiss 1. 5. firmly synonyms: resolutely, determinedly 2. 6. afraid antonyms: fearless, dauntless, brave, bold 3. 7. unpleasing synonyms: unpleasant 4. 8. fashionable 5. antonyms: unfashionalbe, old-fashioned, outdatedVI. 1. It is dangerous for an in

14、experienced driver to drive a car in the center of Paris during the mid-day rush. (experience) experience (n.v.) 经历,经验experienced (adj.) 有经验的inexperienced (adj.) 无经验的,不熟练的experiment (n.) 经验,实验,尝试experimental (adj.) 实验(性)的,试验(性)的VI.2. Douglas, now that youre the head of the family, you must take your

15、 rightful place at the head of the table (right) right (adj.)正确的,对的,右边的,合适的rightful (adj.) 合法的,正确的,依法享有权利的rightless (adj.) 没有权利的rightness (n.) 正义性,正确性righteous (adj.) 公正的,公义的,当然的righteousness (n.) 正当,正义,正值VI.3. If you behave with this sort of impoliteness to your other customers, I dont think youll

16、remain in business long. (polite)polite (adj.)有礼貌的,客气的impolite (adj.) 不礼貌的,粗鲁的politeness (n.) 礼貌,优雅impoliteness (n.) 失礼,粗鲁VI.4. Kenneth gave the child a handful of sweets. (hand)hand (n) 手,掌握,协助handy (adj.) 方便的,手边的,灵巧的,便 于使用的,现成的handful (n.) 少数,一把,棘手之事VI.5. Dont put on any more of that perfume, Julie. Its heady stuff. (head)head (n.)头脑,能力,领袖,硬币的正面,顶端heading (n


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