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1、作为一个以冬季为主的国家,冬季体育运动是加拿大人十分擅长的。在历届冬季奥林匹克运动会中, 曾经就有两届分别在加拿大的卡尔加里市和温哥华市举办过,而且冬奥会的一些比赛项目也起源于加拿大。冰雪之国的加拿大,可以让你充分体验到冬季里非同一般的体育项目。(1) 冰球加拿大是世界冰球比赛项目的故乡,如今,冰球已经成为加拿大的国球。在加拿大,无论男女老少, 都非常热衷于冰球比赛。在冬天结冰的地面,就是人们天然的冰球场。人们穿着冰鞋, 手持球杆, 在冰面上尽情地展现高超的冰球技能。加拿大人对冰球比赛是十分关注的。冰球联盟 (NHL)是北美的四大联盟之一,与NBA齐名。在加拿大其知名度远超 NBA 。国际冰联

2、组织的世锦赛也是颇受加拿大人关注的国际赛事。在大多数的比赛中,加拿大经常位居榜首。无论是冰球联盟赛季,还是冰联世锦赛等其他大型国际赛事,加拿大涌现出了韦恩?格雷茨基、基努 ?里维斯等一批家喻户晓的冰球明星。目前,在全世界注册的130 万冰球运动员中,加拿大拥有的冰球运动员,就高达50.1万人,将近占总数的一半。即使以加拿大全国2980 万人口的比例来计算,加拿大的冰球运动员数量也绝对是世界第一。由于冰球运动的普及,加拿大的冰球馆数量也自然非常多。全国大大小小的冰球馆共计3300 座,这比其他所有国家冰球馆加在一起的数量还要多。如号称冰球界第二的美国,冰球馆为1500 座。其他国家,像瑞典有冰球

3、馆300 座、芬兰170 座、捷克 97 座以及俄罗斯 84 座。加拿大不愧为冰球之国。(2) 滑雪滑雪运动也是加拿大人十分喜爱的运动之一。当你从雪山坡道极速滑下来,那种感觉,即刺激又过瘾, 让你无法用更多的词语去描述它。在冬季,漫步于雪原时,你会看到无论大人小孩,很多都会背着雪橇往山地挺进,他们正是要去享受滑雪 (3) 滑冰运动滑冰运动在加拿大一样备受青睐。穿上冰刀鞋, 你不仅仅可以展示你滑冰的极速技能,而且还可以展示出你在冰面上那优美的舞姿。尤其是女生,当音乐响起,翩翩起舞的时候,宛如通话中水晶宫中的精灵一般! 只要有冰面的地方, 就 有滑冰爱好者在此纵情驰骋、起舞。加拿大滑冰运动的内容比

4、较多,如速滑、花样滑冰等。在国际赛事上,加拿大的滑冰运动员的比赛成绩经常名列前茅。在冬季中的加拿大,你不仅仅可以体验以上较为正规的体育运动,而且有狩猎、 越野滑雪等群众性体育运动供你体验。在寒冷的冬天, 这些运动不仅仅驱走了冬日的寒气,而且为人们带来了无限的欢乐,让冰雪中的加拿大到处洋溢着快乐的氛围。其他的运动,如长跑、慢跑游泳、划艇、篮球等,在近年来得到了广泛的开展。在NBA球队中, 其中有一支来自加拿大的球队多伦多猛龙队。这对爱好 NBA的中国粉丝来说并不陌生。篮球运动在北美国家中是一项很热门的体育项目。如果你爱好NBA,在多伦多,兴许你也有现场观看NBA赛事的机会。由于加拿大是一个移民国

5、家,所以也拥有一个丰富多采的饮食文化。其中,“三不”饮食文化便是别有一番情趣。“三不“为不设烟酒、不吃热食、不排桌席。As a country dominated by winter, winter sports is a Canadian excels at. In the previous winter Olympic Games, once the two respectively in the Canadian city of Calgary and Vancouver held, some of the games and the Winter Olympics alsoorigin

6、ated in canada. Country of snow and ice in Canada, allows you to fully experience the winter unusual sports. (1) ice hockey Canada is the world hockey projects hometown, now, has become the country ball hockey in canada. In Canada, regardless of people of all ages and both sexes, are very keen on ic

7、e hockey game. The ground freezes in winter, is peoples natural ice stadium. People wearing skates, armed with clubs, displayedsuperb skills in ice hockey. The Canadian hockey game is of great concern to. Ice Hockey League (NHL) is one of the four union of North America, along with NBA. In Canada th

8、e popularity far exceeds NBA. IIHF world championship is also a popular Canadian organizations concerned international events. In most of the game, often topped the list of canada. Both the hockey league season IIHF World Championships, or other large international events, Canada emerged WayneGretzk

9、y, Keanu Reaves and a number of ice hockey star make known to every family. At present, registered in the world hockey player in 1300000, Canada has an ice hockey player, as high as 501000 people, nearly half of the total. Even ifmeasured in 29800000 of the countrys population, the proportion of the

10、 number of Canadian hockey players, Canada also absolutely is the first in the world. Due to the popularity of ice hockey, Canada The number of Ice Hockey Hall also naturally very much. National small Hockey Hall a total of 3300 seats, it than all other countries plus the number of Ice Hockey Hall t

11、ogether more. Such as the so-called hockey field second AmericanHockey Hall, 1500 seat. Other countries, like Sweden Hockey Hall 300 seat, 170seat, 97 seat Finland Czech and Russia 84. Canada is worthy of the kingdom ofice hockey. (2) the ski Skiing is one of the Canadian very favorite sport. When y

12、ou slide down from themountain, the ramp speed that kind of feeling, is exciting and fun, let you cantdescribe it in more words. In the winter, walk in the snow, you will see both adults and children, many of them will be carrying a sledge went into the mountain, they are infinite pleasure to enjoy

13、skiing Moreover, a skialso is the school physical education teaching content, it provides an excellentopportunity for the international ski exercise Canadian students. Whistler and Blackcomb mountains is a Canadian outdoor skiers resort! (3) skating Skating in Canada favored. Put on ice skates shoe

14、s, you can not only show youthe speed skating skills, but also can show you the beautiful dancing on the ice.Especially the girls, when the music starts, the dancing time, like call Crystal Palace of elves! As long as there is ice skating enthusiasts in this place, there is the gallop, dance. The Ca

15、nadian ice skating more content, such as the speed skating, figure skating and other flowers. At the international level, the Canadianskater game scores often top. In the winter of Canada, experience more sports more formal you can not only,and hunting, cross-country skiing and other mass sports for

16、 your experience. In the cold winter, these movements not only drive away the winter chill, but also brought infinite joy to people, let the snow and ice in Canada everywhere permeated with a happy atmosphere. In other sports, such as running, jogging, swimming, rowing, basketball, in recent years has been widely carried out. In the NBA team, one from Canada te


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