Unit 1 Finding the Ideal Job

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《Unit 1 Finding the Ideal Job》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 1 Finding the Ideal Job(77页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1 Finding the Ideal Job单元词汇详解1. ad /d/ n. 广告(=advertisement) e.g. (1) Thats an interesting ad. 那是个有趣的广告。(2) I got four replies to my ad about the bicycle for sale. 已经收到了四份对我出售自行车广告的回信。2. career /kr/ n. 生涯;职业;事业 e.g. (1) His early career was not a great success. 他早期的职业生涯并不很成功。(2) Young as I am,

2、I already know what career I want to follow. 我虽然还小,可是对要从事的职业已胸有成竹了。begin enter a career 开始从事一种职业ruin ones career 葬送事业 vi. 猛冲;飞跑 (1) He careered down the road on a bicycle. 他骑着自行车沿路飞奔而去。4. hire /ha/ v. 聘用;录用;雇用 e.g. (1) We dont want to hire inexperienced worker. 我们不想聘用没有经验的工人。(2) We hired an advertis

3、ing company for help to sell our product. 我们雇用了一家广告公司来推销我们的产品。hire oneself to sb. 受雇于某人3. engaged /ngedd/ adj. 有人用的;已订婚的;(指电话)占线的;忙碌的 e.g. (1) Jack and Anne are engaged. 杰克和安妮订婚了。(2) There were six engaged couples at the party. 宴会席上有六对订婚的夫妇。6. interview /ntvju:/ n. 面试;采访 e.g. (1) How was your interv

4、iew with Michigan? 你跟密歇根大学的人面谈得如何?(2) He mentioned that problem at our interviews. 他在我们会谈时提到了那个问题。request an interview with sb. 请求会见某人 interviewee /ntvju:i:/ n. 被接见者;被访问者;被面试者 interviewer /ntvju:(r)/ n. 采访者;接见者;(面试时的)主考官5. ideal /adi:l/ adj. 理想的;完美的 e.g. (1) It is an ideal day for a picnic. 这是一个出外野餐

5、的理想日子。(2) Its my ideal of what a family home should be. 这是我心目中完美的家庭住宅。7. incredible /nkredbl/ adj. 不可思议的;惊人的;难以置信的 e.g. (1) He has an incredible house! 他有一所极美的房子!(2) It was the most incredible experience. 那是最非凡的体验。 注意:incredible指通过事实证明是难以置信的,其含意是正面的,不能用 在否定句、疑问句和条件句中。8. job-hunting /dbhnt/ n. 找工作,求职

6、 e.g. Lack of education was a liability in getting a job. 文化低对找工作不利。9. manager /mnd/ n. 经理,管理者 e.g. (1) I want to speak to the sales manager. 我想找营业部经理。(2) My wife is an excellent manager. 我太太是个很好的管家。 manage /mnd/ v. 管理;经营;做成;设法对付 e.g. I shall be able to manage it without help. 我一个人能行。10. manual /mnj

7、ul/ n. 手册;指南 e.g. A maintenance manual gives diagrams and instructions for repairing your car. 维修手册向您提供修理汽车所需的图表和说明。11. matchmaker /mtmek(r)/ n. 媒人,介绍人 e.g. (1) At that time, the matchmaker arranged us to meet at a park. 那时,媒人安排我们在公园见面。(2) The receptionist was a real matchmaker. 接待员真的是一个媒人。12. parac

8、hute /pru:t/ n. 降落伞 e.g. (1) The parachute puffed all around. 降落伞噗地张开了。(2) When his parachute failed he thought he was a goner. 他的降落伞打不开了,他想他算完了。13. posting /pst/ n. 广告;招贴14. professional /prfenl/ n. 专业人士 adj. 专业的;职业的 e.g. (1) He is a professional journalist. 他是一位专门的新闻从业人员 。(2) We joined a professio

9、nal organization for teachers. 我们参加了一个专门的教师组织。 profession /prfen/ n. 职业;声明;行业;信仰15. realize /ri:laz/ v. 实现;了解,意识到 e.g. (1) Im sorry to say I didnt realize that. 很遗憾我没意识到那个。(2) Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off? 你知道这些衬衫都卖半价了吗? realizable /ri:lazbl/ adj. 可实现的;可实行的;可感觉的 My dream to b

10、e a lawyer is realizable. 我成为律师的梦想是可以实现的。16. rsum /rezju:mei/ n. 简历 e.g. (1) Do you have a rsum with you? 你带个人履历了吗?(2) Update your rsum and cover letter. 更新你的简历和求职信。17. reward /rw:d/ n. 报酬;报答;赏金;酬金 e.g. (1) You have received a just reward. 你已得到了应有的报酬。(2) An act of kindness deserves a reward. 做好事,当然要

11、有报答。in reward 作为酬报18. salary /slri/ n. 薪水 e.g. (1) His money comes mainly from salary. 他的收入主要来自工资 。(2) I want to speak to her in the matter of my salary.我想跟她谈谈我的薪水问题。salary, pay, wages 这组词都有“薪水”“工资”的意思。其区别在于: 1. pay是普通用词,不可数,意思是“工资,薪水”,指工作所得到的酬金 ,也可特指发给军人的薪饷,强调付了钱,不如salary和wages正式。 2. salary一般指脑力劳动者

12、的月薪或年俸。例如:He lived on his salary. 他靠薪水生活。The company pays good salary. 这个公司的薪金高。 3. wages多指体力劳动者按天或按周领取的工钱。例如:Her wages are one hundred dollars a week. 她的工资为每周100美元。19. setting /set/ n. 环境;(某事、戏剧、小说等的)背景 e.g. (1) Our story has its setting in ancient Rome.我们这个故事的背景是古罗马。(2) An informal work setting he

13、lps to build employee enthusiasm and morale.不拘形式的工作环境提高了员工的热情与士气。20. skill /skl/ n. 技能,技巧,才能,本领 e.g. (1) The crisis put his courage and skill to the test.这次危难是对他的勇气和技能的考验。(2) His hard work atones for his lack of skill.他的努力弥补了技术上的不足。21. skydiving /skadav/ n. 跳伞运动 e.g.Skydiving is really a breathtakin

14、g sport.跳伞真的是让人激动的运动。22. specific /spsfk/ adj. 明确的;具体的;免疫学特效的 e.g. (1) He gave us very specific instructions.他给我们做了非常明确的指示。(2) This tells you that there is a specific distinction between the right and the wrong.这件事告诉你是与非是有明确区别的。 specification /spesfken/ n. 规格;详述 23. training /tren/ n. 训练;培养 e.g. (1)

15、 The champion is in training for his next fight.这位冠军为了下一场比赛正在进行训练。(2) They finished the preparatory training.他们完成了预备训练。 train /tren/ v. 训练;培训24. updated /pdetd/ adj. 最新的;现代化的;适时的 e.g. (1) The updated record is displayed in the control.更新的记录显示在控件中。(2) The data should be updated once a week. 这些数据应该每星期

16、更新一次。25. expert /ekspt/ n. 专家 e.g. (1) According to expert opinions, they gave up the experiment immediately. 根据专家们的意见,他们马上放弃了这项试验。(2) He is an expert in unarmed combat. 他是徒手格斗的能手。1. FOCUS ON THE TOPIC2. FOCUS ON READING3. FOCUS ON WRITING1. FOCUS ON THE TOPICA. PredictB. Share informationC. Background and v


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