新标准大学英语4unit5Active Reading 2

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1、MappingMappingEmbarkation Embarkation Navigation Navigation Destination Destination Resources Learning about gender stereotype Learning to evaluate the text by leitmotifActive reading 2: MappingActive reading 2: MappingAdam and EveActive reading 2: EmbarkationActive reading 2: EmbarkationA poemSexis

2、m in languageSexism in the workplaceGender stereotypeGender stereotypeActive reading 2:Active reading 2: EmbarkationEmbarkationRead a definition of stereotype and complete the boxes. Stereotypes are generalizations, or assumptions, that people make about the characteristics of all members of a group

3、, based on an image (often wrong) about what people in that group are like.MoreGender stereotypeActive reading 2:Active reading 2: EmbarkationEmbarkationInside the box write your presumptions about what ideal husbands or wives are like. Ideal husband Ideal wife1. tough2. capable3. reliable1. caring2

4、. patient3. faithful To win the heart of their love, what will people do?clickGender stereotypeActive reading 2:Active reading 2: EmbarkationEmbarkationTo win girls heart, young men have to be trained as tough, capable and reliable. Or they will most probably bemoan their bachelors status for the re

5、st of their lives. Similarly, girls are prone to let on that they will become faithful wives and loving mothers even if they are not the type.A poemActive reading 2:Active reading 2: EmbarkationEmbarkationRead a poem written by Alfred Tennyson. Discuss whether you agree with it and then translate it

6、 into Chinese.Man for the field and woman for the hearth. Man for the sword and for the needle she. Man with the head and woman with the heart. Man to command and woman to obey.- Alfred TennysonclickA poemActive reading 2:Active reading 2: EmbarkationEmbarkation1. 男耕女织,男武女文,男刚女柔,男尊女卑。2. 男人耕作女持家;男上战场

7、女纺纱。男人冷静女优柔;男施命令女听话。3. 男人主外女主内,男人舞剑女缝衣,男人理智女多情,男人吆喝女相随。4.男持外,女主内,男打仗,女制衣。男有脑,女有心,男发令,女执行。 MoreA poemActive reading 2:Active reading 2: EmbarkationEmbarkation5. 男人是大地的主宰,女人是家庭的皇帝,男人用利剑打天下,女人用利针守家门,男人用脑征服女人,女人用心征服男人,男人惯于命令女人,女人习惯服从男人。These beliefs are so ingrained in our consciousness that many of us

8、think that gender roles are natural, so we dont question them. Even if we dont consciously subscribe to them as part of our own belief system, our culture bombards us with messages about what it means to be men and women today. Gender stereotypeActive reading 2:Active reading 2: EmbarkationEmbarkati

9、onThese beliefs are so ingrained in our consciousness that many of us think that gender roles are natural, so we dont question them. Even if we dont consciously subscribe to them as part of our own belief system, our culture bombards us with messages about what it means to be men and women today. Ad

10、am and EveActive reading 2:Active reading 2: EmbarkationEmbarkationListen to a recording about how Adam and Eve were made and punished for their sin. MoreAdam and EveActive reading 2:Active reading 2: EmbarkationEmbarkation1. How was the man made?He was made from the dust of the ground. 2. Why was t

11、he woman created and why was she called woman?A helper suitable for the man. She was made out of a rib taken out of the man.Listen and answer the questions.ScriptAfter Adam and Eve were deceived by the serpent into eating the fruit of the forbidden tree, they were punished by the Lord God. Continue

12、listening.clickAdam and EveActive reading 2:Active reading 2: EmbarkationEmbarkationBackAdam and EveActive reading 2:Active reading 2: EmbarkationEmbarkationTo the woman he said, “I will greatly _ your pain in childbirth. In pain you will bring forth children. Your _ will be for your husband, and he

13、 will _ over you.” To Adam he said, “Because you have listened to your wifes voice, and have eaten of the tree, of which I _ you, saying, You shall not eat of it, cursed is the _ for your sake. In _ you will eat of it all the days of your life. Thorns also and thistles will it bring forth to you; an

14、d you will eat the herb of the field. By the _ of your face will you eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken. For you are _, and to dust you shall return.” Listen and complete the sentences. multiplydesiregroundtoilsweatdustcommandedruleSexism in languageActive reading

15、 2:Active reading 2: EmbarkationEmbarkationWork in groups to collect examples to show sexism in English and Chinese language. clickExampleAct like a man!This sentence implies that men should not cry and should be brave and look tough.Sexism in languageActive reading 2:Active reading 2: EmbarkationEm

16、barkation1. Women are fragile.Eg: Frailty, thy name is women. Woman is made to weep.Woman is made of glass.2. Women are changeable.Eg: Women, wind and fortune are ever changing.MoreIf men knew all that women think, theyd be twenty times more daring. 女人心海底针。女大十八变。Sexism in languageActive reading 2:Active reading 2: EmbarkationEmbarkation3. Women are ignorant. Eg: Long hair and short wit. 头发长,见识短。女子无才便是德。妇人之见。 男子汉不同妇人一般见识。 4. Women


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