七年级英语下册 module 10 unit 1 what did you do课件1 (新版)外研版

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1、 I say go , I say went.Get get get ,got got got . Have have have, had had had.Do do do, did did did.Take take take,took took took.See see see, saw saw saw.I say walk, I say walked.Watch watch watch, watched watched watched.Play play play, played played played.Clean clean clean, cleaned cleaned clean

2、ed.过去式特容易,一般情况加ed。 如果末尾有个e,通常直接加上d。 辅音字母加y,需把y变i。 重读一辅闭音节,双写一辅加ed。 不规则的特殊变,特殊变化特殊记。过去式变化规律记忆口诀:A doggerel for you!Guess: What did I do last Sunday?went to the zoocleaned the roomread a bookd:n (远距离)旅行Learning aims:一、知识目标:1. 掌握单词和短语:Pacific, so, guess, excited,enjoy, on holiday,drive sb. to , how lon

3、g, 2. 掌握句型:How long did it take to get there? How long did you stay there? What did you do?Did you? 二、能力目标能在实际情境中用一般过去时介绍过去发生的事情。 三、情感目标通过体验和分享旅行的快乐,培养对不同文化的兴趣,及热爱生活 、享受生 活的乐观态度。/psIfIk/adjPacific太平洋的 (拍手读读拼)/su/ so那么;这么 adv. (升降调读调读 )/es/ guess猜测 v. (步步高读读)快乐读单词/IksaItId/ excited 激动的; adj.(最快速读)/wa

4、/ wow哇;噢 int. (最大声读读)sosoguessguessPacificPacific兴奋的兴奋的(读、拼)(读、拼) Magic Eye!加利福尼亚州klif:nj太平洋psfkn好莱坞hliwd 圣莫尼卡snt mnik迪斯尼乐园 dznilnd Santa MonicaLos AngelesDisneylandFind these places on the map.a Californiab Hollywoodc Los Angelesd Pacific Oceane Santa Monicaf Disneyland1a) Californiab) Hollywoodc)

5、Los Angelesd) Pacific Oceane) Santa Monicaf) Disneyland 14265 3Now listen and number the places as you hear them.Our friend Betty went to Los Angeles two years ago?What did she do there?Listen and read. Finish the following tasks.Task1:(听音并画出文中的过去式)Read them loudly! go went-went take-took-took see-s

6、aw-saw do-did-did meet-met-met swim-swam-swam drive-drove-drove enjoy-enjoyed-enjoyed stay-stayed-stayed1.What is Tony going to do on holiday? A. Go to England. B. Go to Los Angeles. C. Go to the Paris. 2. Betty went Los Angeles _. A.two years ago B. four years ago C. three years ago3. How long did

7、it take to get to Los Angeles? A.about nine hours. B. about five hours. C. about ten hours. 4. Who was with Betty?_. A. Her mum. B. Her dad. C. Her mum and dad. 5.Where is Betty going on holiday this year?A. New York B. Paris C. Sydney Task 2:Watch the video and choose the correct answers.(看视频,选出正确答

8、案) 1.How did Betty get to Los Angeles?She flew there. 2. How did Betty get to her friends home?Her friends drove her. 3. Why was Betty excited at Disneyland?Because she met Snow White and Mickey Mouse. 4. How long did she stay in Disneyland?She stayed for two days. 5. Where did she go swimming?She s

9、wam in the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica.Task 3:(Group work)小组合作展示不同形式 Read and answer the question.Two years ago, Betty _ (go) to Los Angeles. It _ (take) her about nine hours.Her friends _ (meet) her at the airport and _(drive) her to their home. Next, they _ (stay) for two days in Disneyland. The

10、n she went to Hollywood. At last she _ (get) to Santa Monica, and _ (swim) in the Pacific Ocean. The journey _(is) great.took met drove stayedgot swamwaswentTask4:Bettys journey2.我们的朋友接了我们并开车把我们送到他们家。Our friends met us and drove us to their home.1.你打算去哪里度假?Where are you going on holiday?小小充电站on holi

11、day在度假 drive sb. to开车带某人到meet sb.接某人3.你在那儿呆了多长时间?我们呆在那里两个小时。How long did you stay there? We stayed there for two hours.How long:“多长时间”, 用于对“一段时间”的提问. 4.到那儿花费了你多长时间?How long did it take to get there?It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间 It takes me two hours to do my homework every day.5.我是如此

12、的兴奋。I was so excited .Excited“激动的; 兴奋的”常用来修饰人. Exciting“令人激动的; 令人兴奋的”常用来修饰物. I was so exited. The story is very exciting.Read them quickly! 1.on holiday在度假 2.meet sb.接某人/见到某人 3.drive sb. to开车带某人到 4.how long “多长时间”, 用于对“for+一段时间”的提问. 5.so excited如此兴奋excited“激动的; 兴奋的”常用来修饰人.exciting“令人激动的; 令人兴奋的”常用来修饰

13、物.6. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间跟踪训练,将落实进行到底!1. It takes Tom half an hour _(watch)TV every day. 2.He is _about the _news. A.excited, excited B.exciting,excited C.excited,exciting3.We stayed there for two days. _ _ _ you _ there?4.My father_the park last week.(开车带我到)excited修饰人;excit

14、ing修饰物how long “多长时间”, 用于对“for+一段时间”的提问.drive sb.to开车带某人到, 此处用过去式drove.It takes sb. some time to do sth.做某事花去某人多长时间to watchlongdrove me toHowdidstay8.我们的朋友接了我们并开车把我们送到他们家。Our friends met us and drove us to their home.4.你在那儿呆了多长时间?我们呆在那里两个小时。How long did you stay there? We stayed there for two hours.

15、2.我是如此的兴奋。I was so excited .6.到那儿花费了你多长时间?How long did it take to get there?1.你打算去哪里度假?Where are you going on holiday?5.你和谁一起?Who was with you?好句天天背7.你做了什么?3.你猜怎么着?Guess what?What did you do?1.你打算去哪里度假?2.我是如此兴奋。3.你在那儿呆了多长时间?我们呆在那里两个小时。4.你猜怎么着?Where are you going on holiday?I was so excited.How long did you stay there? We stayed there for two hours.Guess what?句子大 PK!5.你和谁一起?6.到那儿花费了你多长时间?7.你做了什么?8.我们的朋友接了我们并开车把我们送到他们家。Who was with you?How long did it take to get there?Our friends met us and drove us to their home.What did you do?句子大 PK!What did they do


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