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1、Sacrilege 解释GRE 红宝书n.亵渎 , 冒犯神灵Webster Collegiate noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin sacrilegium, from sacrilegus one who robs sacred property, from sacr-, sacer + legere to gather, steal more at legend Date: 14th century 1. a technical and not necessarily intrinsically out

2、rageous violation (as improper reception of a sacrament) of what is sacred because consecrated to God 2. gross irreverence toward a hallowed person, place, or thing ?sacrilegious adjective ?sacrilegiously adverb ?sacrilegiousness noun - Sacrosanct 解释GRE 红宝书adj. 神圣不可侵犯的英 adj. 神圣不可侵犯的( very sacred, ho

3、ly, or inviolable) 记 sacro ( 神圣 ) +sanct ( 神圣 ) - 十分神圣的同同根词: sanctity ( 圣洁 , 神圣 ) ;sanctum ( 圣所 , 私室 ) Webster Collegiate adjective Etymology: Latin us, probably from sacro sanctus hallowed by a sacred rite Date: 1601 1. most sacred or holy ; inviolable 2. treated as if holy ; immune from criticism

4、or violation zuoxiepolitically programs ?ity noun - Sadden 解释GRE 红宝书v. 使伤心 , 使悲哀英 v. 使伤心 , 使悲哀( make sad) 类反义词: exhilarate ( 使高兴 ) 记 sad ( 悲哀的 ) +en Webster Collegiate verb (ed; ing) Date: 1628 transitive verb m to make sad intransitive verb m to become sad - Saddle 解释GRE 红宝书n. 鞍, 马鞍英 n. 鞍, 马鞍( a se

5、at of a rider on a horse) Webster Collegiate I. noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English sadel, from Old English sadol; akin to Old High German satul Date: before 12th century 1. m a. (1) a girthed usually padded and leather-covered seat for the rider of an animal (as a horse) (2) a p

6、art of a driving harness comparable to a that is used to keep the breeching in place m b. a seat to be straddled by the rider of a vehicle (as a bicycle) 2. a device mounted as a support and often shaped to fit the object held 3. m a. a ridge connecting two higher elevations m b. a pass in a mountai

7、n range 4. m a. both sides of the unsplit back of a carcass including both loins m b. a colored marking on the back of an animal m c. the rear part of a male fowls back extending to the tail see duck illustration 5. the central part of the spine of the binding of a book 6. a piece of leather across

8、the instep of a shoe ?less adjective II. verb (d; saddling) Date: before 12th century transitive verb m 1. to put a on m 2. a. to place under a burden or encumbrance b. to place (an onerous responsibility) on a person or group intransitive verb m to mount a d horse - Sadistic 解释GRE 红宝书adj.施虐狂的 , 性施虐

9、狂的英 adj.施虐狂的 , 性施虐狂的( inclined to cruelty) Webster Collegiate adjective see sadism - Safari 解释GRE 红宝书n. 狩猎旅行 , 长途考察英 n. 狩猎旅行 , 长途考察( a journey or hunting expedition) 记来自阿拉伯语safar ( 回历 2 月) , safari 指该时间开始的游猎活动例 an Arctic safari ( 北极考察 ) Webster Collegiate noun Etymology: Swahili, journey, from Arabi

10、c safarof a journey Date: 1868 1. the caravan and equipment of a hunting expedition especially in eastern Africa; also such a hunting expedition 2. journey, expedition ? intransitive verb - Safeguard 解释GRE 红宝书n. 防卫措施 , 防范措施英 n. 防卫措施 , 防范措施( guard against loss or injury) 记组合词: safe ( 安全的 ) +guard ( 保

11、卫 ) Webster Collegiate I. noun Etymology: Middle English saufgarde, from Anglo-French, from sauf safe + garde guard Date: 14th century 1. m a. pass, safe-conduct m b. convoy, escort 2. m a. a precautionary measure, stipulation, or device m b. a technical contrivance to prevent accident II. transitiv

12、e verb Date: 15th century 1. to provide a for 2. to make safe ; protect Synonyms: see defend - Sagacious 解释GRE 红宝书 adj. 聪明的 , 睿智的英 adj. 聪明的 , 睿智的( showing keen perception and foresight) 类反义词: without wisdom ( 无智商的 ) ; puerile ( 幼稚的 ) 记 sag ( 敏锐 ) +acious - 敏锐的 , 聪明的Webster Collegiate adjective Etymo

13、logy: Latin sagac-, sagax, from sagire to perceive keenly; akin to Latin sagus prophetic more at seek Date: 1607 1. obsolete keen in sense perception 2. m a. of keen and farsighted penetration and judgment ; discerning zuoxie judge of character m b. caused by or indicating acute discernment zuoxie p

14、urchase of stock Synonyms: see shrewd ?ly adverb ?ness noun - Sagacity 解释GRE 红宝书n. 聪慧英 n. 聪慧( penetrating intelligence and sound judgement) Webster Collegiate noun Date: 15th century the quality of being sagacious - Sage 解释GRE 红宝书adj. 智慧的 ; n. 智者英 adj. 智慧的( wise, discerning) ; n. 智者( a very wise per

15、son) 类 sage : wisdom / philanthropist : benevolence ( 哲人有智慧/ 慈善家有爱心 ) 记 sag ( 敏锐 ) +e - 智慧的Webster Collegiate I. adjective (r; st) Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *sapius, from Latin sapere to taste, have good taste, be wise; akin to Oscan sipus knowing, Old Saxon ansebbian to perceive Date: 14th century 1. m a. wise through reflection and experience m b. archaic grave, solemn 2. proceeding from or characterized by wisdom, prudence, and good judgment zuoxie advice Synonyms: see wise ?ly adverb ?ness noun II. noun Date: 14th century 1. o


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